Zumbo: Gun rag writer trashes "Assault Weapons"

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30 minutes ago, at old Zumbo's house:

<ring ring ring>

"Zumbo old buddy, you really stepped on your **** with this one. You pissed off those crazy assault-rifle nuts, and they're gonna take you down. Now you get your ass on the net and make nice with them."
"Whah should ah?"
"Look, I know, and you know they're a bunch of whackos, but you better smooth this thing over. They make a lot of noise and they ain't afraid to write to us and bitch about you."
"OK, boss..but I still think anyone who'd own one of them sumbitches ain't right in the grape!"
"Me, too, Jimbo, but you better never say anything like that in public again. They'll get theirs before too long, and we can go back to hanging out at the trap club and getting drunk at Ducks Unlimited meetings. Now git!"

Smells like backpedaling to me.
The "I was tired" line is weak. I would have had a great deal more respect for him if he would have apologized for the "terrorist rifle/weapon/whatever" comment and just manned up about it, leaving the weak excuses out of it.
How is it that Zumbo, who has been hunting for more than 50 years, is totally ignorant about these types of guns. I don't know. I shot one once at a target last year, and thought it was cool, but I never considered using one for hunting. I had absolutely no idea how vast the numbers of folks are who use them...

...I never intended to be devisive, and I certainly believe in United we Stand, Divided we Fall...

...I say game departments should ban them from the praries and woods.

Never intended to be divisive? :confused:
i don't think it was a simple mistake he suggested that game and fish departments outlaw the use of ars for hunting.
His explanation for lumping AR owners in with terrorists was lame; what, he was tired and his feet were hurting.

If anyone remembers, a couple of weeks ago, I started a thread asking if anyone noticed that OL was not nearly as Pro 2A as , say, F&S. At that time not many others had noticed it.

I gotta ask - Notice it now?:neener:
It ain't about praire dog hunting

Zumbo needs to understand that his comments are NOT being interpreted by coyote or praire dog hunters. The GUN OWNERS of this country are expressing their displeasure. In the politically charged environmnet of 2007 we are sore pressed to find allies in our fight. When a VISIBLE media person joins the fray with a comment like Zumbo's he adds credibility to the left wing gun haters.
Internet is Real Time.

This thread is just another example of how Real Time Internet is.
THR is just one of many Responsible Firearm Owner mediums on Internet.

Personal Responsibility - no matter if Pro-Gun, Anti-Gun, Fence-Sitter, or Member of a Forum. No matter what medium one is a Writer, Editor, Publisher or Photographer of.

WE The People
are keeping watch.
We do not need division among ourselves.

Let this thread be a reminder to all of us Responsible Firearm Owners.

Let it also be something for Tyranny to consider as well.
If he knew nothing about guns and gun rights then he shouldn't spout off about them.
No hall pass here.

I'm listening to Gresham now. Zumbo claims to be a hunting writer not a gun writer.

If Zumbo has no experience with AR's he should have kept his mouth and pen quiet, and stick to writing about hunting not guns.

He's trying to cover his behind. His flawed core beliefs are still there.

I would have expected a rookie writer to make this kind of mistake.

No, can't forgive him.

Going to clean my terrorist weapon now

Oh, he can make up for it, but one apology under the pressure of backlash and sponsors doesn't do it. It has to be repeated and public behavior, at least as public as the offending comments, showing his "redemption."

You gotta walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
Let me explain the circumstances surrounding that blog. I was hunting coyotes, and after the hunt was over and being beat up by 60 mph winds all day, I was discussing hunting with one of the young guides. I was tired and exhausted, and I should have gone to bed early. When the guide told me that there was a "huge" following of hunters who use AR 15's and similar weapons to hunt prairies dogs, I was amazed. At that point I wrote the blog, and never thought it through.

Here's a man who calls for banning guns when he gets too tired after a long day of hunting.

Oopsie! :uhoh:
He needs to delete the blog entry. That's the only way to actually control the damage he created.

When the Brady Bunch start quoting his original blog entry in every corner of the Internet, of what value is his apology to us then?

EDITED TO ADD: OOOPS. Too late. Damnation - they already have a link to it. Time to pull it down for good.
What bothers me is the fact he calls them terrorist weapons.

I could care less if he thinks the AR 15 or similar rifles are ugly, or not what he calls traditional weapons for hunting.

I am concerned about what he percieves as what a terroist looks like, and equating the military type of weapons in the hands of American Gun enthusiast, as Terrorist Weapon.

It is bad enough already there are those out there who wants to take away or restrict firearms.

I think at this time, he is sorry about what he said.
But what I think should be done, is that maybe he should consider getting as familiar as he can with Military type weapons, Write a comparitive blog on both traditional hunting weapons and the AR's or similar.
Whether he changes his mind for what he would prefer is less important than him getting exposure to what others use.
And the other, is to distance himself of what he and many other percieve as what a terroist looks like and what they use in their attacks.
Remember Our Brothers in arms Use these weapons he considers a Terrorist weapon.
Instead of calling these types of weapons Terrorist Weapons, They should be considered Freedom Weapons.
Yep - the Brady Bunch didn't take long to jump in and take advantage of Zumbo's opinion. :banghead: :cuss:

NOW is it OK to have been so %$#^@ damn angry at this????


Even Remington's top gun writer agrees on Assault Weapons

With important writers such as this on our side, it is clear that we have a cultural imperitive to remove dangerous terrorist rifles from our streets, and our woods.


"Assault Rifles For Hunters?

As I write this,...


Say it with me kids... "Thanks Jim!"

Zumbo had no idea?

I just heard Mr. Zumbo on GunTalk. I also read his blog and his so-called retraction.

Here is the reply I posted to M. Zumbo's last Blog entry.

Mr. Zumbo,

At no time did I hear you, on Gresham's show, nor see in print, a retraction of the statement, "these are terrorist weapons"

You expect your blog readers and radio listeners to believe that your guide made the comment to you about huge numbers of AR shooters as an off the cuff comment. You had probably been discussing this issue for quite a while, and when you came in you decided to show the world just where you stood. You most certainly did that! You probably expected purist hunters to jump aboard with you and say, "yeah, you know, that Zumbo is right, there's just no place in the field for them ugly guns..."

You state that you have been an NRA member for forty years, as though that will defend your comments. You further state that you have been to eight of the last ten NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits. Really now...? You have never read the American Rifleman in all of those 40 years? You have been to 8 of the last 10 Annual Meetings and have not seen any evidence of AR type rifles on display? Mr. Zumbo, do you truly believe your readers to be that stupid?

Lastly, you wrap yourself in the flag and cozy up to Ted Nugent. Mr. Zumbo, this smells exactly like a John Kerry photo op.

If you are sincere, you will retract everything you stated in your previous blog entry. You should state, not only that you were wrong, but why. You should state without reservation that the right to arms has NOTHING to do with hunting, and that right should not be so qualified.

Do that, Mr. Zumbo......
What bothers me is the fact he calls them terrorist weapons.
Exactly. I like his kneejerk reaction to calling something he doesen't like a terrorist weapon. The AR-15 of course is a civillian version of the M-16 which is used by the United States Armed Forces. Do you know of any terrorist groups that use such weapons?
Depending on how he handles this, I am willing to give him another chance. An apology is a good start, but I'd like to see him pull the entry and make an effort to learn about the things he was proposing to ban.
Remember Our Brothers in arms Use these weapons he considers a Terrorist weapon.
Instead of calling these types of weapons Terrorist Weapons, They should be considered Freedom Weapons.

This was posted by Grim on Assault Web. Sounds like a VERY GOOD idea. I don't own just guns, rifles, assault weapons any more. They're all "HOMELAND DEFENSE RIFLES".

I don't know where it got started, or who coined it....but the term "Homeland Defense Rifle" became a good laugh for us all. But after thinking about, I feel it isn't a joke. I feel we should go out of our way to make that a keyword amongst the Law Abiding gun owner/shooter community (and all splinters of it). Why? Well, because that's what they have ALWAYS been, but now a gracious and well defined name has come to light. If you use the term to the point enough, it will stick.

We all know that "Assault Rifles" by modern times definition is false. Assault rifle meant select fire...etc.....BUT a few Democrats and Leftwingers got a hold of it and plastered it all over till' it became a newly defined word/term. We embraced it mostly for the humor & shock value. "Yeah, I own guns, I have some old lever actions, a revolver....OH, and a few 'assault rifles' (then a good laugh as you mock the term)

But, its not OUR term, it was handed to us by the enemy to scare the sheeple. So why should we continue using it? I didn't buy my AK style rifles for hunting, I sure as hell didn't buy them for marksmanship related shooting events, I bought them as a tool of defense and deterrence to those that want to threaten me in any form, whether a criminal attacking my home or a power attacking my rights.

So I feel we should take this new term that WE chose, that describes OUR 'tools' for what they really are and have ALWAYS been. These, my friends, are the freeman's modern day musket. My dream as of now, is to see that this new DESCRIPTIVE DEFINITION, LABEL, TERM, WHATEVER be used SO COMMONLY that the lefties actually bring it up on CNN, FOXNEWS etc.... Let them scoff, let them 'spin' this, try to mock it, hell, LET THEM MOCK IT, BUT.....DON'T back down, don't flinch, continue using it till' it is forced into the sheeples mind. If the powers that be wanna use fear of terrorism to justify their actions, them I for damn sure will use it to CLARIFY my reason for owning these weapons. They expect us to **** in our pants.....they show videos of terrorists training with 'Military weapons', Well guess what, You can't put a cat in a dog fight. Lets use their "fear factor" against them, lets not only coin this new label, lets MINT it!!

From now on, every time you make a post, or are in a conversation with a sheeple or even a fellow Patriot, and the need comes to use the term 'Assault Rifle'----catch yourself and use the RIGHT term "Homeland Defense Rifle"......Put pressure on Major dealers to start using the phrase in their advertising,"ON SALE This Week: Homeland Defense Rifles..." Lets turn this tide in OUR favor for once.

Think it about......please, this is a bigger deal then you think. I know it sounds a bit silly at first, or even a bit pointless, but look at the BIG picture. The existing term was used to disarm us, as well as "Non-Sporting features/rifle" Let them try to deny us our "Homeland Defense Rifles" How does that sound. If it is used enough, it will be a forced vocabulary, the media will mock it at first or ignore it, but if we PERSIST without hesitation, then the term will be set in stone, as well as the hearts & minds of many. Please help me make this a reality
Mr Zumbo wrote that ARs are terrorist rifles. That means that my wife and I, who shoot those rifles, are terrorists.

More seriously, Mr Zumbo also called every single serviceman and woman a terrorist.

He is the lowest of the low.

I wrote to the CEO of Remmington Arms, who also disagrees with Zumbo's comments.

Now I have heard and seen Mr. Zumbo's response and "apology".

He was tired and his feet hurt.

He is not only the lowest of the low, but he is also not manly enough to do anything other than plead some sort of 'I am old and was tired' excuse.

He is scum, pure and simple.

Guntalk Tom, who I usually enjoy listening to, did not well serve the gun owning community today. He tried to excuse inexcusable conduct from a friend, when he should have helped the friend craft a real apology.
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