Cindy Sheehan to Sen. Feinstein: Filibuster Alito or Else!

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Justin said:
Nothing but drop-dead hilarious good can come of this. Can you imagine a televised debate? It might very well break all previous records for unintentional comedy.

I would pay to watch on "pay per view"..

I think I'll send 10 bucks to the "Cindy for Senate" fund.....
I don't want Sheehan to run as a Democrat.

If she does, then only one of Sheehan/Feinstein can win the primary and go against the GOP. Hopefully she'll run as a Socialist. That way, she and Feinstein can divide the Kumbaya vote, and let the Republican sneak in. If she runs against Feinstein as a Democrat, whoever wins that primary wins the Senate seat.
Sheehan-Belafonte 2008.......hahaha.

Has she visited the socialist utopia of Fidel yet? The more she opens her mouth, the funnier it gets.
Blue Jays said:
Hi All-

The best thing that could happen for Republicans would be for Cindy to continue her irrational screeching on an even bigger stage by running for political office.

Her hero son is in his grave corkscrewing his way to China with her unpatriotic actions. Hopefully she continues to run and we use the opportunity to trounce the Democratic bid for higher office. Heck, we conservatives are doing a better job of honoring her son than she has.

~ Blue Jays ~

You are, perhaps, aware that her son opposed the war in Iraq?? At least according to his mother, who probably knows better than O'Reilly and Hannity about the opinions of a dead man neither has ever met.

I thought not.


tube_ee said:
You are, perhaps, aware that her son opposed the war in Iraq?? At least according to his mother, who probably knows better than O'Reilly and Hannity about the opinions of a dead man neither has ever met.

I thought not.



Well, I don't know if I trust what the mother says any more than I trust O'Reilly.
cbsbyte said:
Well, I don't know if I trust what the mother says any more than I trust O'Reilly.

Why not? If you assume that her opposition is honest, at least. I'm not in total agreement with Cindy Sheehan, and our reasons for opposing the war are quite different, (she thinks it was illegal, I just think it was a bad idea), but I'm not about to call someone a liar when they say something, and I have no idea whether or not it's correct. I didn't know Casey Sheehan, so i'm totally unqualified to have any opinion as to what he might think about his mother's actions. She has consistently said that he opposed the war. I've got no information to contradict that. Until such time as such becomes available, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

If that was really his position, how does her campaign "dishonor his memory?"

Cindy Sheehan may be 100% wrong, but I've seen nothing to justify the smear campaign against her. About the worst thing that could justifiably be said about her is that she's honestly wrong. And I'm not sure that she is even that.

If that was really his position, how does her campaign "dishonor his memory?"

Hobnobbing with third world dictators and making anti semitic remarks doesn't sound like activities a volunteer soldier would be proud of.
tube_ee said:
Why not? If you assume that her opposition is honest, at least. I'm not in total agreement with Cindy Sheehan, and our reasons for opposing the war are quite different, (she thinks it was illegal, I just think it was a bad idea), but I'm not about to call someone a liar when they say something, and I have no idea whether or not it's correct. I didn't know Casey Sheehan, so i'm totally unqualified to have any opinion as to what he might think about his mother's actions. She has consistently said that he opposed the war. I've got no information to contradict that. Until such time as such becomes available, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

If that was really his position, how does her campaign "dishonor his memory?"

Cindy Sheehan may be 100% wrong, but I've seen nothing to justify the smear campaign against her. About the worst thing that could justifiably be said about her is that she's honestly wrong. And I'm not sure that she is even that.


Personally, I believe her original opposition was sincere, now I believe she just doing it for a publicity stunt to help the Leftist movement she involved with. I mean dining with soon to be dictators is steaping over the line.
Her son reenlisted during wartime, volunteered to be deployed, and volunteered for the mission he died on.

If anyone ever uses my corpse as a soapbox like this then I will come back and haunt them forever. I made sure to tell my moonbat sister that before I shipped out last time, too.
wingnutx said:
Her son reenlisted during wartime, volunteered to be deployed, and volunteered for the mission he died on.

If anyone ever uses my corpse as a soapbox like this then I will come back and haunt them forever. I made sure to tell my moonbat sister that before I shipped out last time, too.

Again, this is according to his mom, but he was sent back, and during discussions as to whether or not he should go, he made the decision to follow orders to return so that he could be with his buddies in his unit. As a veteran, that's a motivation I get. And it has nothing to do with supporting the war.

He joined after 9/11, as did a lot of folks. But his mom maintains that he was always against the war in Iraq, which he believed had nothing to do with protecting America from terrorism. If you've got some knowledge that contradicts her statements, please present it. I assume that you knew him... right?

Otherwise, you're guessing, and your guesses reflect your assumptions.

The fact is, the only person who knows whether or not Casey Sheehan would approve of his mom's actions is Casey Sheehan.

And he's dead, so we can't ask him.

The fact is, the only person who knows whether or not Casey Sheehan would approve of his mom's actions is Casey Sheehan.
You have your head in the sand.

He signed up for a second hitch knowing he would be sent to Iraq and volunteered for a quick response team while in Iraq.

All of his actions show not only a commitment to his fellow soldiers but also a commitment to his mission.

His mother stands against everything he lived and died for. I do not deny their love for one another or question her as a mother.

I do think she does a disservice to his memory by treating his decision to be a soldier as a mistake.
Actually he enlisted in 2000 and re-enlisted in '04 knowing where he'd be sent. Being in country 5 days he volunteered to go out on a QRF to rescue other troops needing help. Bad day for all.

Casey was a brave young man. He was there, doing his Duty... with Honor...

His Mom is understandably freaked about his death. Obsessed. It's her right.

Why she wants Alito nixed... who cares? She can't compete with Feinstein's money backers... what'd the last election cost? $25,000,000.
I, of cours, do not know what Casey Sheehan thought, but we all know what he did. He volunteered for the military.

To me, the fact that he volunteered for the military, was deployed to Iraq, and met his death at the hands of the enemy is enough to give him praise and honor.
Desertdog said:
I, of cours, do not know what Casey Sheehan thought, but we all know what he did. He volunteered for the military.

To me, the fact that he volunteered for the military, was deployed to Iraq, and met his death at the hands of the enemy is enough to give him praise and honor.

Absolutely. That's not the same thing as saying that his mother's opposition to the war in which he died (which, according to the only person in a position to know, he opposed), is dishonoring to him.

No one here is in any position to speculate on his opinion about the war, unless they knew him, and talked to him about it. Period. End of freakin' story. Anything else is simply blowing it out of your arse.

And without that piece of knowledge, which no one (except his family and friends) has, any discussion of whether his mother's actions do or do not degrade his memory are simply drivel.

If he opposed it (which we don't know) , then Cindy Sheehan's protests might well be in accordance with her son's wishes, and therefore actually honor his life and death.

There's just nobody here, or in the media, or on the web with the information required to make that determination. So that argument doesn't work for anyone who's made it. You can certainly disagree with Mrs. Sheehan's stand. Many do. But to say that she's "dishonoring her son's sacrifice" is arrogant presumption of the worst kind, and anyone who engages in it should be ashamed.

Hi tube ee-

The entire Sheehan family has disowned Cindy for completely standing against everything that Casey stood for as a brave soldier. Her alignment with statist George Soros, despotic tyrants, not to mention her unrestrained anti-Semitism will be of great interest to you. It's no wonder that her family is through with her.

Have no fear, I'll post the hyperlinks for you in this thread.

~ Blue Jays ~
I recall seeing Casey's father and stepmom on the news
saying what an embarassment Cindy was.

Of course we can't ask Casey,but his actions and what his father and stepmother (who also raised him) say,
have me covinced that he was fully aware of what was
going on and the consequences.

Cindy,your 15 minutes are up.

Bruce H said:
I wonder if Venezuelen president Hugo Chavez has been picking up Cindy's tab since the Crawford protests? Nothing like financing a thorn in the administrations side when the thorn is not sharp enough to understand.
+1, and Hugo seems to love to do this. I would bet money is siphoned in several ways by him. I wonder...
my friend, an Infantry sergeant who did 2 tours

Over in Iraq, hates GW, (allmost as bad as he hates officers) is "against this expletive deleted war for oil"
is for gun control "only active duty and cops need guns" and a total liberal...yet he keeps on re-upping and keeps on voting republican...I can't figure him out.
So I guess that Cindy's son could have been against the war...I don't know.

But I would love for her to boot that :cuss: fineswine out of office, fineswine has alot of clout and senority, Cindy wouldn't be able to get anything done...perfect! I would rather have an inept lib in office then a crafty one.
If she wants to grieve and lash out over her dead son that’s fine, but do it in a group therapy session or to a psychologist. The media should never have given this nutcase the time of day. It is long past time for her to exit stage right.
Matthew748 said:
The media should never have given this nutcase the time of day. It is long past time for her to exit stage right.

What if the media liked her anti-administration message or simply viewed her as an oddity that was either newsworthy or a curiosity that would sell? I think she has since become an embarassment to everyone. There is no sense trying to have a pithy discussion about Cindy Sheehan.
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