Your guns & hiding them from the Mrs.

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Well I mentioned several months back to my wife I wanted a smaller gun for summer when wearing shorts. Well this week, out of the blue, she says to me, Honey you should go buy your new gun for summer. So me and her go the next day looking and pick one out and I bought just like she told me to.

Kahr PM9

Yes Dear.

When my wife and I go pawning she looks for jewelry and I look at the guns. She will say, "Don't you need that gun?". My answer is, " Yes honey, I do." I always do what I am told.

Henpecked in Texas.
I'm pretty much in the "don’t ask, don't tell" category. I don't hide anything from my wife, nor do I bother to tell her what I've got. She knows my collection is "large", and now even larger after I inherited my grandfather's modest collection when he passed away four years ago.

Maintaining "don’t ask, don't tell", is pretty easy as she's willfully disinterested in my firearms. Politicaly, she's actually moderately pro-gun, but she dislikes mine on the basis that they represent time/energy devoted away from her and our family life. (Hypocritical on her part, as I only manage to get any kind of shooting related activity in once a month or less…) The only thing I'm unsure of is if she consciously recognizes the source of her disdain for my collection or not. And I'm not going to bother asking her to find out, as I'm not going to get any kind of rational answer out of her that would get her to change her mind.

Beyond that, having the "critical mass" in the size of the collection is great, since each new firearm is just a minor increase in the entire amount of "gunnage" you possess. If you have only one firearm, a second is a whopping 100% increase. If you have twenty, an addition is only a 5% increase...

I also don’t feel guilty as I've been responsible. I only acquired new additions to the collection with found money, gift money, or the change I scrimp and save into the "gunvelope" over many, many months. I've also let my C&R license expire for lack of time or funds to buy anything with it. I haven't bought a new firearm in the three years since our children were born. Instead, I've focused on lower-cost accessories for what I do have in my collection since that time.

Ultimately, my particular "wife strategy" is not focused around my ability to acquire new firearms, instead it's predicated on avoiding endless circular arguments with my spouse who prefers to debate emotionally rather than rationally. This way I can better focus on the majority of the aspects of my marriage that work properly.:)
Well, my problem is that I've taught my wife so much about firearms that she's gotten pretty darn good at telling guns apart. That, combined with the fact that my collection is small by my standards, she'd know if I bought a new one. Plus, she's all about saving money. Hard core penny pincher.... so I'm fighting an uphill battle for now.
Since we both work and I pay 100% of mortgage, utilities, insurance, car repairs etc, I feel no need to inform or ask if I may make a purchase.

She buys food, I pay for everything else basically.

Anything I have does not set her back any or endanger our way of life.
Some she knows about, others , well I dunno. I can always tell when she finds me out though, mysteriously she has new clothes, jewelry or something that costs.

Life is too short to worry about what your spouse is spending some money on.

That said, I will let it be known that " I wear the pants in our family, and she says it is alright for me to say so!"
I've never understood the idea of "I have my money & she has her money". We're married, we're 100% partners in everything, including each other's earnings. If I drop a chunk of money on a firearm, that's her money as well. She has a right to know. Of course, day to day spending, $20 here or there, just gets spent. But no way I'd just up and spend $400 and up without letting her know. On the other hand, she has never said "No" when I tell her I've come across a gun I want to buy.

Some y'all need to grow a pair...
no doubt!
Plus my wife thinks the guns we have are cool and likes to go and shoot with me. I involve her in all aspects of firearm related purchases.
She gets to go do her shopping thing as well. It(no cammo) works for us, and works well.

Sorry for those not as lucky as I:neener:
First, she is my GIRLFRIEND not my WIFE (at least YET, anyway)...

Secondly, she has 4 kids (none are mine) and a PISS POOR job...

she is driving one of MY cars (hers blew the engine, and the replacement she bought with her tax money needs repair!)

she KNEW when we MET, 16 or 17 years ago that I was a car and gun nut...

she KNOWS I have made money on some of the vehicles I re-built/restored...

she KNOWS and has seen the walk-in VAULT of guns...

she KNOWS I make enough money to support myself and my hobbies...

she ALSO KNOWS that she had better not EVER start complaining about how I spend MY discressionary income... at least until she has the kind of job that she can AT LEAST support herself and her kids without my and the governments help!

NO, I don't hide ANY purchases from her... not musclecars, not motorcycles, not musical instruments, and not guns! and she appreciates the honesty, and seems to ENJOY all of them... (except the motorcycles...) last week, she took the ORIGINAL RESTORED '70 Hemi'Cuda convertible out for a drive... and she couldn't afford one original tire for it, let alone the replacement cost of a 1-of-14 original showcar... she had BETTER eppreciate what I do for fun!
Hide anything and get busted

My wife and I have been married for 22 years this NOV. Known each other for 10 years before that. I don't hide anything. Shoot I can't keep a secret any way so I'd get caught.:evil:

Just got back from the lgs yesterday and bought a S&W sigma 40, well she went and got her one too. These are going in our backpack bug out bags.

I love my wife and would never do anything to hurt her or jepordize our marrage.

She know's how many guns I have (well almost, she knows all my purchases but never counts them), she is there for most of my purchases. As a matter of fact she has bought me more than a hand full of them. She even got me a S&W M&P9C for Christmas last year. :neener:

My advise (to anyone who cares) is never hide anything, if she gets mad at you for spending 500.00 on a gun she will stay mad 30 min to 2 hrs (on average), but if you hids something from her she might stay mad 6 months:what:
In my house, bringing home a new gun usually goes something like this:

Seriously though, my wife is actually pretty cool about my "hobby". The only guns that she doesn't like are the "safe queens". She can't stand guns that I just let sit in the safe and has even suggested getting rid of one from time to time and buying one that I will actually use to replace it. Her view is that if I have them I oughta shoot them!

I really, really love this woman ;)
if she gets mad at you for spending 500.00 on a gun she will stay mad 30 min to 2 hrs (on average),

Clearly our wives are not even remotely related!!! :)

She's my evil co-conspirator. She paid for my first two milsurps and bought my first two reloading presses.

As a matter of fact, when I got my new AR, she confiscated my HD shotgun to keep on her side of the bed and then absconded with my XD45 Tactical for her HD pistol.

If anything I have to hide them from HER!

I think a little mystery keeps a marriage alive.

This thread's so goofy I'm not even sure the "grow a pair" comment was directed at....the guys who buy but are afraid to tell or the guys who are afraid to buy at all.
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