you were abducted...abandoned on the New orleans...what now?

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Apr 6, 2003
Just for the sake of discussion, early Monday A.M. you were abducted by terrorists and abandoned on the rooftop of a flooded house in New Orleans . ….. What do you do?

Would you loot? If so what and why?

Would you stay put?

Would you walk/swim out?
I'd scavenge as necessary for food and water or other survival supplies.

First, I'd take some time to observe and look around to see what's going on around me and if leaving someplace relatively safe and dry made sense. Hopefully, I'd have some idea of where I was and which way to go.

Assuming I was otherwise unhurt and healthy, I'd probably try to improvise some sort of float I could paddle and stay as dry as possible. I'm a good swimmer, but even warm water takes body heat away and that leads to fatigue. If I had to swim, I'd try to map out a route from 'island' to 'island'.
The devil is in the details. The particulars of the environment will determine the best approach. The only general strategies are:

1. Follow your priorities: clean water, food, guns. In that order.
2. Avoid the killers: greed, wrath, lust, sloth, pride, stupidity, indecision.
Canoneer, +1

Water, then food, then self protection
Avoid the bad people, get the hell out of dodge, even if that means a few days of walking.
I would demand the gov't save me. The hurricane is the gov'ts fault and I am entitled to their help. If they don't come fast enough, the gov't is racist.
Start walking immediately. Keep moving. Cities are only so big, and it's not all that far to safety so long as you're reasonably healthy. So long as you get the hike over with ASAP, all you'd need is water. The weather is relatively good so that's not a problem.

Any delay in leaving will exponentially increase your need for food, shelter, etc.
on a flooded house ? Tear apart that house to get lumber for a raft and paddle out ! Take with you everything in the house that can help you survive.
1. Pray and thank God I was still alive.
2. Smile and wave to the news copters as they circled overhead and
really did nothing to help me.
3. Look around for food and potable water.
4. Kick back in a shaded area.
5. Wait for the NG convoy to come by, use my charming social skills
("Hey, what's your MOS?") and jump aboard.
6. Try to sort out the events that led me to getting abducted.
7. Not getting kidnapped by terrorists in the future.
I would swim over to Wal-Mart, bypass the food and water and go straight to the pool section and commandeer an inflatable raft, paddle over to the plasma TV section. I would load my pilfered raft with as many expensive electronic devices I could get my hands on, make a quick stop by the gun section for a shotgun and some ammo, paddle back to my rooftop to unload the loot, and commence shooting at any helicopter that showed up to rescue me.

But that's just me. :uhoh:
First, I would try to ID the terrorist getaway vehicle .... heh heh heh :evil:

then apply first aid to myself/others if needed.

Then hopefully I'd S.T.O.P. = Stop, Think, Observe, Plan.

Then I would remember the rule of 3's. To die, it takes:
3 hours without shelter (doesn't apply here)
3 days without water
3 weeks with no food.

If things were so FUBAR that I couldn't formulate a workable plan, I'd bend over, put my head between my legs, and ...... :uhoh: :what: :D

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