Drug test to take possession of a firearm???

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Jul 26, 2004
Throwing this one out there.
Many crime guns are acquired from individuals who have become addicted to narcotic substances.
They sell or trade their legally obtained firearm to buy drugs, not caring where the gun goes or into whose hands it ends up.

Form 4473 asks "Are you addicted to or an unlawful user of marijuana or any narcotic substances?"
Many people lie when they answer this question.

What if a mandatory drug test was required to take possession of a firearm?
ANY firearm?
What say all??
Urine testing is typically the cheapest type of drug testing and costs $30-$45 per test and the sample has to be sent to a lab for analysis.

Is it acceptable to add that cost to every gun?

Is another type of waiting period for drug test results appropriate?
Waiting period runs concurrent with drug test results.
Applicant submits drug test results within 30 days of test and no waiting period exists in specific state, buyer takes possession of firearm upon Phone approval.

Oh I agree more BS but I would gladly wee wee in a bottle to keep AR15s and all other rifles of evil features available to law abiding citizens.
I have to wee wee in a bottle now anyway.
I am not giving up anything that wasn't already taken.

Just another impediment on a lawful right.

I might be in favor of pee testing all politicians before they can run for office.
Oh I agree more BS but I would gladly wee wee in a bottle to keep AR15s and all other rifles of evil features available to law abiding citizens.
forget that compromise nonsense

We have history since 1934 of BS "gun control" legislation and attempted "compromise"
No more "compromise". Gun control DOES NOT WORK. Giving up a "little thing" does not stop the howling lunatics of the anti-rights crowd.
This fight will NOT be won by compromise.
You gonna do the same for all mood altering legal substances such as alcohol?

What about legal holders of pain narcotics scripts?

There was a time in my life where no paper work other than a receipt was needed when purchasing a gun.
Liking the "Slipppery Slope" reference.
That is exactly what this is.
Throwing drug test out there because is is one of the items on the table of negotiations...
It may well pass along with a firearm restriction ban so be warned.
I don't know what the outcome of all this will be, but you'd be kidding yourself if you don't think there is going to be some compremises made.
Personally I think what we already own or made from such and such a date will be granfathered in. Anything made after that date will have a ten round mag. No more 10 round plus mags will be made for the civilian market. Gun registrations are going to get tougher for everyone. I'm not saying I agree with it as I do not think that is the real issue.
I think there using all this and the people involved as pawns,and is nothing more than smoke screen,to get the american public to look the other way and keep the pressure off the Embassy take over where the embassidor and those people were killed. They need to answer some serious questions about all that, and this is just giving them time to CTA's just like they did with fast and furious, as well as work on there anti gun agenda. Isn't it convienent that Hiliary has bumped her head and suffers from a concussion that this time? Now she can't answer any questions about the Embassy attack either. :rolleyes:
drug tests arent 100% accurate...

there is always the possibility of a false positive......are you willing to hamper someone rights because some lab tech screwed up a test?
I certainly would not like doing it.
I didn't even like doing it as a requirement for a job.
I'ts still illegal on the federal level.

and thats the problem......youve got one govt telling you its fine, and another telling you you are a criminal.....and the people are caught in the middle getting screwed over.
I'd be all for it. So it might add a bit to the price, if the gun it's worth a few extra dollars, it can't be that important to buy. Better still if it keeps the liars and addicts from buying, that's a good thing. Every one that's stopped is potentially another crime stopped and less ammo for the anti-gun side.
I'd be all for it. So it might add a bit to the price, if the gun it's worth a few extra dollars, it can't be that important to buy. Better still if it keeps the liars and addicts from buying, that's a good thing. Every one that's stopped is potentially another crime stopped and less ammo for the anti-gun side.

these people know where to buy illegal drugs.....you mean to tell me they also wont know where to get an illegal gun?
how about... junkies don't go to gun stores to buy guns?
they ask their dealer if they know someone, who knows someone, who gets them a gun.
Drug tests are a joke and are simply an easy way for testing labs to make lots of money. (which is one reason we may very well see them be required for firearms sales) Clean urine samples are easily available in stores and on the Internet and are used by LOTS of people to beat drug testing at their job. I held a Commercial License for years and have seen many drivers beat the system.
"Waiting period runs concurrent"

What waiting period? There's no waiting period in federal law. So you're saying you want a waiting period?

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

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