A novel use for retention training.

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Feb 28, 2005
Viera, FL
A week ago, my wife and I had just come out of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy and were walking north into the Piazza della Signoria. Florence is notorious for pickpockets and I was constantly aware of my surroundings.

I was glancing toward my right at a large statue when I saw a hand appear at my right side, just above my belt, right where I always carry a Glock 19 when I’m at home. I grabbed it in the standard retention move, twisted and turned to find myself holding a mime in a wrist lock.

I never cared for mimes.

Apparently, this guy was playing for the crowd and had intended to tickle me, and maybe my wife, under the short ribs. Instead of getting a laugh, he was down on one knee and in pain. Imagine my sympathy.

I eased off a bit on the pressure and, with my left hand, shook my index finger slowly in his face. The crowd laughed and cheered. I smiled at him, let him go and made a “shoo” gesture with both hands. He backed up a couple of steps and gave me a deep bow.

Then I had to spend the next few minutes explaining to my wife why I’d assaulted a mime.
Not off topic, I hope, but one of the tactics used for purse-snatching in Italy is to have 2 fellows on a scooter riding down the street and the passenger will seize a pedestrian's purse by the strap as the scooter zips past the sidewalk.

In crowds, I generally move my wallet to my front pocket.

I carried a wallet in my back pocket for the 2 weeks we were in Italy - Venice, Florence and Rome. The wallet contained a flyer for a Macy's credit card and a photo of a man making a rude gesture.
Nobody tried to take it. I was dissapointed.
Good job. People should expect something like that to happen if they sneak up on another person and surpirse him like that. Yeah, it sucks that he was only trying to mess with you, but he should know better.
But did he break his silence?????

We enjoyed Florence. Our hotel was spectacular. That's it on the left. Our room was right above the "O" in Hotel.

The view from our room in a light rain one evening.

But we really loved Venice. We want to go back tomorrow!
You sir are evil...

Just kidding. I got my upper lip and nose hit really hard today practicing retention techniques. An elbow from a 280 pound man with arms as big as my head doesn't feel good. Now I have a black hematoma on my lip the size of a half dollar.

a mime is a terrible thing to waste
Mel Brooks would be proud.
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