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  1. N

    Is it just me (transfers)

    I think that's the question here. What is a reasonable fee? Do you as the shop owner get to decide what is a reasonable fee? Nope. Sorry. Keep thinking that way and you won't be in business long. I'm not slamming you or flaming you personally but I believe this is a problem many small...
  2. N

    "Bubba"ize an Enfield?

    Yep, don't much cotton to folks tryin' to tell me what I can do with my property. Course I get a big kick out of collectors that pay good money for a gun then turn it into a wall hanger or safe queen. You say you shoot your collectors guns? Well then, aren't you ruining the value of your...
  3. N

    "Bubba"ize an Enfield?

    Give the old warhorse a new lease on life instead of putting her out to pasture. Sporterizing her just adds to her history and gives her a few more years of useful life. History is to be studied and learned from, not put on a pedestal and worshipped. If that old rifle had a soul, don't...
  4. N

    Unarmed woman and peeping tom.

    I agree that what she did was courageous and put paid to the problem but it was also terminally stupid. Had she been armed when she did this I'm sure she'd be in jail. Also, had she shot him while peeping in her window, with no obvious attempts at entry she'd probably be in jail. No way the...
  5. N

    Well, I got fired finally

    Just a couple of comments. I read the entire original post. Two things stuck out in my mind. First off, the officer chewing him out. I am not a child and the officer is not my parent. No officer has ever chewed me out and I would not tolerate it if they did so. I certainly would not argue...
  6. N

    Would you warn someone off a sale or mind your own business?

    8 cases, I would figure he knows what he's buying. Personally, I get seriously annoyed at strangers offering unsolicited advice. I usually know what it is I'm buying and if I want advice I'll ask for it. Usually they're honestly trying to be helpful so I'm mostly polite when I reply that I...
  7. N

    US Troops carrying AK`s?

    Could it just possibly be that based on experience the troops want a more reliable weapon than the M-16? And possibly one that's more maneuverable in close quarters urban combat? Somehow I kind of doubt the Iwannacoolgun virus is very prevalent in front line troops whose life depends on...
  8. N

    Best .22 to cut down for a youngster?

    If you want to cut down the stock and bbl yourself, a 1969 Romanian Trainer would be a good deal. Prices range from $50 to $100. Accurate, yes. Dime sized groups at 25yds. This is stock, unmodified. Trigger work, bedding and freefloating the bbl would improve this. I've since refinished...
  9. N

    Ethical Question ...

    Integrity, first, last and always. As a kid, I read somewhere (paraphrasing) "Live each day prepared to face death." Might have been Musashi, don't remember. Made a lot of sense then and it still does. There's a lot more to that simple statement than meets the eye. I translated this as, if I...
  10. N

    Gun owners on notice: Know the law

    Does not compute. A car accident or a financial mistake was just that a mistake or an accident. Where is the intent? Do you shoot people for making mistakes? No, certainly not and neither would I. But turn it around, if I deliberately rammed someone in my car then they could say they were in...
  11. N

    Question Re: IAI M1 Carbine

    I have one also, and as longtom said, it's not at all picky about what I feed it. I've had good luck with both the 30 rd mags that I've gotten for it but I've heard that the USGI 15 rounders are the best.
  12. N

    Gun owners on notice: Know the law

    Respect is earned, or at least that's what I was always taught. It is earned by your deeds and your actions. I spent time out of my life to earn the money to buy that property. Let's put it simply. I earn $20 an hour. That TV cost $500 (If it was cheap a criminal wouldn't want it). That...
  13. N

    GAK- Barf - new 1911's - like fins on a 50's car

    Trimming the hammer a little bit, reshaping the grip safety a little to eliminate hammer bite. Beavertail and commander hammer. What's the difference? In intent, none, in degree very little. So you draw the line in a different place than I do. Okay. So, modifying the 1911 a bit to make it...
  14. N

    Is your skin this thin?

    Yes you did, these 3,000 people were Americans who shared your way of life and belief system (not religion, belief in freedom and individuality). They participated in the same free enterprise system you do. No I cannot understand and never will. I will always celebrate the defeat of evil and...
  15. N

    Is your skin this thin?

    I just wish, just once, that one of these *****s (sorry, can't think of a bad enough word) would say something like that to my face. 444, eloquent.
  16. N

    Artistic projects on cheap guns?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. How else are you going to learn if you don't try? No one else may like it but if you do that's what counts. Look in magazines and on the internet and find what appeals to you. Find as many pictures and such as you can. That's what I do. Quite often my...
  17. N

    What to do with non-reloadable brass?

    You could sell them to scrap metal recyclers. They'll pay for scrap brass. Depending on what kind it is there are some folks that'll reload Berdan brass.
  18. N

    .22LR Ammo Packaging

    The companies sell ammo the way people want to buy it. Market forces dictate how companies package their products. You may shoot enough strictly plinking to purchase bulk packs but very few people do. Novice or average shooters are not into match ammo or bulk packs. They'll go in and...
  19. N

    What are my options in a NON-1911 .45ACP?

    Someone tell me it's not true. Someone actually makes a .45 acp that's not a 1911 platform? Blasphemy!!!