Another Sheehan remark

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Well, Mrs. Sheehan [soon to Ms. Sheehan] since you think those folks are "Freedom Fighters", here is your one-way ticket to Baghdad to join them.
She Needs to hook up with that guy that is Demonstrating Against the military funerals! :neener:

No, Wait! What am I saying. More offspring from those two!! :what:

At least Sheehans son saw his duty and did it. It's a shame that his coffin is providing her soapbox.
Thank the Good Lord above for the 1st Amendment - because of our freedom of speech, the whole world no longer has to merely wonder is Ms Sheehan is a complete and utter idiot and fool - we know for that for a FACT now! :neener:
so if terrorists killed her son to bring about freedom, wouldnt that mean she agrees with his death? Wouldn't that mean that she believed her son to be an oil loving bigoted american thug trying to destroy mid-eastern cultures?

Something doesn't add up.
A couple things:

1. They're "fighters," not "freedom fighters." They're not fighting for freedom... they're fighting for tyranny.

2. I could understand her anger if her son were drafted. But he volunteered to join, and he (presumably) understood the risks.
“Freedom fighters” is a term often used to describe insurgents or rebels. Though these people may be fighting for freedom from the current rulers, they are usually not fighting for freedom in the coventional or even the American sense of the word. In using this term, Mrs. Sheehan is simply demonstrating her middling education and critical-thinking skills, as are those who continue to validate her message by not ignoring her.

~G. Fink
If you listen to her then you must come to this conclusion...

She believes her son was a capitalist terrorist that pillaged Iraq and was killed by freedom fighters.

I don't see what her problem is then. If she really believes the terrorists are on the right side then she should just be happy.

The plain truth is this --> The woman is a LIAR.
The first time she met with President Bush she said Casey re-enlisted on his own and volunteered for the rescue mission that he was KIA'd on.

Now she says Casey didn't agree with the war. He didn't want to go back, he wanted to run to Canada instead. Either she lied with her first story, or she is lying now with the new story which seems to be a 180 degree turnaround from the previous story. Either way SHE IS A LIAR and can not be believed.
Perhaps THR should take up a collection, and offer Ms. Sheehan a ticket to Iraq, so she could there, with those glorious freedom fighters she loves so much. How long do you think it'd take THR to donate enough money? Five minutes, maybe less?
I was prepared to give her a little slack, as she did lose her son, and her mother (reportedly) recently suffered a stroke. But if she's expressing sympathy for the same insurgents who killed her son... :fire:
You know...

When I was in the service my mom couldn't speak to me. She always broke into tears and handed the phone to my dad. She's a mother, and I was infantry, and she was worried. That's what moms do. She didn't want me there, and was hugely happy when I came home.

Ms. Sheehan (always a funny name -- I had a SGT Sheehan as my first squad leader, who then went to SF and was never heard from again...) is in mourning, and is in a very emotional place. I doubt she can see this from any "rational" perspective, and I doubt she's at all in control of what comes out of her mouth.

I disagree with her -- a lot -- and I believe she's dishonoring her son's life, against his wishes (if he could give an opinion). But she's human, and she's acting like it.

Cut her a little slack. It's the grief talking.
she gets a big "foxtrot uniform" from me.

Her son was killed, I agree with cutting some slack here. This woman is confused, overwhelmed with emotion, and being misled by the left and the media. I am not sure she even realizes this.

I am curious, Comissar, how many sons have you lost in Iraq?

I concur with what Derek said.
Small wonder her marriage broke up. I wonder what her soon-to-be ex-husband has to say. I rather suspect he may be somewhat sane, and finally couldn't put up with her babbling any longer.

so if terrorists killed her son to bring about freedom, wouldnt that mean she agrees with his death? Wouldn't that mean that she believed her son to be an oil loving bigoted american thug trying to destroy mid-eastern cultures?

+1. Very well said.
so if terrorists killed her son to bring about freedom, wouldnt that mean she agrees with his death? Wouldn't that mean that she believed her son to be an oil loving bigoted american thug trying to destroy mid-eastern cultures?
The warped leftist mind doesn't work that way. It means that her son and all the other U.S. military people are pawns- victims- of the evil George Bush and his demonic twin, Dick Cheney in their bloodthirsty quest for unlimited world domination and profits. Leftists are mentally unbalanced; nothing that comes out of their mouths makes any logical sense.
Ms. Sheehan in mourning, and is in a very emotional place. I doubt she can see this from any "rational" perspective, and I doubt she's at all in control of what comes out of her mouth.

I agree. I wonder how much of her posturing is from the heart (some, certainly) and how much was planted by somebody using her, especially that "freedom fighter" nonsense.

It's amazing sometimes what makes the headlines.

Freedom for All!

I was in the desert in 2003 before and during the war in Iraq serving in the Air Force. Although I did not see combat we were always a little edgy of possible terrorist attacks on the base we were at.
I personally feel that Ms. Sheehan and others have the freedom to state their position on the war. I may not agree with her and I don't have to listen to what she says but the freedoms I was protecting while over there are the same freedoms for all Americans.
If I don't allow others to speak their opinion I am nothing but a fascist.
That is why the dictionary says freedom is "the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action".
Ms. Sheehan needs to understand though that her son had the freedom in this country whether to be a soldier or not. Soldiers go to war, that is their job.
Her son chose to serve his country; she needs to respect the choice he unselfishly made.
There are other interviews available, in which Cindy Sheehan has further clarified her position. The one below is very instructive of her thinking.

Sheehan plays 'Hardball' with Matthews, Aug 16, MSNBC.

With Cindy Sheehan's protest outside of President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, in its ninth day on Monday, Hardball's Chris Matthews talked with the California mother who lost a son in Iraq and is demanding to meet with President Bush.

To read an excerpt of their conversation, continue to the text below. To watch the video, click on the "Launch" button to the right.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: What's the latest ... I know it is a tragic situation. Let me ask you, are you asking now for a meeting with the president? Or some other kind of occasion?

CINDY SHEEHAN: We're still asking for the meeting with the president to discuss my concerns that I've brought up. But also, we're having a worldwide moment of silent prayer on Friday at noon for those soldiers who are still in Iraq and their families and for the people who have been killed and for their families. And we've invited our neighbors to join us. And George Bush is one of our neighbors so we've invited him to join us. He says he cares about the troops and we care about the troops. Maybe that's something we can find common ground on to begin our discussion. ...

MATTHEWS: This is serious business. The purpose of your vigil is to get an answer from the president. It is not to demonstrate against the war, right? It is to get an answer from the president. ... Is the purpose of your visit to demonstrate against war or to get the president to say something he hasn't said so far?

SHEEHAN: It is actually to hold him accountable for things he has already said, Chris. Last week, it wasn't last week. The week before when I started this, 14 marines had been killed from the same unit in the same incident. And that not will only broke my heart. Every day is a new sense of tearing my heart out of my body again, when I see other children who have been killed and I know what their families are going through. That broke my heart.

And that angered me and it also made me kind of feel like a failure because I've been working for months to bring the truth to the American people, to wake them up to the fact that this is a war based on lies and to try to put pressure on the government to bring our troops home. In fact, I've been on your show before, a couple months ago ... I have been doing this. I just didn't climb out of the woodwork last Saturday and start this odyssey.

But when he was speaking about the terrible loss of life that day, and we had 30 troops killed in the first five days of August, which was heart breaking and tragic for the families and to their communities, but he came out and he said they died for a noble cause. And you know, Chris, I never have believed that a war of aggression against a country that posed no threat to the United States of America is a noble cause. So I want to ask him what the noble cause is.

And I also know that if he believes it is such a noble cause, what we're doing over in Iraq, which he hasn't defined that really clearly, and like my sister says, it changes all the time. If you believe it is a noble cause, does he encourage his daughters to go and fight? We know there are soldiers there who are in their third tour of duty that don't want to be there and they want to come home. And we know there are soldiers who have been in the military for eight years and they're stop loss and held hostage over there and they want to come home.

So if people believe this is a noble cause, then they should be willing to put their own skin in the game. And there are so many people who say yes, we're fighting over there for a noble cause but they are not willing to sacrifice their own lives or their own children's lives for this. And I don't think they should myself, you know.

And the other thing he always says is that we have to honor the sacrifices of the fallen by completing the mission. Well, Chris, I had my heart and soul ripped out on April 4th, 2004. As a mother, why would I want any other mother to suffer the way I am? Why would I want one more of our dear children to be killed for this mistake, for the lives in Iraq? And those are the answers I want from the president.

MATTHEWS: Can I ask you a tough question? A very tough question.


MATTHEWS: All right. If your son had been killed in Afghanistan, would you have a different feeling?

SHEEHAN: I don't think so, Chris, because I believe that Afghanistan is almost the same thing. We're fighting terrorism. Or terrorists, we're saying. But they're not contained in a country. This is an ideology and not an enemy. And we know that Iraq, Iraq had no terrorism. They were no threat to the United States of America.

MATTHEWS: But Afghanistan was harboring, the Taliban was harboring al-Qaida which is the group that attacked us on 9/11.

SHEEHAN: Well then we should have gone after al-Qaida and maybe not after the country of Afghanistan.

MATTHEWS: But that's where they were being harbored. That's where they were headquartered. Shouldn't we go after their headquarters? Doesn't that make sense?

SHEEHAN: Well, but there were a lot of innocent people killed in that invasion, too. ... But I'm seeing that we're sending our ground troops in to invade countries where the entire country wasn't the problem. Especially Iraq. Iraq was no problem. And why do we send in invading armies to march into Afghanistan when we're looking for a select group of people in that country?

So I believe that our troops should be brought home out of both places where we're obviously not having any success in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden is still on the loose and that's who they told us was responsible for 9/11.

MATTHEWS: The reason I ask that because a lot of Americans believe going to Afghanistan made since [sic] because we were doing what the president said he would do that very day. A couple days after 9/11. He said I'm going to get the people that attacked these buildings. And he went over and got them. And that was where America was so united. Whereas Iraq has caused a deep division. Let me give you a statement that seems to show some division in your family. One of your relatives has given this statement to a conservative radio commentary for distribution.

"The Sheehan Family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports our troops, our country, and our president, silently, with prayer and respect. Sincerely, Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins."

So it seems like you have a division in your family.

SHEEHAN: Those are on my husband's side of the family. And we've always been politically on different sides of the fence. I have always been a Democrat and they have always been Republicans, so we've always had a good-natured kind of debate within that family. But you know what, we support the troops. How can they say by what I'm doing I don't support the troops?

The troops are over there for a mistake and not one of them, not one drop of blood should have been spilled in Iraq. Why are they still over there? Why are they still dying and why are the Iraqi people still dying? Because it is a mistake. And it was based on deceptions.

And another thing about that side of the family, they barely knew Casey. They barely had a relationship with him. They call him their beloved Casey. He was my hero, Chris, before he was killed. I knew him so well.

MATTHEWS: Were your husband's parents and grandparents on your side close to Casey?

SHEEHAN: Out of all those people who signed the letters, they know him the most but they didn't really keep up a relationship with him either. ...

MATTHEWS: Why are they going to war with you in public? Why are they issuing a statement for national release through a conservative radio talk show host? ... Why would they put out a statement that goes in the face of what you're doing in your camp?

SHEEHAN: You know, like I've said, we've always been on different sides of the fence politically. And my sister was Casey's second mom. And she is standing here next to me in solidarity and agreement with me.

MATTHEWS: ... Let me ask you about your situation. Cindy, this is a tricky situation. Every time a family has a tragedy and the loss of a son, your oldest, must be unimaginable.

Sometimes husbands and wives grieve in very different ways and it often leads to separation and divorce. Is that what has happened between and you your husband? Or is this a partisan fight that we're seeing in the open that's behind us? The separation and divorce of you and your husband?

SHEEHAN: My husband has always agreed with me philosophically. And he only disagreed with the intensity that I put into the fight. But I am compelled to do this. And other than that, that's as far as I'm going to talk about my family's -- another personal tragedy due to this war.

Watch 'Hardball' each night at 7 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
© 2005 MSNBC Interactive
I personally think that when the MSM finally have enough of her 15 minutes, and drop her, she is gonna explode. She has not had to come to terms and ceal with her grief. If anything, she has allowed herself to be exploited. When the fall comes, it will be rough.

Um the above is my "compassionate" remarks on the situation. I would be banned should I express my real feelings, as a father of an active Marine.
Her son was killed, I agree with cutting some slack here.

if by this you mean she should "shut up until she gets her head cleared and can speak objectively", then yes- I agree 100%

I am curious, Comissar, how many sons have you lost in Iraq?

I suppose if I had I wouldn't try to cheapen his death by saying that he died for nothing important. I especially wouldn't say that the person who killed him did it for a good reason and that he deserved death.
dfound this on antoher forum, boy is that lady full of it=
About Cindy Sheehan
Did you also find it interesting that the liberal press gives Cindy almost non-stop coverage as the grieving mother who has maintained unending devotion to her son. However, there has been very limited coverage of the fact that Cindy divorced her first husband and left her son with him to be raised while she pursued something more important in her life, i.e. her political activism for the Democratic Party. She actually had very little to do with her son during his formative years and she remarried. Her first husband also remarried and raised their son with his new wife. He and his wife also mourn the loss of their son which he had raised from childhood. However, they have taken a more honorable approach to this tragedy. In an interview, they stated that they are very proud of their son, who in their eyes is a hero, and agree with America's fight in Iraq against terrorism. They said that their son was eager to serve his country and to fight against terrorism in Iraq. In deference to what Cindy has said, he was not sent to Iraq by Bush, he volunteered! Just how many news stations carried their interview?? Not many.

Their son dies heroically in Iraq and now Cindy shows up to exploit the situation and accelerate her career as a political activist. Her audience with President Bush just whet her appetite for notoriety. She seizes this opportunity to exploit her son's death by linking up with the left wing media. She then goes to Bush's ranch in Texas and demands another audience with him. And how many stations carried this circus? Practically all of them and for weeks!! But where was Cindy's undying devotion for her son in the years prior to his death? She had even let another woman raise him. Does Cindy really care about the other soldiers in Iraq?? Probably not.

Cindy most assuredly cares more about her liberal agenda and about using the death of her son to lobby against Republicans and President Bush. And, of course, the main stream (liberal) media has latched onto this as their next attempt to sink the Bush Administration. Prior to Cindy there were many other attempts: the false National Guard documents, Abu Grab, incessant attacks on the president's cabinet nominations (e.g., Congalezza Rice and John Bolton), etc. Now that the Cindy story has been replaced by the Katrina hurricane, which is also being used to vilify Bush, who knows what will be next....but there will be a next. These people are nothing if not persistent.

It is generally known that during this past month, Cindy's 2nd husband, being fed up with her, filed for a divorce. Cindy is a feminist opportunist who did not have the time or sense of responsibility to raise her own son, but now all of a sudden he is the most important thing in her life. We middle Americans are fed up with Cindy as well as the left wing media and their unending crusade to sink the Bush administration. Make your feelings known and pass this on. And be thankful to God that the TRUTH rather than the "Media Fanciful Exaggeration" means the 10,000 fatalities trumpeted by the media now seems to be less than l,000. They will probably try to blame the administration for that shortfall !!!!
Cindy Sheehan is a dead horse. She's not resting, she's stone dead. She's not pining, she's expired, deceased, passed on, no more.

Her metabolic processes are now history. She's off the twig, she's kicked the bucket, she's pushing up daisies. She has shuffed off her mortal coil.

The net.SPCA respectfully requests that everyone please stop beating this deceased, expired and otherwise dead horse. Thank you for your consideration.
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