Anti Activity Tracking - Post any and all known Anti activity


Staff member
Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN
We're stickying a thread based on an idea that member Midwest proposed that we have a single place to post any specific Anti activity.

This will allow members to come to one place and check what members have identified local, state, or national Anti groups are doing on specific proposed dates and time so other threads can be opened to work against them.

Remember, this is not a discussion thread, nor one to rant about an individual or group. Posts will be deleted and if you violate the THR rules or the Activism rules to climb up on your personal soapbox about non firearms rights issues you will be penalized for interfering with the work we have to do. It is only to post the Who/What/When/Where info on Anti movement.

Copy as much information from the Anti information on date and time for these movements and post good links so we can understand what they're going to do, when they're going to do it, and where they're going to do it.
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To be clear - is posting a link to an article describing something going on, say Blloomberg behind yadda yadda, what you're looking for or am I misunderstanding?
Good question.

They need to be a specific activity with upcoming date/time instead of generalized. We're looking for what they're going to do, when they're going to do it, and where they're going to do it information.
For Illinois at the DuPage County Fairgrounds gun show, from the Illinois State Rifle Association

An antigun extremist group plans to disrupt the DuPage County Gun Show this Sunday morning.


1. Be at the DuPage County Fairgrounds, 2015 Manchester Rd, Wheaton, at 8:00 AM, Sunday, March 4
2. Be prepared to vigorously defend your 2nd Amendment Rights. Refuse to be bullied.
3. If members of the press are there, seek them out, engage them, tell them that you are a law-abiding gun owner
and you are sick and tired of being blamed for society’s inability to control the criminally insane.
4. Pass this alert along to all your friends and family, tell them to be at the Fairgrounds on Sunday.
5. Post this alert to any and all Internet blogs, forums, or social media sites to which you belong.
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As Breitbart reports:

On the heels of last month’s anti-gun, anti-Trump March for Our Lives adult-funded and backed protest by teen survivors of the Florida school shooting that killed 17 people at a Florida high school, another left-wing event is planned for Saturday. The event is organized by the Town Hall Project website, started by former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer Jimmy Dahman last year. That entity is now connected with and promoting a “teen-led” series of meetings with members of Congress or candidates running against them over this week, culminating on Saturday with the Town Hall for Our Lives.

There are many events that can be found here:
National Health Emergencies would be expected to result in event cancellations. NRAAM made the decision to cancel.

What the Governor in New Mexico is doing closing gun stores is Anti activity, but that's why we have a Katrina Law in TN to prevent such malfeasance
Just wondering if there's any new information on this thread..specifically late 20 early 21?
Just wondering if there's any new information on this thread..specifically late 20 early 21?

This won't get anywhere without cosponsors so it isn't really worth reporting on, but it is typical of the dead on arrival proposed legislation to signal to constituents the certifiable Anti stance of a politician.

Here's the rest of the list -{%22source%22:%22legislation%22,%22search%22:%22firearm%22,%22congress%22:%22117%22,%22type%22:%22all%22,%22chamber%22:%22House%22}

Remember, if there are no cosponsors or just a handful the bill is going nowhere.
Here is the link to the search for all bills with "firearm" or "ammunition" in them. Note that the list is only for bills with a higher chance of passing than the more numerous idiotic ones with no cosponsor.

Pay particular attention to the number of CoSponsor (coconspirators?) and the assessed potential they will be enacted. Also note the names of the Representatives who have submitted them.

What bills have the most cosponsors or rated above 30% chance?

H.R. 1454 — 117th Congress: To amend title 18, United States Code, to require firearm assembly kits to be considered ...” 2021. March 4, 2021 <>

S. 529 — 117th Congress: A bill to require a background check for every firearm sale.” 2021. March 4, 2021 <>

H.R. 1477 — 117th Congress: To modernize the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988.” 2021. March 4, 2021 <>

S. 529 — 117th Congress: A bill to require a background check for every firearm sale.” 2021. March 4, 2021 <>

H.R. 8 — 117th Congress: Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021.” 2021. March 4, 2021 <>
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