You Know Your Addicted To THR When...

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Jan 1, 2003
Ground Zero
you log-out on more than one occasion and erase THR from your favorites list in an attempt to overcome this idolatrous obssession. Only to return within 48 hours, thinking, ah, its all right, I'l keep it on for awhile. In case I need it. ;) :D

They dont need me, but DAMNIT! I have something to say! :D - LOL

You know your addicted when?... :uhoh:
you force yourself to log off cause you got a lotta work to do but then find yourself back again just to see if anything new came up...


If you've threatened to quit if they take away your "High Road" privileges. :D ( my home P.C. bought the farm and I can't justify 1000.00 computer when there are guns I want to buy ):p
You are not kidding!

I have to force myself to do work. I used to be worried about getting fired for being logged on so long at work, until my IT guy told me that we are to cheap to buy software that tracks such use (new budget comes out next month and things still look bad, so I think I'll be on THR everyday for at least another year)

Don't tell anyone, but I even joined another non-gun forum hoping I would be able to control myself, but as you see...I'm here.
When your wife, who calls THR "that crazy gun board" creates a login and PM's you because it's the only way she can get your attention.
... when you are giving your class a test and you are STILL looking at posts on TFL while you are "supposedly" monitoring the test- WHEW! Thought my overhead projector (behind my back) might be on for a second there... no... it was off. (wiping forehead)!

... when you go to in-laws for the weekend, camp out at THEIR computer and get frustrated at not being able to reply ... hmmm, next trip, maybe need to get mother-in-law's computer logged in with user name NotAwayDay ... ;)
You call your wife into the room to watch your status change from "member" to "senior member." (And perhaps were disappointed when she didn't have a small gift or at least a card handy. The eyeroll showed she was proud, right?)
After way too long browsing, reading and posting .... you minimize the browser, in order to press on with some important web work... already behind schedule!

Only minutes later, hearing an email notification drop in to the forums folder of the email client and then .....

''I'll just take a peek and see which thread that is .......... '':rolleyes: :D
You know you're addicted when... spend almost eleven bucks for a nice, bright, custom-made six-inch yellow circular decal with the slogan "Molon Labe!" in big bold black print in the middle of it and slap it on the back of your SUV...and then consider ditching it and forking over another eleven bucks to have the same sticker re-done but with the addition of the website address added below the slogan...


I may have to borrow the in-laws' digital camera and snap a pic of my sticker to post out here! I'm waiting on a local THR'er or other cultured firearms fan to remark on the decal to me...or for someone to just ask, "What the heck does THAT mean?!"
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... when you get up to pee in the middle of the night and somehow end up logged on to THR and still reading messages an hour later ...

Not that that's ever happened to me. :uhoh: No sir. :uhoh: I can quit anytime I want to. :uhoh: Really.

I just don't seem to want to, very badly ...


We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce The Complete Works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true. -- Robert Wilensky
O.K. this like A.A., right? Yes, well, name is Mark,
and I have a problem....;)

if I don't see you at the range, I'll see you here!

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