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(article)Do you think guns will be outlawed soon?: The future of guns in America

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There really was no special meaning to the 3 days thing. It was just a joke referencing the earlier part of the post, where I poked fun at the meaningless panic of this year.

Yeah, it wasn't that hard to see the sarcasm. You went on about people panicking over SHTF needlessly...then end your post with "The world ends in three days." ;)
I'm going to don my cynic's hat for this one.

I think it can be safely assumed that there are precious few exceptions to the rule "Politicians do not have your best interest in mind." Also that those few exceptions rarely, if ever, survive the political process long enough to make it to any substantial office.

Any politician who has endeavored to make a career of leadership invariably is more interested in propagating the things that might allow that politician to exercise control over the populace. The very nature of the Bill of Rights is pretty much the antithesis to that goal, so you would be very much justified in believing that all of our freedoms are always under the knife.

Our rights have always been under the knife. Do you honestly think that our notable forefathers would be brought to such passion while advocating for our rights if there did not exist people, in this country at that time, who would steal them away? The revocation of rights and the subjugation of people is older than government, and there is no culture, government, or community where those in power do not desire more of it. Why does anyone think this is new and exclusive to any time, or even more foolishly, one politician?

Our rights are under the knife now. If our rights were to be swept away all at once then you can be certain that the politicians you voted for, all of them, would be trying to convince you either how good it is for you, or how hard they are fighting it. Both are equal deceptions, and I think that people MIGHT understand that, if it were to ever happen. The fact that people buy these lies when our rights are chipped away piecemeal astounds me.

Our rights will always be under the knife. There is no person on the face of this earth, whom upon being elected into any office, can be trusted to keep you free. This is the nature of humanity and it will always be this way. The preservation of liberty rests solely upon the shoulders of the populace. For every ounce of burden the populace shrugs away, there is another ounce of tyranny heaped upon its' shoulders. The fact that people think this is not so, or even worse, that anyone thinks it is only one politician or one political party that holds the knife, means only that they are busy shrugging the burden. In so doing, they place their trust in the hands of the people who would feed their freedoms to the furnace of control at the earliest convenience.

That said, the hysteria is just that, hysteria. Some people have become vaguely aware that there is a threat to their liberty, but have completely misjudged the scope of the threat. The very same degree of threat exists at all times, with all politicians. For as closely as you watch the one man sitting in the White House (And rightly so!), how closely do you watch the politicians you voted into office?
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AMEN LOW EX, I've always said, show me an HONEST politician who actuallys gives a darn about the "common" man, and I'll kiss ur posterier on Main St, USA at high noon on a Saturday and give you 48 hours to draw a crowd!!!
Guns will never be outlawed in the United States of America.

Because the moment they are we stop being the USA and start being something else that's not America.

America is a concept, an idea, a summation of freedoms and when those die so does the country. She ain't dead yet - just ailin'.
It's appropriate that this was posted the 5th of Novovember, one year and one day after the American electorate voted for the most liberal congress and president in American history. It's been a year and the big "take back" has started with the amazing election results in New Jersey and Virginia. In short gun rights have never enjoyed more popular suppport and that support will increase as the country tilts back to the right. Will Illinois and New York get some gun rights. I actually think that is possible and I didn't before. The battle between antis and pros will always be with us but the right to KABA is something the people will never allow to be taken away. The anti health care marches in DC would pale in comparison to the marches aginst national gun ownership attacks.
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