Border Patrol agent fatally shoots rock-throwing man

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I know some teachers in the local ISDs. In Ft Worth, the idea is to "teach to the middle" of the class's ability. Just which direction does the "middle" move toward when half the class barely speaks the language and desire only to follow in thier dad's footsteps and become a laborer?

Are the rest of the students well-served by this? Does that help us to compete with the rising economies of the world?
Boy did this thread get hijacked. It went from a jackass throwing rocks at border patrol and getting shot to poor mexicans can't do anything wrong because they are poor mexicans. And if you say anything bad about them it's cause you are racist and not because they are CRIMINALS.

There is a very small minority of Mexicans that are in the country illegally that advocate portions of the US being transferred back to Mexico by force. They should be dealt with. You can deny they exist all you want your ignorance doesn't mean they doesn't exist.

The root of the entire problem is a border that is wide open. If they couldn't cross the border in anyway but legally there would be no problem.
The root of the entire problem is a border that is wide open. If they couldn't cross the border in anyway but legally there would be no problem.

Make crossing the border illegally particularly painful(er) and potentially deadly(er) for those who chose to attempt such a crossing.

A freaking good fence would be a good start, say like that separating N. and S. Korea.
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fence a good start

A fence built on our southern border with Mexico is a start. But, our elected government servants of the people want an open border. Both political parties want an open border as multi-national corporations see this as a means for cheaper labor and both mainstream political parties see more potential voters for their party candidates. Ultimately, we as a sovereign nation are in danger as the North American Union is the goal of the real power brokers of our country.

The NWO or New World Order's agenda is one that includes a giant super nation of Mexico, the United States and Canada. Our rights as US citizens are not what is important to these elite few. They are getting the job done in measured steps. Our open borders could be secured, but our elected politicians have sold us out. NAFTA, CAFTA and the NAU are just the starting points.

A saying comes to mind. "We have the finest government money can buy."

We need term limits and the lobbyists need to go.

This particular border patrol agent will probably get repremanded or worse for shooting the rock thrower. I don't know the particular circumstances of this incident, but I do know that if someone was chucking a brick at my head, I would believe they were trying to kill me and if I had the means to stop them I would use deadly force if that's what it took. I guess these border patrol are lucky that they may be convicted by 12 instead of carried by 6.

the oae :banghead:
Over a million cross our border illegaly every year, most mexican. No way I'm wrong. Even Stevie Wonder can see that. Can you?

Biker, I didn't say you wrong on the fact that many from south of our borders are illegally crossing annually. I said perhaps you're wrong that the majority of them are anti-American and want to change your life and this country. Maybe that's a difficult concept to understand, but the concepts are not mutually exclusive.

1) Guy throwing rocks? I wasn't there, but it's stupid and dangerous to throw rocks at a person armed with a firearm.

2) Do we have a control issue with our southern border? Obviously.

3) Is the best way to deal with that control issue to act like a bunch of fascists and suggest that anyone (women, children, whatever) crossing our borders should be shot? Probably not.

I think that those who honestly want to fix the problem while respecting the concepts of freedom supposedly so respected in this nation need to distance themselves from the "trash" spewing hatred of a loud minority of right (maybe too far) leaning individuals. It will only enhance your position.

Edit: (added)

There is a very small minority of Mexicans that are in the country illegally that advocate portions of the US being transferred back to Mexico by force. They should be dealt with. You can deny they exist all you want your ignorance doesn't mean they doesn't exist.

"Very small minority". I sure hope you weren't implying my comments by claiming someone ignorant denied these folks exist. Of course they do, simple bell curve reality of human expression. I am saying exactly what you are saying -- these anti-American people are a small minority, and making it sound like every latino is out to undermine our nation will only lead to worse issues, such as the previously mentioned attacks on American citizens of hispanic origin.

One more time. The answer to this problem is not to act like a fascist. The answer is very complicated, of course. It includes border control, business control, and a bit of knowledge. For instance can anyone here really say what impact, good or bad, the influx of "undocumented workers" is having on our economy? Until there is hard data to claim one way or another, any such claims are purely speculative and most likely purely political in nature.

We will only shoot ourselves in the foot if we throw out those who are helping this nation. I know here in Little Rock many neighborhoods that were horrible before the Mexicans moved in. They salaved many areas where the rich whites had fled and the poor folks had given up. Okay, many are "criminals", just like everyone who drank a beer during prohibition. Like Biker said, we're all "criminals", who doesn't break a minor law one way or another every day? Or do none of you folks who hate "criminals" speed? Just because there is a law there doesn't mean the law is just or working properly.

Do I think we need open borders? Of course not. We need thoughtful, useful plans that will preserve what this country stands for and will allow that opportunity to those who want to make it even better, no matter where they come from.
I've never advocated - anywhere - the shooting of illegal border crossers. However, if a bunch of guys are chucking big rocks at me, cancel Christmas - I'm gonna do some shooting.

these anti-American people are a small minority,

I believe at one time i would have agreed with that statement, however working and living near border over 30 years I have seen the changes first hand. The illegal of today is not what he/she was thirty years past. They seldom fought or ran from Border Patrol, ranchers gave them food and water. Now they break in homes, trailers, vacation homes,break down fences, etc

I have seen the change in schools, hospitals, crime rates, wages. The only winner in this mess is the wealthy the middle-class as usual takes a beating.

Mexico is dumping their worse and laughing all the way to bank at the crazy gringo's. Border towns that were at one time good places to live with a 50/50 ratio is now more Mexico that America. It is simply true and not saying there are not good people there however large groups that we have coming now many will never assimilate and hold our values.

Sealed borders and controlled immigration is the only answer if you want an American future for your family.
I don't believe that there is a mechanism in place to verify documentation.


Give your Federal Employer ID Number, or FEIN, and the name of your business.

State your prospective employee's SSN, name, and Date of Birth from the information on the I-9 form.

They'll tell you that it either matches, or it doesn't match their records.

If there's no match, let the potential employee know that until the info on the I-9 can be verified, there's the door...


Just to get this thread back on track, the rock-throwing started in an attempt to stop the BP agents from rescuing the driver, who was drowning, and one of the agents had already been struck in the head by a thrown rock. I don't see where the BP agents had much more choice.

Final thought - if thrown rocks don't count as lethal force, why is "death by stoning" a punishment in the ME?
after you dial

all that tells you is if its a good number etc. it doesn't verify that the person using it is the right one.
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