Zarqawi shot

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Feb 20, 2003
Iraq's interior and defense ministers said Thursday they have information that al-Zarqawi has been wounded - apparent confirmation of recent rumors that the Jordanian-born terrorist leader of al-Qaida in Iraq was injured. But the officials said they did not know how severe the injury might be.,2933,157723,00.html

Seems he was lung shot, pretty badly.

I have two wishes. One, that he dies. Two, that it was an Iraqi soldier who shot him.

In related news, the Iraqi's are taking advantage of the confusion of the terrorists:
Iraq's government will pour tens of thousands of Iraqi troops into Baghdad in an unprecedented operation to seal off the city and hunt insurgents who have launched a fresh wave of violence, ministers said on Thursday.,2933,157712,00.html

Looks like the terrorists are in big trouble.

I'm glad the Terrorists were called "Terrorists" in this thread,thats better than our news Media that likes to call them "insurgents". Thanks.
I hope they find him, strip him naked, smear him with hog grease, and drag his sorry ass through the streets until there is nothing left to drag......... :evil:

I would like to see him captured, tried for his crimes, convicted, and sentenced to die accordingly. That would be the Armerican way.

~G. Fink
quote by Gordon Fink:

"I would like to see him captured, tried for his crimes, convicted, and sentenced to die accordingly. That would be the Armerican way."

Respectfully, naw............let him be taken and held before a camera and slowly beheaded..THAT would be justice.

Besides, I don't want to see tax payer dollars (that's what it would be...not out of Iraq's pocket book) to pay for all the costs for his legal BS!
I would like to see him captured, tried for his crimes, convicted, and sentenced to die accordingly. That would be the Armerican way.
Trouble is, people aren't killed accordingly anymore. Lethal injection is no way for a violent person to die...
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looking at just the news as it has been released, a lung shot, is a very serious wound, and without the proper care, his chances are slim...being on the run, will also increase the chance of it being his last round up. I just hope the intelligence people are keeping on this, both in and out of Iraq. My quess he is in Syria.
While I understand the emotional desire to see him suffer, I think him just dieing will be more than sufficient. I wish him dead.

It's a pretty good bet he's in Syria, and in the best hospital they have at that. Hopefully it won't be enough, and hopefully it'll turn out he was killed by an Iraqi soldier or policeman.
If he is in Syria, then an ultimatum needs to be given to Baby Assad.

This might have something to do with Syria suddenly deciding they don't talk to the CIA anymore.

As for what to do with him ... that would be the Iraqi governments call.
Moderator Note

Eeveryone please look at the flag header up at the top of this page. See there where it says "The High Road?"

We are NOT here to show off how devious and barbaric we can be. A goodly part of the mission of THR is to provide a positive example of and for the firearms community at large.

Discussion about of the effectiveness or morality of torturing our enemies, when caught, is on topic.

But discussion of how to torture, or advocating various gruesome activies, will get this thread closed rather quickly.

Some whiney leftist was on the news yesterday proclaiming that Zarqawi's death or incapacitation would only coalesce the enemy and boost recruitement. What's his point? You can't win if they're at large or dead?? Or is it just more glee in adversity for us?
That man personally sawed the head off a man from my town, one I'd met, one who was related to half the people I know. I saw the anguish his family went through knowing their son was going to die, and how. If I say that I hope he dies, you'll have to understand that that *is* the high road. He's given up his right to be human and he deserves anything he gets. If I could kill him myself, I would. If he suffers while dying, I would not care.
BTW: the man reported to be the acting head of Al Qaeda in Iraq is:


A Saudi...... excuse me, who's our enemy again?

Color me stunned.

The statement said the new leader would be Abu Hafs al-Gerni (search), "deputy of the holy warriors."

"Middle East experts on Islamic militants told The Associated Press that al-Gerni is a Saudi who has been al-Zarqawi's military adviser and is the emir, or prince — as senior commanders are called — of the military committee of Al Qaeda in Iraq."
What a sad day for the Democrats. Their leading contender for President in '08 is injured
Right. Still singing the chorus to the Bush medley:

"Anybody who didn't march happily to war is a terrorist"....

I guess cheap shots are always the easiest to take.
Perhaps this is (a) misinformation (b) the BGs PR roll-out for the fact the dude is already dead. What kind of pay off is there for (a), what's the game?

I'm thinking (b).

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