Adding to the Stockpile?

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Uncle Ethan

Jan 2, 2003
Because of the Orange Alert and general terrorist possibilities I have increased my emergency food supply out to about a 4 week level- mostly canned goods that are rotated on a regular basis. We keep both vehicles at least 1/2 full of gas, and my camper water tank is full. I am looking for Iodine tablets in case San Onofre Nuclear power plant is a target. Other than that, I am well stocked for any emergency and life goes on. I do try to limit my travels to avoid high population areas.
I think that preparation is, in general, a good thing. The problem is trying to make sensible plans for what "could" happen while avoiding panic and making unrealistic plans and purchases which could turn out to be wasteful and expensive.

We try to keep a good supply of non-perishable food and drinking water on hand at all times. We (well, mainly I) try to rotate stocks so that we add new stuff and use the older. But we don't go overboard and orders thousands of dollars of food and other stuff any time a new "threat" comes out.

The key as far as I am concerned is to think realistically about the future and plan accordingly, not try to react to every rumor that comes out.
Being in CA, being prepared can apply to terrorist threats, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, or sports related rioting. Better safe than sorry, right?
I believe both of you have the right idea. I also have a water filter that I can use to filter creek or river water to make it drinkable. It only filters about one quart per minute, but I'm a patient person.

I also try to keep at least 25 gallons of diesel fuel in "jerry" cans. About every three months, I refill my truck's tank from the cans, and then take the cans to the station and refill them. I also keep a spare 30 pound tank of propane in my camper trailer.

One of the most important things, IMHO, is if you take prescription medicine, keep a 90 day supply on hand at all times!!!

Also, if you're on good terms with your family doctor, talk to him about emergency situations, and ask him if there are prescripion medicines that you should have in your first aid kit.

If he knows you to be a cautious and reasonable person, and you let him know that anything he TRUSTS you with will be used ONLY for absolute emergencies when professional medical help is impossible to obtain, he may be willing to give you a small supply of some of these for emergency use.

(Hint: You might ask for a painkiller stronger than aspirin, but DON'T ask him for half a kilo of morphine!)
Liquor & tobacco & coffee & sugar.

Ever read any books about shortages during the war (any war)? The above items are good for barter. I've got some of the first two but it may be time to replace the tabaccy. Cigarettes that are from WW II aren't necessarily in vogue.

P.S. Glad I don't drink or smoke so I don't have a craving for that stuff. Not really a coffee drinker either (too cheap).
Coffee is the only item I have stockpiled in big qtyies- I generally keep 6 or more 3#cans in stock, that I mix with ground Kona Beans. I run out of coffee and blood will flow- I could hold out for a few days, but then looting would start. I GOT TO HAVE MY COFFEE!!:cuss: :rolleyes:
Back in the Y2k days...

I tucked away some of those large cans of dinty moore beef stew.

I came home one day, my wife, a high metabolism girl, was fixing dinner, but there was a whole can empty, in the trash.

Now, having counted it as 2 days rations for the both of us, I asked her what happened to it, to which she replied..."Oh, that? it was my after school snack :what: ".

We still laugh about it.
Well for stocking up on food its always good to have a 50LB Bag of Rice and Beans and plenty of Water you would be surprised how long that will feed you.:)
Let's not forget that high energy food: chocolate. It's made from plants so it's good for you and won't cause you to gain weight.

Also good for bartering are nylons (so I read about during WW II).

Spare clothing. Always seems to be a clothing shortage during wartime. Everything goes for uniforms you understand.
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