Zumbo lays into Congress/Senator Levin/HR 1022...Welcome Back Jim!

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Dear 2A Friends:

Here is my take, outlined in a letter to Sen. Levin:

23 March 2007

Senator Carl Levin
269 Russell Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Senator Levin:

Regarding your statements on “assault weapons”, read into the congressional record on 20 March 2007:

You stated that hunting expert Jim Zumbo opposes so-called “assault weapons” (which you know are only semi-automatic firearms). Jim once said that they have no place in hunting. Jim quickly reconsidered his remarks because he had made a mistake. Moreover, you were incorrect to say that the NRA’s reaction caused Jim’s sponsors to drop him…it was the scores of thousands of gun owners that contacted his sponsors.

Let’s consider the totality of Jim’s position. Zumbo has been around a while, and as you surely know, people can become “set in their ways” and often miss new developments. At the time Zumbo was cutting his hunting teeth, there were few semi-auto firearms used for hunting. That has completely changed, and Jim has only now become aware of the new development. Thanks in large part to the federal semi-auto ban legislation you supported in 1994 and co-sponsored in 2003, the law-abiding public has become hugely interested in semi-auto rifles built on the AR and AK platforms. Ownership has increased tremendously, as has their use in target shooting, hunting, and lawful defense. These developments were unknown to Jim until he made his statements.

Jim Zumbo has been educated – he’s learned about and used semi-automatic firearms, and fully realizes that they are hugely popular with a burgeoning ownership base, and that their use and ownership are wholly legitimate. Furthermore, Jim has become a staunch advocate of their promotion and lawful use. Quoting Jim: “I made a mistake. But those who would use my remarks to further their despicable political agenda have made a bigger one. I hope to become their worst nightmare. I admit I was wrong. They insist they are right.” If you don’t believe he’s changed, please write Jim personally.

Given what transpired after “Zumbo’s Folly”, your statement to Congress was roundly dishonest, or at the very least, grossly misinformed. Moreover, it’s painfully hypocritical that your web page [about your statement to Congress] is entitled “A bit of truth about assault weapons.” A man of your stature, and in your position, must not only know the issues, but you must evaluate them objectively and report them honestly. It is you, Senator Levin, who owes Jim an apology for so grossly misrepresenting him (to Congress no less!), and owes Congress an apology for providing false information. You should retract your statement on assault weapons, or at the least, your mis-communication of Jim’s position.

In closing, I urge your party to cease pushing gun control legislation. How many times must you learn that it’s a loosing issue, and worse, a misguided and unconstitutional one? Let me be perfectly clear - law-abiding firearm owners will NOT tolerate infringements on our right to keep and bear arms. We stopped the MD semi-auto ban. We are stopping the IL semi-auto ban. We will certainly stop HR1022. And we are working to squarely place this issue in front of the US Supreme Court, when they’ll have no choice but to rule that the 2nd Amendment means what it says – “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Then, finally, we can all stop wasting our precious time and resources on both sides of illegal gun control legislation. Together, we face many important issues, ones that can be effectively addressed without violating the constitution of the United States. I’ll be waiting for you to explain why you provided Congress with mis-information regarding Jim Zumbo, and what you are going to do to rectify the problem.


"Megistopoda", Ph.D.
My city, IL
In my heart of hearts, I really don't care what Zumbo (or most other folks) believe in their heart of hearts. What I do care about is how they act.

Zumbo caused a lot of damage to the RKBA. I'll count his letter to Levin as one small payment on the mortgage he took out on the RKBA.
Erebus is very, very right. You can't possibly talk sense into the Levin's. Carl is a moronic greed driven politician just like all the rest of them, and our gun rights don't fit into his agenda.
The letter to the senate was quite brilliant I thought.

I think that letter is poorly written and doesn't do anything to actually confront Levin's statements. There isn't a single hard core fact or piece of reason in there to prove his newfound love of all guns, if you believe that. Furthermore, there is nothing in there that says he ACTUALLY accepts the same weapons he disparaged and whose owners he called terrorists. Sure, he says he got a crash course, but what does he say beyond that of any real significance? There are quite a few words there but very few meaningful words. Maybe it is just me but I expected more for some reason. All I see is fluff and window dressing. Same thing his last few statements have contained.
I could honestly care less if he loves all guns. That isn't the point. There are plenty of gun-banners that own guns. They just don't think everyone else should.

He specifically addressed Levin using his name and what is wrong with HR 1022. He also took at dig at Levin's support of gun confiscation. I thought it was a pretty decent letter, an unlike most that get sent to him, he will probably actually read it. I have sent Levin several letters over the years and I get the same canned response each time, as do anyone that writes something gun-related. Levin doesn't care about guns. He may not be as notorious as Kennedy, Feinstein, and Schumer, but has been a dedicated anti-2nd advocate for years and I doubt he will change.
I personally think that Zumbo got tired of writing about hunting and decided to explore a new career path instead of retiring. I know many people (myself included) who have a bad habit of saying inflammatory things out of boredom just to get some heated discussion going.

I think his enlightenment is turning a great PR opportunity for him and for the RKBA.
Zumbo has done a huge amount of damage to gun owners and our second amendment rights; his comments opposing use of semi-automatic firearms and characterization of them as "terrorist" weapons will follow us for a long time now and will be used to sway a lot of people unfamiliar with firearms.

Just like the bullet you fire at a game animal cannot be called back, so it is with comments like Zumbo put out on his blog.

Going on an "AR15 hunt" with Ted Nugent, writing a couple of letters, and donating some money to a pro-second amendment organization doesn't even begin to repair the damage he has done to our cause.
I've personally said stupid things myself during my 57 years, any number of times. I'll allow Zumbo the same ability to put his foot in his mouth I have. He's taken this thing and turned it back on the anti's in a very effective way.
I'd never heard of the guy before all this mess, but he's won my respect by the way he's handled himself since his admittedly, major, gaffe.
We had a knock-down-drag-out bar fight. Welcome back Zumbo.
Zumbo's original comments were made at his own discretion. He was under no obligation to make those comments, and I have to believe that is how he really feels.

Because of his comments, he has lost his job, his column, and most importantly his corporate sponsors and source of income. So he is now desperate to say whatever it takes to get that money back. I think he is just trying to talk his way back into prosperity.

He should run for office if he can flip-flop like that. No grown man changes that mind that quickly, and even if he could, he does not deserve a public platform from which he can spew his fickle opinions.

I think he is just a common whore, saying and doing whatever he thinks his customers want. He has done irreparable harm that can't be undone by a letter. He has given the anti-gun people fodder to use against us.
Too many times we abandon our wounded. Those who might have helped us, we leave to die along side the road. Yes, he did do a lot of damage, but if he truly repented and changed his ways then we should bring him back into the fold. I am not preaching at anyone, but he who is without sin throw the first stone. We have all said dumb things, I just have to ask some of your wives.:) We have all thought this or that till someone told us the truth.

Keep it up Jim, we need warriors not tombstones.
I believe Zumbo is sincere...how about we just forgive the guy now and be done with it?

I have said PLENTY of things -- and done worse -- in my past and would hate to be held to them for the rest of my life even if I long ago changed my views/actions.

People make mistakes and most of the time all they can do is apologize. It seems to me Zumbo has done that, so let's not only forgive the guy but even go so far as to forget about it and move forward...along with Zumbo, now back in the pro-gun fold.


-- John D.
Jim Zumbo hurt us badly, and there's no denying that. He spoke arrogantly about weapons he knew nothing about, feeling that his own hunting rifles were safe from the gun banners. However, in the long run, this whole situation could help us. In this group, people are often called on to cite sources and confirm their information. We all know that if we're caught using bad information, it will weaken our arguments. Well, Zumbo wrote an article full of bad information, and the anti's are using it. Then, no less than Zumbo himself throws it back in their face. It makes a good story, and it may play outside of the usual media sources, where people only read what they already agree with.
All this may help in the long run to help close the obvious rift between many hunters and the rest of us. It may help to discredit some of the more vocal anti's, like Levin.
Micheal Belesiles wrote a fraudulant book trying to advance his antigun agenda. He got caught faking his data, and it probably helped our cause much more than if he'd tried to write another pro-gun book that only we would read. Jim Zumbo, even if he's only trying to salvage his career, is now helping our side much more than someone who would be instantly disreguarded as only another gun nut could do.
There isn't a single hard core fact or piece of reason in there

Whoopee. There doesn't have to be a litany of hard core facts or reason in something that you send to congresscritters. You guys who write carefully thought out multipage letters to the critters are wasting your time.

In fact, it tends to make their minions all confusicated. Think soundbites. Think ADHD. Think a lead-in commercial break on CNN. That's what they understand.

Now, a lot of the newer folks on this thing of ours don't know me. A lot of the folks who have been involved with this a while do.

Face - to - face.


Jim's a LOT more valuable to us with him on our side than he is with him opposing us. THINK about it, if you.... (restraint mechanism kicks in...)

I suspect that some of his most VOCAL opponents are also _OUR_ most vocal opponents. Do you actually think that Brady's and Schumer's and Feinstein's folks don't have people trolling the internet? THINK, for chrissake, if you're capa.... (brzzzap... okay... I'm better... mustn't take low road, even tho... brzaaaap!).

Seriously, if it sounds good, let's rock with it. I mean, how much worse could we make it? Plenty. So let's take lemons, and make lemonade.

Stop by the Viking Machine tables at Knob Creek this spring, and say hello. How many political machine trolls are going to lay that one out?
I don't suspect the debates over whether or not Mr. Zumbo deserves forgiveness will end for a couple decades. It's one of those events that people will use as an example both ways: can't be forgiven or was a model for reeducation.

Personally, I'm quite glad to see he's taken a formal and public step against Levin. I just wish he'd come out with that more quickly, and I wish he was making more publicity over this rather than just posting to the 2A crowd. I would like to see him staging publicity events that garner newspaper and television attention. He made national news on the screw-up, I would like to see him find a way to make national news for his redemption.

By the bye, does anyone else want to see the practiced journalist Jim Zumbo sit down to a debate with the flowers-and-honey debate artist Sarah Brady?
Why do you guys think Zumbo has changed? He made it clear he didnt like black rifles. He lost his job, corporate sponsors, and column. His statements cost him a lot of money.

Now just a few days later he has seen the error of his ways? Bull. I think the only error he realizes he has made is that he publicly expressed how he truly feels, and it has cost him a LOT of money and his career. There is no way a mature man changed his mind in just a few days on an issue as important as the second amendment.

He has recanted primarily in an attempt to salvage his career, and you guys are buying it hook, line, and sinker.

I put as much faith in what he says as I do when Leonardo DiCaprio speaks about global warming.
Zumbo united us and showed us the power we have, for that I am greatfull.
I'm ready to forgive.
Sometimes you have to think BEFORE you do things...

Levin et al can now use Zumbo's words against us FOREVER. It doesn't matter what he says now. He can say all he wants now; it won't be posted on the Brady web site. They'll use what suits them, and he handed that to them. FOREVER.

Too late.

Does that mean "never forgive?" No. But a letter to a politician? That's an easy penance, with no risk. Any of us can do that. So what?

It'll take more than a few weeks and an easy letter to a politician who won't read it to make up for the real damage Zumbo did. That's just a fact.
Zumbo has really manned up and got his stuff together since he wrote that blog. I commend him for doing so.
I agree with Armed Bear. The Brady people now have a quote from a well known "sportsman". The fact that he is now also a self-proclaimed supporter of the 2nd Amendment makes it even better.

Now the Brady people can say that Zumbo, a sportsman and self proclaimed defender of the the 2nd Amendment, thinks black rifles have no place in hunting (or anywhere else).
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