You snooze you loose

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Dec 24, 2002
Went to the gunshop this morning checked out a S&W model 29 classic in the case. 98% and had a trigger that was unbelievable. $325, said I'd think about it.
Went home and thought about it, went back this afternoon. Guy's had this thing in the store for over a year but guess what? Yep, someone bought it just after I left this morning. :banghead:
Done the same thing myself too many times to recall. One of the things I've learned to do in my advancing years is trust my instincts. If I like it and it's within budget - I buy it.

Not to be confused with "impulse buying". I've got an inventory of things I want and what I'm willing to pay for them in my mind. So its really more of an "opportunity buy" than an an "impulse buy" when they come along.

I really have no need for a S&W M-29. But the internal calculator says $325 for a nice one would be a "buy it now" type thing if I wanted one.
Probably a good thing it was gone, the wife still hasn't quite gotten over the Kimber Eclipse I bought two weeks ago.
And she's still bringing up the motorcycle I brought home last month.
Sisco, don't you know you're not supposed to tell your wife these things!!

Dang, that sounds like a great price on that S&W. Sorry you missed out on it. Better luck next time a deal like that comes around.
I found Savage 99 .308 in a pawn shop for $175 5 years ago. I had never heard of this gun so I decided to do some checking. About an hour after that I ended up at another shop and asked the owner who I was friendly with. He brought his personal 99 out that he had in a back room, and told me how great a gun it was and how hard they were getting to find in .308.
About another hour later I went back to the first shop in time to see my friend exiting the store with my 99 in his hand.
Now days if I see something I like I put it on layaway for the minimum amount possible, if I end up changeing my mind the most I willbe out is $20 or so.
If you go to a gun shop or show always bring $500 with you. Even if you are planning on getting something cheap, this will leave you enough money to buy ammo, mags, whatever.

I paid $375 for a 29-3 last year and that was a heck of a good deal! $325 sounds like a "I just don't want this in my store anymore, somebody just take it for what it cost me!" price.
Reminds me of a sign in a gunshop......The gun you looked at today and intend to buy tomorrow may be the gun that somebody looked at yesterday...........
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