An Uzi Up Your Liberal Nose - WARNING: ANTI-GUN SNIVELING!

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May 8, 2003
An Uzi Up Your Liberal Nose
Who cares if the assault-weapons ban is about to expire? The gun lobby can't wait to blow stuff away
- By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Assault weapons. Aren't they just the cutest things? :D

And isn't it just so sweet and fall-down uproarious how the NRA and all its knuckle-draggin' right-wing pals in the U.S. Senate are all cheering right this minute, as the much-loathed 10-year-old ban on assault weapons, the one outlawing Uzis and TEC-9 semiautomatics and AK-47s and all other way-cool manly guns that have no other purpose in this world than to annihilate crap at 200 rounds per minute, is about to expire?

Because, get this: The ban will not be renewed. It's true. Even if that commie liberal Feinstein somehow gets it passed in the Senate, the NRA lobby has promised to keep it from ever coming up for a vote in the House, and the law will just expire and they will all cheer and slather each other in gun-barrel polish and go off and shoot stuff, because that's the only thing that seems to give life any meaning.

Isn't that great? To hell with logic and to hell with your kids' safety and to hell with even trying to prevent moron gangbangers and terrorist wanna-bes and imbecilic white supremacists from easily getting their hands on a nice AK-47 that can mow down a schoolyard full of tots in 10 seconds flat. Instead: Down with liberal scum who would take away our God-given right to bear nasty ultraviolent weaponry that no one anywhere can justify the existence of. Go, NRA!

What, too sarcastic? Well, hold onto your sides, because it gets even funnier. Even little gun-lovin' Bushie himself declared during the 2000 campaign that he actually supported an extension of the ban (pretty hard, even for Shrub, to defend Uzis in the wake of Columbine and 101 California, et al.), a law that outlaws 19 types of insidiously lethal weaponry, the very guns most highly prized by jittery meth-lab owners and killing-spree advocates and homophobic militia members deep in the Montana woods. Oh, and also by upstanding, white-bread NRA members. Oh my yes. They need assault weapons. Must have them. Or so they claim.

But Bush, he is just so happy. He won't have to see that bill at all. He won't have to sign a thing before the election and risk annoying the Bible-quotin' gun lovers of America. The NRA lobby will kill it before he even has to try to pronounce the phrase "high school gun rampage." Oh man is he ever relieved.

Because to the NRA, the rule is absolute: No gun law is a good gun law, and any ban of any kind is a slippery slope (always, always a slippery slope) until the government stomps in and takes away all your rights to do anything fun at all, and so screw the painfully obvious, skull-crushingly sad fact that allowing assault weapons back into the culture is the equivalent of allowing, say, convicted rapists loose in a sorority house.

What, too extreme? Bull. Even "normal," responsible gun owners -- and, yes, they do exist, in huge numbers -- know there is zero justification for allowing Uzis and AK-47s and their ilk back onto the market, just as there is no validation for suddenly legalizing, say, bazookas and flamethrowers and a swell grenade launcher for the Hummer. Dude! Wouldn't that be so cool! Imagine a flame-throwing grenade-launching badass H2 with roof-mounted machine guns, barreling down I-5 and shooting up those goddamn wimpy Priuses and Mini Coopers! Ha! High five! Goddamn liberals!

Whoops, sorry. Getting carried away again. Hard not to, really. Because you simply have to love that NRA logic. It is pure genius, their insidious small-minded one-note hunk of reasoning that says banning assault weapons is just one step away from the government breaking down the door and taking away their shotguns and their Cheez Puffs and their Guns & Ammo subscription and their secret stash of gay porn.

This is the thinking. And it applies to all aspects of the frightening NRA mind-set. What, damn libs make me wear a seat belt in the car? Won't let me breed African killer bees in my backyard? Make homemade bombs out of weed killer and turpentine? Buy cop-killer bullets at Wal-Mart? What's next, invading my home and making my kids read feminist lit and stealing my kidneys while I sleep? I knew it! Damn liberals!

It gets better. It gets funnier. It gets sadder. Let us note how the current, about-to-expire legislation is already full of loopholes and flaws of sufficient breadth that gun manufacturers can mostly skirt the ban by making simple cosmetic changes to their guns and then selling them as something else, completely legal, even though the gun is essentially the same, ha ha suckers.

And if you are at all sentient and aware and feel even the slightest twinge of humanitarian concern for the spiritual progress of the human animal, a bitter, uncontrolled, fall-down fit of pained hilarity would seem to be the only real reaction you can possibly have.

Because if you don't laugh it off, right now, at the bloody cosmic circus of it all, you will tear out your hair and start popping Vicodin like candy and pound a large nail into your own skull to deflect the pain, and then move to Canada, where they look down at America's bizarre right-wing macho inbred obsession with guns and just go, oh my freaking God what the hell is wrong with you people.

And the kicker? The cutest aspect of all? There is no effort to hide it. The NRA is making not the slightest stab at concealing how their snide little lobby controls the right-wing side of the senate, nor are those same senators denying how they happily and with full enthusiastic intent suck at the bitter macho metallic tit of the gun lobby.

Simply put, they just do not care whether you know. Why? Because the Right, they still have majority control. They still make the rules, and, no matter how many Dems or progressives or commonsense Americans still think the assault-weapons ban is a good idea overall, they just don't give a crap. The NRA is in charge. The sheer force of the gun lobby will make Uzis available again, just because they can. Don't like it? Suck my shotgun barrel, commie liberal tree hugger. God bless America.

And, finally, here is NRA prez and noted ball of rancid cottage cheese Wayne LaPierre, talking up the sheer orgiastic joy of watching the ban expire: "I'm here to promise you that's the end of [the ban]. It's over. On Sept. 14, the sun will rise and it will never see the light of day again as long as we stay strong." Yes, he's actually comparing buying Uzis and AK-47s to a sunrise. And lo, the Earth shuddered, children everywhere felt suddenly soiled and defiled and lightning, sadly, did not strike LaPierre dead on the spot.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to type this column. I am now laughing so hard at the warped hypocritical savagery of it all, at so many Republicans wailing about, you know, the necessity of war on terror and war on drugs and war on gays and war on women's rights and war on just about everything they don't understand, and then how they turn right around and fall prostrate in front of Mr. NRA Lobbyist and say yes yes, what this country really needs goddammit is to get those Uzis back into the hands of angry Americans.

Laughing. Laughing so very hard. Oh you poor, sad senators, lobbyists, NRA chiefs, stroking your Uzis and cheering your right to own multiple TEC-9s and not caring a whit for how anyone thinks. Or feels. Or intuits. Or loves.

Do you really not see? Do you really not understand the sad dose of malevolence your agenda pumps into the cultural bloodstream? Do you not, finally, when you go to bed at night, get hit with a white-hot realization of what comical, bleak little clowns you are? No, I suppose you don't.

Leftwing hypocrites preach all about tolerance, peace and love, but this is their true nature. They'll step on your neck the first chance they get.
SF Gate Columnist....

....That explains a lot. That article is so off base, irrational, and filled with hoplophobia I don't even know where to begin. I've heard more logical speeches from bums on street corners.

My mother enjoys shooting my .223 Ruger "assault weapon". I wonder if they'd like to comment on how she's just trying to be "macho".
I didnt think people came that stupid. This one must have been a special order. I am surprised he didnt deteriorate into a "word salad" of curse words and imprecations against Bush, big oil, globalization "the children" etc etc etc. It is incredible that someone actually wrote that without meaning it to be a parody. It is worse that some editor actually published it. And we're supposed to be the stupid/insane unreasonable ones??
Here's Mark Morford

At what kind of weird angle was that photo taken?

Take your meds, Mark, see if you can find your balls, and COME AND GET THEM!
Here is the email I sent him: Warning!!!! It is NOT High Road Material!
Dear Mark,
Thank you so much for that enlightening bit of drivel. It has motivated me, a tax paying, law abiding female citizen to be sure and legally purchase more ammo this week, and go to the range. I think I'll even invite a friend!
I really hope you are responsible enough not to breed.
Another Middle Class Working American Woman
It gets better. It gets funnier. It gets sadder. Let us note how the current, about-to-expire legislation is already full of loopholes and flaws of sufficient breadth that gun manufacturers can mostly skirt the ban by making simple cosmetic changes to their guns and then selling them as something else, completely legal, even though the gun is essentially the same, ha ha suckers.
So the need to extend the ban is what? Does not 10 years of "skirting the ban" by selling "essentially the same gun" prove the ban is a waste of time?

Like the idiot stated:
To hell with logic...
My email to Mr. Morford:

I was alerted to this column on an on-line forum. Don't you think you have some responsibility to investigate something before you write an opinion about it? I could point out the factual issues in the column, but these are widely available and I am sure you have access to them. Your column does not do the cause of gun control any good at all because the "facts" presented are faulty.
Bill Bernstein
Nashville TN
"Send lawyers, guns, and money."

The chance of it having any effect is somewhere between nil and snowball in hell. I'd want to see the pro letters he gets telling him what a great job he did.
But then, what can you say about a self-professed "tatooed love-monkey"??
I sent him an email suggesting that he learn the gun laws on the books before going on a name calling rant.

Namely flamethrowers are not firearms nor destructive devices as defined under the 1934 National Firearms Act and therefore not under regulation by the Federal govt. Grenades are completely legal to build and own under NFA provisions. His precious 1994 crime bill did not restrict those items in any way.

Told him to do research on the laws next time so he doesn't make a complete ass of himself again.

I sorta wanted to tell this idiot that the government has already justified owning machineguns, grenades and explosives for the sole purpose of killing people like him. I'm not joking... The corporation exemption in the 1934 National Firearms Act was lobbied for by big business specifically so security companies like the Pinkertons could still quickly get Tommy guns and other MGs to quell violent labor strikes i.e. hardcore leftwing liberals.

Makes you wonder why these sheep insist on trusting the govt to do the right thing.
The corporation exemption in the 1934 National Firearms Act was lobbied for by corporations specifically so security companies like the Pinkertons could still legally get Tommy guns and other MGs to quell violent labor strikes i.e. hardcore leftwing liberals.
I didn't know that. Learn something new every day. :)
Squawk, squawk the sky is falling

"The sky is falling" run for your lives, seems to be the overwhelming tone of these articles, or is there just one article that the liberal/progressive columnist keep re-publishing?

IMHO, don't waste the elctronic ink on this pin head. He'll just uise your letters to prove how unstable gun owners are in his next column or try to twist it into a personal threat and get the police involved.

They are losing and Saint Diane can't save them in spite of her best intentions and all the good vibes from SFO and its environs.

200 rounds per minute indeed, what kind of sissy gun is that?
Boofus that info about the NFA exemption was worth the price of admission. I'm going to remember that the next time I get caught at a cocktail party with liberals. :D

I really think that these Morford articles need to be more widely distributed. It would be good for the people to see the hatemongering the Left is capable of.
knuckle-draggin' , knuckle-draggin' .

I'll have you know my family has been walking upright for 20 years!
It makes me wonder what Morford would do if he was in power.

If we're lucky, we'll get sent to reeducation camps.
No offense to you 'normal' people in California, but it's about damn time that the whole state drops off and sinks in the ocean.

How do you know we're winning? When the Left is so apoplectic that they reveal their dangerous irrationality via screeds like this.

here's my response

Dear Mr. Morford,

In response to your article “An Uzi Up Your Liberal Nose†I believe that you simply do not understand who it is that is anxious to see the expiration of the Assault Weapons Ban. For instance, I am one such person. I have no calluses on my knuckles due to excessive dragging. I do not want a grenade launcher on my Humvee. I do not quote the bible. I do note vote republican. In order to just stop there I will say that I am not the violent moron you portray gun rights advocates to be in your article. To me all of the original 10 amendments to the constitution are vital to maintaining our democracy in the form that most promotes a successful society that encourages individual achievement and provides for social stability.

A government that can trust its citizens to vote, can trust its citizens to voluntarily serve the armed forces, can trust its citizens to pay taxes, can also trust those citizens to own firearms. A society well served by its representatives and justly governed should not be feared. The restricting of firearms to those which are less and less effective for a tactical purpose is a sign of distrust and separation between the people and their government.

When you speak of illegal acts then the legality of the firearm used in the course of those acts is completely irrelevant. Mowing down a schoolyard full of tots is an act carried out by a person with no regard for society and even less for law. As I am sure I am not the first to point out to you, only law abiding citizens are affected by restrictions on firearms. Criminals do not make their black-market firearm purchase based on the legality of the weapon at hand. Criminals are not sympathetic to the spiritual progress of the human animal. Everything in your article tells me that you are concerned about criminal behavior yet you only propose to restrict the sale of a very narrow group of firearms to law abiding citizens. You mention the slippery slope. If restricting legal firearm sales in a narrow way does not achieve your desired result then what do you suggest be the next step? Possibly it’s the loopholes you mentioned? Law abiding citizens have been free to purchase weapons similar to those few that are banned, yet criminals have continued to use firearms to gain advantages over their victims. So down the slope we go. If you can tell me exactly what firearms should never be legal and which should always be legal then I would be interested to hear it.

You demonstrate in your article a lack of awareness as to who it is you oppose on this issue (really you simply childishly insult gun rights advocates) as well as a lack of understanding about the guns you want to continue to ban. Fully automatic weapons were not legal before the AWB and will not be afterwards. AK-47s in semi-automatic form are functionally no different than a dear rifle, and can legitimately be used for such a purpose. Uzis are no different than an auto-loading handgun. You have attached a persona to these weapons and emotions to the persona.

I do not support the AWB because it serves no useful purpose. It does not increase the safety of my family or my community. It satisfies only those least knowledgeable about firearms. It does represent a slippery slope specifically because it is ineffective. Those who think it is good but do not know why it has not worked will simply want greater restrictions. By saying that certain firearms should be made illegal because people use them to commit crimes is to say that crime should be made more illegal.
You know, they (the libs) portray us gun owners as "knuckle dragging" "ignorant" and other "types".

But I've never had fear of another gun owning person and I've known and made a few. I've never had fear of someone that owns guns "snapping" due to they come to other gun owning friends and family to talk about it. I've never had fear of seeing anyone with a gun that wasn't using it in a dangerous manner.

But I will tell you this, I greatly fear the tree hugging, ranting and raving lunitics out there.

Gun owners, law abiding, never did terrorist acts as the so called liberals act upon. I've never seen a gun owner yell and cuss and threaten anyone but I've seen the anti-gunners do it to others. I've seen "elf" and "pita" and other lib causes/groups destroy property, destroy lives, and then act as if they are gods to be worshipped.

Just for this stupidity I think that I'll go out and shoot me a spotted owl. Don't worry, I eat what I kill (unless it's rabid or a domestic animal that has been hit by a car).


Excellent letter. You have a lot of patience. How are things aboard the Nimitz?
The funny (stupid) thing is, it said "Machine guns." in place of "Assault weapons. Aren't they just the cutest things?" at the start of the article yesterday. I guess enough people (including me) emailed him. That guy is the one of the worst I've encountered when it comes to sheer arrogance and stupidity.
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