$300 NRA life membership

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My check just cleared, too. I'm amazed the NRA did the paperwork that fast. When I originally joined the NRA I recall making calls to see if they got my paperwork because it took so long for them to even bill my credit card.

Strat81, The checks that are clearing were mailed Feb 6th.

The 2nd and last mailing before the " by phone" method was set up was done on the 8th.

One day left.

From a couple posts, this is taking only a couple minutes over the phone. If you want to do this, there is time. PM me.

Current number of new life members after reading through this thread, and feedback from people that have contacted me is 44. There are 6 that have contacted me for info, said they indended to do it, but have not PM'd back to let me know they actually did it. Hope they were able to, and do let me know. It would be nice to see 50.

PM'd you tuckerdog, if there's a possibility of doing this with a credit card, I'm all in.

Thanks to Tuckerdog, I did mine over the phone yesturday and the $300 has already cleared my checking account (debit card was used):D
Yep, thanks to Tuckerdog, I am another lifer, took about three minutes over the phone, and wah la, should have the lifer package in 10-15 days.
Yeehaw, now where to put all the mail that'll show up from nra. ha
thanks Tuckerdog
Tomorrow s'posed to be the last day (15th) of this offers' availability. If I had my member number I'd give it to you, but I am a brand new member myself as of two days ago and don't have it yet.

What's the worst that could happen? Check post #107 and give it a try.

Good luck.

As of 8:35 this morning I am a lifetime NRA member. A big thank you to tuckerdog1 and the NRA for making this possible.
Just wanted to publically thank tuckerdog1 for starting this offer, the continual followup, and most importantly, making it easy for people to do.

Thank you very much, tuckerdog, I'm a life member now.

As a side note, to others, I was on the ezpay life program, had paid $160 into it with 600 to go, and they couldn't credit the $160 into this, but it still cut $300 off the membership which is nice.
Was PM'd this morning by one of the folks that signed up today. The NRA lady that has been so helpful making this easy, is apparently off today. Others are taking the calls and signing people up. But a comment was overheard in the background concerning this offer being spread over the internet. I don't know if it relates directly to this thread, or the possible combined effect of this thread and others. It may be nothing, but we'd sure like to be able to do this again, when the offer is made. So for any that still haven't called, when you do, please be very polite to whoever takes your call.


I just logged on to nra.org and checked my membership. Under TYPE it says; Life - Active. How cool is that?!

Thanks again, Tucker! :)
Lifer - woot!

I took the info provided, and when I called this morning at 9:30 MST time, I got through & processed under 5 minutes. I think I got the correct person right off the bat. Thanks, Tuckerdog!!
I think the NRA should be pretty happy that people are signing up regardless of how the word got out.

I did manage to phone in a membership on Thursday and got a lifer membership. Waiting for literature and so forth and the charge to show up. Cannot wait!
Cnograts to you guys.

I called 3 times talked to three different people and everyone of them told me I couldn't sign up on the referal.

Was more than a little disapointed as I was excited about the offer.

Oh well maybe next time.

The deadline has come. Congratulations ( and thanks ) to all the new Life Members. Unfortunately, I had a couple PMs come in after the deadline. But I hope we can do this again. So keep watching THR.

Here are some updated numbers:

By my count, reading posts on the thread, and through PM responses, there are 11 that joined one way or another locally. One new Life Member ( VYNX ) didn't get the $300 deal, but he is still a new Life Member & I want to add him to the count here.
Through written applications, and over the phone, I was able to sponsor 38 new Life Members. That brings the total to 50:D

There are still 3 that requested info, but I have not heard back from. So I don't know if they were able to join or not. ( Just got a PM from one of the 3 above. +1, so new total is 51 )

In any case, it's good for the NRA, and all of us on THR.

Many thanks folks,

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I got a letter from the NRA confirming that I received a gift membership. It didn't mention life or anything. It looked like a quick mail item to buy time until they print enough official literature.
I spend enough time talking about and promoting the 2A, I like to think of this as 100% putting my money where my mouth is.
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