Could Gun Rights Opinions Change This Quickly?

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May 17, 2011
Columbia, SC
Less than two weeks ago any politician in South Carolina who even suggested bringing up the Confederate flag issue would have been committing political suicide. People’s position on the flag issue seemed to be as steadfast as abortion or the second amendment. Yet one tragic event appears to have changed public opinion and political will almost overnight and not just in South Carolina. In less than 48 hours major retailers pulled merchandise of their shelves and websites and at least one major manufacturer has threatened to close up shop in SC if the flag does not come down. This rapid 180 by citizens, politicians and retailers has me wondering if we could see a similarly rapid shift regarding gun control. Are we just one event away from seeing the tide turn against us?

I acknowledge that I am walking a tightrope with my question and comparison. This is not intended to be a discussion about the flag. Please help me keep the discussion focused on gun rights as it was intended.

So what do you think, could this be a preview of things to come regarding gun rights?
I would submit that if Newtown couldn't move the needle drastically, then nothing will. With the one exception of a presidential assassination or multiple federal representative assassinations. That's what ultimately moved the needle back in the '60's, and that's what it would take today. While I'm sure all our federal critters salivate at the opportunities posed by such horror, these days all are too cowardly to put themselves in such a vulnerable position as to be the martyr.

The rapid shift in gun opinions resulted from the enactment, then expiration of the assault weapons ban.

opinons didnt really change in SC, all republicans who supported the removal will lose their next primary, it's only the media making it seem like there is some kind of mass paradigm shift.

regarding gun right opinions, i'm sure the media could make it out to shift any way they want, but election results generally show the reality.
Hearts and minds don't change that fast. Don't be taken in by the hype. The hype is all you'll hear for a while. With our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, it is a different story. Even those who pretend otherwise, know that one armed person could have stopped what happened in Newtown, or in Charleston, or in Columbine High School, or on each of those airliners on 09/11/2001, and in too many other instances to mention.

Disarmament of the people is agenda driven and there has never been anything that would justify the pursuit of that agenda. Hence, the grabbing at straws, the disallowing of a tragedy to "go to waste", and much hyperbole aimed at fostering public outrage in the hopes of gaining ground. False public sentiment won passage of the so-called assault weapons ban, but true public sentiment allowed it to sunset.

Only the force of arms has any chance of disarming us, and that won't work while we are still sufficiently armed. If there is anything to worry about, it is the worry that we may have to stand with our arms to remain armed, and blood will be spilled. From what I have seen, the will to resist disarmament and subjugation exists in this great land of ours.

I think the political spectrum is aware of this.

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Plan2Live said:
So what do you think, could this be a preview of things to come regarding gun rights?

No. It will vanish from view. No gun control will be on the table until 2017. It is still political suicide for Democrats. Even more so now. Confederate flag sales have risen by a large percentile since Charleston.

If Clinton loses, perhaps 2025. Take that to the house.
I have NOT seen any big tick in change by We The People. The hoopla was fronted by the racist elites and activists, and they conned the politicos and the big box-store managers into believing their vapid lies. No more. NEVER was there any public vote or discussion. It was forced upon us by The Usual Suspects. :fire:
MY flag will NOT come down.
This is the tail wagging the dog, will be a non-event in six months. Firearms, however, are an issue people actually vote with regard to. Any politician who made an openly anti statement with a previous pro stance would lose the next election cycle. The current issue is something that is, as far as voting goes, local or at most, state. Also easily reversible when political winds shift. Second Amendment rights, however, are an issue of control and most infringement comes at the federal level.
I believe it could change at a moment's notice. Both scotus and potus have demonstrated a disregard for the constitution on many occasions... Our 2A rights are as much at risk as our religious freedom now is... Both of which I thought were safe... Now I'm unsure.

We can fight ISIS abroad... but how do we fight apathy, misinformation and a disdain for the rule of law at home.

I'm very concerned
Never say never, the powers that be will stage a false flag even greater than SH that will make joe sixpack BEG big brother to take his guns and rights away.
Redstate said:
I'm very concerned

You have to get stronger. United we stand. To the last mile. Americans don't quit. We'll win the fight. I have no doubts whatsoever.

ETA: Guess we have to add Thermactor to the get stronger list.
The only possible option, would be harcore regulation by Executive Order. But if anything could have budged it, it would have been Newtown.
In the low information social media age, yes.

I believe under the right circumstances, with the right media coverage and the right political backing nothing is writen in stone anymore, not laws, not morals, nothing. We are entering, (if not already in) an era where everything is subject to change.
Our gun rights are always under attack. They are coming at us in so many directions I can't keep track.
It's just a matter of time before the next major attack.
support whatever group you want to, the NRA or who ever you like but somebody needs to be there when the 180 happens
I certainly don’t agree with the removal of all the Confederate flags; Like it or not, its part of our history. The positive effect that I see is that it has monopolized the news instead of gun control. Hopefully, buy the time the news media drops the flag controversy, something else will come along to monopolize their little pea brains before they turn their attention pack to gun .control
Most of those who call themsevles progressives do not believe and never really have believed in tolerance. OTOH, they do demand that they be tolerated until they ascend to a position of power. Then they demand total subservience to their agenda with absolutely no tolerance for dissent.

Recent events have given them hope for an ascendency, but I have less concern for the flag issue than I do the possible implications of the SCOTUS decisions.
OK, no more remarks about the flag, P2L used it as an example of a sudden shift in opinion.

I work in a LGS and what I'm seeing is more average earth people seeking firearms for personal protection than ever before. Hunting and other sporting purpose gun sales are dropping off in my store. I think that's a major change.

IMHO, while the media may bang the drum after one of these events, I'm not at all sure that many people will change their minds at a basic level.
The rebel flag is not a personal issue for most folk across the U.S. or even in SC. The RKBA is, and should be, a far more personal issue for far more people.

Our job is to keep the RKBA relevant and personal to our friends and neighbors.
I've contemplated this as well.

As stated earlier, I don't think public opinion about the flag changed. It was something the politicians could latch onto and appear to be responding to public outrage. Much easier than attacking gun ownership. But to get to the topic, I think, yes, it is possible, not very likely though. I have noticed increased pressure on gun ownership in the last couple months but nothing has gained traction. The politicians seem to want to let that dog sleep. I suspect, with social media as prevalent as it is, a "good-guy-with-a-gun" scenario could have a bigger positive impact for RKBA than the numerous anti articles have against it.
it's only the media making it seem like there is some kind of mass paradigm shift.

Bingo !

Thomas Jefferson wrote that the only truth in a newspaper was the advertisements. Modern media is a propaganda tool . Just like the Supreme court has become a political sidekick to those who hold the real power in this world and country. (I'm not talking about the political puppets when I say "those that hold the real power")
"The rebel flag is not a personal issue for most folk across the U.S. or even in SC"
Which is precisely why it was so easy to manufacture a bunch of faux outrage. People get hopping mad over similar trifles every day.
Some of you may remember Rahm Emanuel's quote regarding never letting a crisis go to waste, as it allows you to do things you couldn't ordinary do. This is exactly what happened with the Confederate Flag, however there are differences between that situation and gun rights. In addition to the flag being a regional issue where gun rights are a national issue, gun owners have a number of powerful organizations representing us. I don't know of any such organizations protecting the Confederate Flag. I'm not saying our rights will never be infringed upon, as the anti's will never stop trying, but it will be considerably more difficult because we have a voice as well as the reasons others mentioned.
Personally I tend to equate personal freedom and pro RKBA on the same plate. I also equate the political correctness and socialistic doctrine on the same plate. I used to think that the ACLU was generally pro 2A but have my doubts these days. I also feel if enough lies are repeated enough times over a long period bombarding the low information voter, they will believe the lies are true facts unfortunately. Second amendment loss will be a lot harder sell to the US citizens as a whole than other things in general but it might be a game changer given the perfect storm of events.:scrutiny:

I pray to God we never have to go there.
Metaphorically speaking, the liberals are eating the elephant one bite at a time. When a crisis occurs, they rally the hyenas and ask others to join the feast. Often they bite off more than they can chew and what intelligent Americans are now willing to digest. Same play, same playbook; they overfilled the ball with hot air and most people will not get a grip on it.

So, in answer to the whether the assault on gun rights will gain momentum due to the SC tragedy, I would say no. Anyone that believes that more gun control would have stopped the incident has an agenda and not a common cause.

The flag issue, albeit a worthy discussion, is not a THR topic.
From where I am at in liberal California, I am actually seeing a shift in Democrat sentiment as crime affects everyone, including liberals who opposed guns but in increasing numbers have become gun owners. Historical record setting number of firearms have sold in California the last several years and many of them have been bought by Democrats. One gun store owner told me they sold more guns in the last 2-3 years than since they have opened over the decades!!!

For decades, I worked with liberal Democrat coworkers and at neighborhood level where just about everyone in the office either experienced crime first hand (burglary, home invasion robbery, etc.) or know of friends/family/neighbors who have been victimized. For them, they now see gun ownership as a personal/individual rights issue as they realize police/911 cannot help them when their doors are being kicked in.

To my surprise, many of them one by one and in groups have approached me to train them on properly handling pistols for defensive shooting situations and have gotten carry permits. When I ask them how this has changed their political views, they say they are still Democrats but are not stupid when it comes to personal/family safety and will now support Second Amendment and the right to carry! :eek:

I now have made introduction to firearms to as many people as possible before I die (especially Democrats) one of my life's goals and invite as many people to my range session as possible covering all ammo cost. It is a feel good hobby when I see democratic individuals/families become gun supporters and even match shooters!

With the US Supreme court ruling and recent Peruta v. San Diego, I believe right to carry will be the next battle with perhaps many gun owner Democrats supporting. I guess enemy of my enemy is my friend. ;)

If this is happening on a national level, with growing number of Democrats supporting 2nd Amendment and right to carry, I think anti-gun movement may be distanced from the democratic party, especially with key figures like Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein retiring which will let a lot of steam out of the movement (she may still support the anti-gun fight after retirement but independent from the democratic party). I think many career politicians will concede that NRA lobbying efforts have reached both Republican and Democratic parties and this pressure won't let up in future campaigns.

So even if national shooting incidents are demonized by the media, I do not think an overnight change in sentiment will occur, especially not with Republican controlled Senate and House which is the largest Republican majority held since 1929-1931. This historical event should express the public sentiment and antis may desperately try to do something but even with Bloomberg's money probably may not be enough to be successful in pushing any significant anti-gun legislation through Senate/House. And with a Republican president in the White House, things look even bleak for the anti-gun movement and they would simply be throwing money out the window.

Personally, it's high time to start reversing and regaining lost ground and repeal every anti-gun law beginning with limited capacity magazines that do not help law abiding citizens from self defense.

My two cents from sunny CA.

Life is starting to be good again in this "golden" state!!! :D
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The single most important thing any of us can do is to stay abreast of political movements and vote. 2016 national elections could be critical for our rights and what direction we as a country head. You only have to look at California, New York and New Jersey to see how essential rights of citizens on state levels have already been stripped. Even with a republican governor, it's all but impossible to obtain a permit to carry in New Jersey. The opposition has changed tactics; instead of pushing for federal reforms they are now attacking on a state by state basis, slowly pushing their reforms, one bill at a time.

Make certain that your friends vote, offer them a ride if necessary. If we fail to exercise our right to vote in 2016 and allow "progressives" to carry the day then the next 4-8 years will be an uphill battle to maintain our 2nd amendment rights.
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