You think YOU'RE brand loyal?

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CZ needs to send out some props to such a devoted customer!

Lifetime free parts and service!
Some free ammo!
Use the image and send royalties!

Props I say!
Help a lady out, CZ!
XDKingslayer, do all the bikers out there with Harley tattoos get free gas or motorcycles? She wanted it, saved up for it, CZ liked it, and I love my wife, so she got it. :)
I'm never that sure about anything.

Much better than the typical sunflower or unicorn.

I love my wife....
I think everyone here might.

I would hope there are at least a few of us here who don't understand the association of a certain brand of mass-produced consumer goods with the success of familial relationships, nor the level of fanatical devotion to said economy-priced product that would result wanting to associate oneself for life with it.
I thank y'all for your opinions and possitive comments. I have been loyal to CZ for 9 years. I got to shoot a 2075 Rami 9mm and it was like it was made for me. It fit me like a glove. My Rami has not failed me and I am more than proud to show my support.
I suffer from a similar disease, only for electricians...

jorg said:
I would hope there are at least a few of us here who don't understand the association of a certain brand of mass-produced consumer goods with the success of familial relationships, nor the level of fanatical devotion to said economy-priced product that would result wanting to associate oneself for life with it.
You have your koolaid, we have ours. :)
I say again, she wanted it, designed that some time ago, and is quite happy with it - for crying out loud, this is what's on the OTHER side!

Not trying to be a downer here, but what if this got brought up in court? Semi-questionable shooting, say...

Sure you'd wear long pants, but what if the prosecutor/jury found out about it?

Just wondering about your opinion.
Jorg said:
I would hope there are at least a few of us here who don't understand the association of a certain brand of mass-produced consumer goods with the success of familial relationships, nor the level of fanatical devotion to said economy-priced product that would result wanting to associate oneself for life with it.

Translation: Why would you tattoo a brand name on your body like a walking billboard?

a) Because some "brands" are dear to us and have impact on our lives. Think motorcycles. I know a guy with a Harley-Davidson logo tat. It's not just a brand, it's a way of life.

b) Art is art. If it's cool art (as is the CZ layout Mrs. Armoredman got), does the content of the art matter too much? Think rock bands. I plan to get a tat around my left arm of some Journey album artwork.


(Just the winged scarab, not the words.) It's just cool artwork, and I like Journey.

conwict said:
Not trying to be a downer here, but what if this got brought up in court? Semi-questionable shooting, say...

Screw 'em. Can't live your life in fear of everything. ;)


EDIT: conwict, a fine example of NOT good art. :rolleyes:

EDIT2: On second though, that might be a good tat. A statement of sorts on mass-consumerism. Or... if you like soup. I wouldn't condemn it.
Mrs. Armoredman has a couple of waaayyy cool tats.

I won't be doing that, though...I am a real chicken-**** when it comes to needles.
foghornl said:
I won't be doing that, though...I am a real chicken-**** when it comes to needles.

Depending on the location, it can get pretty uncomfortable. Mine felt like really bad cat scratches for a good 2 or 3 days.


That's a great tat.

I always wonder a bit about folks that get a tattoo "just because". I'd think body art should reflect the individual, who they are and what is important to them...not: "Oh, I think #37 up on the wall over there is kinda cool!"

If somebody who sees that tattoo asks why she had it done she has an answer other than, "I was kinda drunk and my friends dared me to get one."

I also like the Kalishnakitty! :D
Translation: Why would you tattoo a brand name on your body like a walking billboard?

Well in my case, in "the industry" Klein = electrician, and I'm a lifer, and proud of it.

Certainly no one questions servicemen and women who get unit tattoos even after spending 4-6 years in the service. I figure I've spent my whole adult life becoming a master electrician, I should be just as proud to display that.
Heh, you think that hurt..... here's the first few hours of Mother Russia over Stalingrad. Going in for more black on saturday, then it's god knows how many hours of color.

Watch out, many people say ink is addictive! My buddy started out with a simple flag for his country of birth about 7 years ago on his shoulder and now has at least 10 different ones so far and is going for sleeves soon.
FWIW, I forwarded Kalashnakitty to my wife and she's just all aflutter at the idea.
When I start producing my own line of firearms, I'm gunna make sure to have an awesome logo to go with it.

Totally tattoo worthy.
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