You don't deserve a republican congress

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Oct 9, 2006
Everett, WA
I've been asking over and over and over again why I should vote republican. The only answer I've gotten from any of you is "because the Democrats..."

I don't care about the Democrats! I know why I don't want to vote for them. But I don't know why I should vote for the republicans, because no one will say why, only why not.

So this is my final attempt. I live in a very blue state. I want to convince my friends to vote republican. They don't all carry guns, so the 2nd amendment alone is not a good enough reason for them. I want to know why I should vote republican, Not why I shouldn't vote Democrat!

Is anyone willing to answer this question? If not... well, you don't deserve a republican congress.
For me, it comes down to the lesser of two evils. Of course, that's still a vote for evil...

My republican representatives worry me. My Democrat representatives terrify me. It really comes down to that.

I *really* wish we had some better choices, but in the end I believe that we get the government we deserve.

If you want your Gun rights intact, you better care...

I like to think of it this way..not the lesser of 2 evils, but the better person for the job...Think positive, you will live longer
Not having the current republican congress would be a good thing, what have they done for the nation that you would consider a positive? I don't think anyone deserves a goverment thats hellbent on making themselves more powerful and larger then needed, and have become so entrenched they have forgotten what it means to be elected to represent WE, The PEOPLE, not their assets.
Well until we have Jesus for Congress, it's always going to be the lesser of 2 evils. What I want to know is why Republican is the lesser... Not why Demcrat is the greater.
Ok back to the original question:

You want republicans because they intend the kicks some terrorist ass
You want republicans because the majority dont want to raise taxes
You want republicans so that liberals dont get control of anything
You want republicans because IMHO they represent the people and not the corporations unlike the dems and liberals who want to globalize us and turn us into a socialist police state
You want republicans because you want to keep your guns
Why vote Republican ?

Easy: two reasons.

1) They are the party that is voting pro-RKBA; and
2) They are much more likely to appoint pro-RKBA Supreme Court Justices.

The proof of (2) is easy: Bush appointed Alioto and Roberts. They haven’t really been tested yet, but I have much more confidence in them, untested, than I would have had with two appointments by GoreKerry (Another Ruth Bader Ginsburg, anyone ?)

For number (1), we can look at the relative recent historical record and the very recent record.

This post from Bartholomew Roberts really nails the first part:

If you still have all of your guns, it is certainly not because of Democrats.

Let's take a look at federal gun control legislation, shall we?

1934 National Firearms Act - proposed by Democrat, signed by Democratic President.

1968 Gun Control Act - proposed by Democrat, signed by Democratic President

1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act - proposed by Republican, the one gun control provision added (closing the NFA registry to civilians) is added by a Democrat controlled House

1994 Brady Law - proposed by Democrat, signed by a Democratic President

1994 Assault Weapons Ban - proposed by a Democrat, signed by a Democratic President

Let's look at some of the past bills supported by recent Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry:

Kerry co-sponsored S.1431 - the bill expanding the ban on semi-auto weapons to include guns such as the Remington 1187 he was photographed with on the campaign trail.

Kerry voted twice to kill the CMP. If he doesn't trust you with 1903 bolt-actions and Garands, what does he trust you with?

Kerry voted in March 2004 to extend the existing semi-auto ban.

When Kerry mentor and top Democrat Ted Kennedy stood up in february 2004 to introduce his bill saying:

"Another rifle caliber, the 30.30 caliber, was responsible for penetrating three officers' armor and killing them in 1993, 1996, and 2002. This ammunition is also capable of puncturing light-armored vehicles, ballistic or armored glass, armored limousines, even a 600-pound safe with 600 pounds of safe armor plating.

It is outrageous and unconscionable that such ammunition continues to be sold in the United States of America." (Page S1634 of the Congressional Record, February 26, 2004)

John Kerry voted YES to ban .30-30 and other centerfire rifle ammo as armor-piercing.

Of course, all of that is from 2004 - shall we look at current gun control legislation sponsored by Democrats in Congress to see what they have planned for us in the future? Shall we look to Democrat controlled New Orleans in the wake of Katrina for an answer? Should we look to the new wave of weapons banned in California every year?

Better yet, in the interests of brevity, why don't you just list for us all the pro-gun legislation introduced by Democrats this year?

We have all read the same Dem strategy paper advanced by Americans For Gun Safety that basically tries to repackage the old Democratic gun control agenda as a "gun safety issue" while at the same time being less openly hostile to gun owners (I.e. "I support the Second Amendment; but you should still be registered, licensed and tracked like sex offenders when you are allowed to own guns at all"). The Dems need a REAL pro-gun strategy if they want pro-gun votes.

And for the second part, the recent voting records, consider:

The Senate vote on the Gun Industry Shield was voted on last year, and I count Rs and Ds as follows:

Voting Republicans in favor of the Shield:
50 to 2, or 96.15%.

Voting Democrats in favor of the Shield:
14 to 29, or 32.56%.

And, more recently, 16 senators voted against H.R. 5013 to prohibit the confiscation of firearms:

(D-HI), Boxer (D-CA), Clinton (D-NY), Dodd (D-CT), Durbin, (D-IL), Feinstein (D-CA), Harkin (D-IA), Inouye (D-HI), Kennedy (D-MA), Lautenberg (D-NJ), Levin (D-MI), Menendez (D-NJ), Mikulski (D-MD), Reed (D-RI), Sarbanes (D-MD), Schumer (D-NY).

Do you Detect any pattern ?
SilverBullet, you just made my day. This is what I've been waiting for all along. It's pro-republican, not anti-Democrat. Thank you. (however the quote is bashing kerry, not promoting any republican candidates, so... whatever)

You too, SoCal.
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Sure no problem try to be helpful whenever possible, silver bullet did a better job than I did, when I read mine again seemed more like a rant, always thought it was a bit obvious atleast as of late with all the political ads and such.
SoCal, your post was fine and just what I was looking for. It wasn't a rant (at least not any more than any other political statement around election day, lol).
Well, I guess who's the better choice depends on where YOU stand on ALL of the issues. Personally, I do not like higher taxes, a welfare state, a party that wishes to make victims out of criminals, blindly supports all junk environmental "science," who thinks I need to be disarmed, and left to the devices of the government for my protection, or who wants to "negotiate and discuss" policy with groups who want to see the entire free world either dead, or converted to radical Islam.

IMO, NEITHER party is doing ANY semblance of a good job at governing. The Republicans have outspent the liberals on welfare issues, given into gross misconduct in office, and have sold out the public in the name of who has the fatter wallet to fill their coffers for the next campaign.

So, who should you vote for? Do your homework on your local candidates, and make your decision from there.
Irony is living on the border of 2 districts. So while I've seen roughly 345,238,233,239 mud-slinging ads between Chuck Taylor and Heath Shuler on the local TV...

I AIN'T IN THAT DISTRICT!!! :cuss:'s OK...because I AM in PATRICK MCHENRY'S district!

He's pro-2A, and also pro-border security. He recognizes the United Nations for the corrupst cesspool of do-nothings and anti-Americans it is.

And I'm not positive, but I think I heard he was a co-sponsor of a statement commending the good job the Capitol Police were doing (at about the same time a certian congresswoman assaulted a member of that force and promptly blamed THEM for it! :rolleyes: )

There are certian things that I don't agree with: I SUPPORT stem cell research and oppose the guest worker program lauded by the President and the more left-leaning Republicans.

But overall, I agree far more with Republicans than Democrats.
I'd be glad to vote for the Republicans, if only so many weren't really representatives of the Democratic (sic) party.

At least I know what the Libertarians stand for. The Republicrats and Democans seem to be essentially the same.
Voting is often defensive. We don't have to invent some set of great virtues for the GOP. It's all relative, and the choice is clear to most, I would like to think.

If you knew the enemy, you would not pose the question. All we should really address here is gun ownership, finding it extremely difficult to number Democrats among our friends. At the same time the GOP in total has explicitly and distinctly supported gun owner's concerns and interests. I could never say that it was as much as we would like, so again it is all relative. Who to vote for among a bunch of gun owners who pay attention is pretty easy to answer. If you want lots of other reasons, you could get and have gotten some good answers, but we surely have our biases.

Although they may appear at times to be indistinguishable in a certain context, each party has its biases. One concerned about gun ownership will come up far better on the GOP side, and there is plenty of evidence for it, again not as much as we would like.

All these last ditch threads directly or indirectly suggesting that a politically aware gun owner should vote Democrat for Congress are just crazy, and if not ignorant, are about as desperate and pathetic an attempt at propaganda as one could imagine.

Many here don't have a higher priority (than guns) as far as issues go. You could just explain that gun ownership is the foundation of citizen's ultimately controlling their own government. Voting for Republicans is the only current way to really protect that principle. That idea is in the Constitution, so we would be inclined to favor any support of the entire document. We expect and demand that the GOP represent that best. But here you go again...the Democrats are certainly not doing it.
I voted for the less popular of 2 evils- A/A rated Katherine Harris vs F/F- rated Bill Nelson. And I dont like Harris except for the fact that she ISN'T Nelson, especially in the most important way. Unfortunately she just screwed up too badly and pissed off too many of her own allies this time, so we are stuck with another 6 crappy years of Nelson. It is amazing that someone as liberal and anti-gun as Nelson could hold on for 12 fricken years in Florida of all places. I'm really pissed at the Florida republican party for missing an opportunity to unseat him.

Oh I voted to Re-elect Charles Bronson for Commissioner of Agriculture because it totally rules that my CCW is signed by Charles Bronson.

And hopefully Crist will win over that gun-grabbing turd Davis. I voted for him.

Pretty much a straight republican ticket this time. No hard choices, it was all pro-gun conservatives vs gun-grabbing socialists.

Showed up early, sun just up:

Just outside the "no campaigning" line:

Yeah, it goes on for quite a ways:
I want to know if there are any scientists on this board, and if there are, I want to hear from them why the so called "environmental junk science" is considered junk. Even NASA has come out and said global warming is real, for example.

I want to know that from someone who is a scientist, not from someone sitting posting on a board claiming it's junk based on what they've been told, or what they've read.

Pro gun people need to stop throwing insults at the other crowd and realize in their minds they think their causes are every bit as just and legitimate as the pro gun causes.

There are people running this time around who are Democrat that I sure will not vote for. But there are also Republicans I sure won't vote for either.
Realgun Said:
All these last ditch threads directly or indirectly suggesting that a politically aware gun owner should vote Democrat for Congress are just crazy, and if not ignorant, are about as desperate and pathetic an attempt at propaganda as one could imagine.

-I didn't directly or indirectly suggest anything supporting the Democrats.
-I am not ignorate, desperate or pathetic
-I am not creating propaganda for the Democrats
-I DID start this thread

For the above reasons, you owe me an appology. That statement was uncalled for.
Not having the current republican congress would be a good thing, what have they done for the nation that you would consider a positive?

Uh, ever heard of TAX CUTS! (Which spurred the economy).
Uh, didn't the AWB expire during their watch.

Before I was a gun owner, taxes were my single issue. Now I have 2 good reasons to vote Republican.

If the Republicans are not doing everything that you want, get involved. You could volunteer as a Republican Precinct Committemen and effect change at the grass roots level. That's what I've done.
I want to know if there are any scientists on this board, and if there are, I want to hear from them why the so called "environmental junk science" is considered junk. Even NASA has come out and said global warming is real, for example.
At what point does someone become a scientist, in your mind? Is any scientific field good enough, or must it be ecological or environmental science? Must the person be an active researcher? An active researcher in a specific field? Are you trying an underhanded attempt at disqualifying all people from disagreeing with you? Your NASA argument seems suspiciously like an appeal to authority rather than a rational argument in favor of the viewpoint.

To the extent that I have a scientific background (biology) and have participated in various scientific research endeavors as a lab worker, data analyst and paper writer, it is my learned opinion that global warming is bunk because:
-the global warming people are hedging their bets by only claiming slight increases in temperature, changes small enough to be background noise IMO.
-no one has adequately explained previous massive warmings and coolings that far dwarf the supposedly man-made effect of global warming. If the "little ice age" of about 500 years ago happened from 1900-2200, the Global Cooling nuts would be finding excuses to ban cars for blocking out too many sun rays.
-the earth is still very cold compared to previous eras. When dinosaurs roamed, the earth was like a sauna.
-the earth will have to get a LOT warmer for there to be significant negative effects like releasing tons of captive CO2 from the water or raising the water level. The simple truth is that a lot of water is trapped on land- you could boil the oceans and antarctica wouldnt melt.
For the above reasons, you owe me an appology. That statement was uncalled for.

I stated "all these <> threads". If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. Nevertheless, I regret that you took it personally. I still think the question is rhetorical.
If you want your other amendment rights protected then you will not vote for a Republican. If you want your 2nd amendment rights protected you will vote Republican.

If you want them all protected you could vote Libertarian...:D
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