Alito alert from the VPC!

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Dec 28, 2002
Minnesota - nine months of ice and snow...three mo
Gun regulation is becoming a hot topic in the nomination of Judge
Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. The VPC has been at the forefront of
educating the media and policymakers regarding the public safety
implications of Judge Alito's dissent in the 1996 case of U.S. v Rybar in which
he argued that the 1986 federal law banning the possession and transfer
of machine guns was an unconstitutional violation of the Commerce

On Friday, November 11th, the VPC was featured prominently in a
National Public Radio segment exploring the implications of the Rybar
decision. To listen to the story, click on this link:

Also, according to a new poll done for the Alliance for Justice, 46
percent of Americans (52 percent of women) think that Judge Alito's
decision in the Rybar case is a "very strong reason to vote against Judge

Please consider a donation today to help the VPC get the message out
about Alito's views on machine guns. You can donate to the VPC on-line

Thank you, as always, for your work with the Violence Policy Center to
stop gun death and injury.

Alito sounds like our kind of guy.
Sorry but Roe v Wade and gay marriage are the two biggest beefs liberals have against Alito.

NOT machineguns
"the 1986 federal law banning the possession and transfer
of machine guns was an unconstitutional violation of the Commerce
Clause. "


It still allows possession and transfer of pre-FOPA guns.

Also, according to a new poll done for the Alliance for Justice, 46
percent of Americans (52 percent of women) think that Judge Alito's
decision in the Rybar case is a "very strong reason to vote against Judge


That's not even half.
I am amused by the liberals' response to this opinion.

It is not really a pro-gun ruling at all; he didn't say "the second ammendment protects citizens' right to own machine guns," or anything like it.

Rather, he was simply saying that the feds cannot use the interstate commerce clause to justify criminalizing the mere possession of things. There was a Supreme court decision at the time backing this up.

It's like saying, "He ruled in favor of Nazis! He's a pro-Nazi judge! The streets will be flooded with Nazis!" when, in fact, he just said that the feds can't use the equal protection clause to justify summary execution of Nazis.

It will be interesting to hear the shrill screeching from Feinstein et al over this one. They will essentially either be saying; 1) I am too stupid to understand the legal principle involved here, or 2) I think the American people are too stupid to understand the legal principle involved here. In the latter case they may be right.
Anytime I get an email or snail mail that begins with "The VPC has been at the forefront..." or from any other group claiming to be at the forefront, I know there's going to be a request for money.

Doesn't matter what the issue or which side.

The only forefront the VPC has ever been at is in finding new and creative ways of distorting the truth. They even make the Brady Campaign seem downright honest.
Please consider a donation today to help the VPC get the message out about Alito's views on machine guns.
Please consider a donation to your favorite pro-gun group. I've got a request for funds on my desk right now from the NRA. It's emphasis is on the New Orleans gun confiscations. The NRA did a great job and they'll be getting extra money from me.
The subject of guns and the 2nd is still to hot.

No body of polititians at many state and the federal level will publicly admit they lost the house in 94 over the clinton gun ban. It is still a very hot subject that is taboo for public discusion. VPC will not get the gun grabers to show their colors publicly.
Alito will cause lots of closed door discusion and debate. I doubt this issue is raised in the Senate.
Even the most conservative media outlets on the radio or online do not give the dems 94 loss of the house proper credit. Too many other issue available to blame.
Thank you, as always, for your work with the Violence Policy Center to
stop gun death and injury.

My God! Guns are being killed and injured? That''s got to stop right now! :D
Put me down for number 3. :D

I just checked my safe. My AR was somehow grazed just above the mag release. Looks like it will survive, though.
I wish Alito were even half as pro-gun as the VPC and The Brady Campaign United With Four Other People To Have An Organization With A Really Long Name make him out to be.
Can't you guys see it though?

The VPC is only dealing in "absolutes". Like if Alito is not FOR the FEDERAL ban on post FOPA MG, he is obviously FOR a MG in every home:rolleyes: ...Resistence is futile...You are either with us or agaisnt us:uhoh:, there is not inbetween or reasonable gun control.
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