Fact of Life

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*looks around at the ash that is positively covering the floor, and brushes a spot clean*

*plops down with a butterscotch milkshake, hands another to Steve*

*lights a Lucky Strike and gets comfortable, waiting for more*

This is a strange thread. But I like it.
Only thing missing is the ambiance of a bar where the old-timers hang out and share their stories with anyone who would listen.

See there is a place for being selfish.
Being selfish means making sure YOU have your act together so you can pass forward correct basic fundamentals.

Amen to that.
One sees sick and dying folks around Doctors, and Nurses. Quit going to the doctor and you will live longer - Doc shooting pard of mine.

You got that one right..... Can't tell you how many little old blue haired ladies I've met over the years that did just fine till some do-gooder conned them into going to see a Doctor, "just for a check up". Next thing you know they were on more medications than a woodstock hippie. They got xrayed, poked for blood, prodded and pinched until the doc was finally able to come up with a reason for said granny to keep coming back to see him every month so the doc could keep billing Medicare.

Same as people who went for a check up because they figured it was about time, the doc orders a prophylactic CT and of course we discover said citizen has a tumor and only a few months to live. That morning Joe Average was fine and had a long life ahead of him, he makes the mistake of going to see the doctor and now only has six months to live. Sometimes ignorance is bliss and not knowing lets you live a hell of a lot longer.

As for SM and his cigarettes.... I wouldn't worry much, in his line of work if the bad guys haven't been able to knock him off I doubt a few toxic chemicals will be able to either.
I didn't really take up smoking until I was about 25 or so.
Not that I had not smoked, sometimes having a pack of smokes was "handy."

I didn't really take up drinking until later either. I did give up the booze at age 28. By then I had not only drank more whiskey than some ever will, I had also spilled more than some will ever drink as well.

NAA .22 revolver will fit in a pack of Marlboro Red Box.
I actually smoked Lucky's with a filter, or Players back in the day.

UC lady needed a gun, like in a hurry. Thank goodness she changed brands to a longer smoke, I was able to slip a gun, with the slide off, into two packs and get her a gun.
Both of us patted down for weapons, and we ...err...made it sound real good in a hotel , still information exchanged and she got her a gun.

Benson & Hedges commercials held a special meaning to her and I. :p


Anatomy & Physiology.
If you have not taken this class, or ever studied this, do so.
As a kid, with Vets for farm animals, and the Doc and Nurses, I was exposed to a lot of stuff.

Folks always said it was in the genes.
Always said whatever one puts on their skin or ingests , they can become allergic to it, and change how all the body works.
Always said attitude and mindset played a part in how one did with health
Always said, when it is your time to go, you go.

Time passes and we break the genetic code and advances are made.
For some time I did volunteer work at hospitals, and would be able to view stuff most folks did not.
Like go into a OR and see surgeries, or organ harvests, or the morgue.

Later I worked in a Main OR, where we did everything, including transplants and organ harvest and whatever.

I did a bit of medical stuff and most likely would have stayed in it, had it not been for politics of the hospital.

Still I have seen folks really mess themselves up with all the hogwash on TV, magazines and getting brainwashed something wrong with them.

My mom fell victim.
I raised nine kinds of hell with her, and doctors.
Worked my tail off, and with just enough knowledge to be dangerous, researched.
I got her off meds.

But....but...the TV "said" and in her Sunday School Class the Preacher come in and "said", and ...
Just me, I still think I was right for cussing out a Baptist Preacher for pulling what he did to mom and others about this medical stuff.

So I may still smoke but that Preacher was run off. Seems he got caught with the Building Fund money and another man's wife...

*snick* fires up another smoke with a Zippo on that one...;)

Slicker Than Owl Shoot
Ponsess/Warren , come up with this for their fine reloaders.

I recall when this first came out I guess its been 25+ years ago.
Great for hinge pins and other firearm uses.

Preface: Now I and others were in a work we accepted the risks and we knew we were disposable.
Fact is, everyone is indispensable, everyone can be replaced. Universe did its thing before you showed up and you are gone, it will continue to manage without you.

Just I and others have always known we were no big deal, and disposable.
Work Hard, Play Harder and any day might very well be our last.

Sick humor, and all is a coping mechanism. So we had our off the wall stunts we pulled.
I and others also did some stuff for others, some pretty heavy stuff we did, for Vets, abused women and kids, and some others.

Anywho, we show up for a fun shoot to break in this new private place to shoot.
Main deal was spoiling the kids and mom's rotten , some elderly folks, some physically limited folks too.
We were only going to shoot 50 birds, some others doing a Bulls_Eye Demo, and some ladies doing some bolt action rifle stuff. Some with Military service and one Older Jewish Lady that was a sniper "back in the day". Just a variety of fun demos.

One of our "bunch was a Polish Jew that had attended Texas A&M.
Trust me on this, this fellow knew all the best jokes. :D
He had gone on to be a Doctor, still, one just had a tendency to crack up seeing him. He did not even have to say a word, just crack a grin.

So this Doc got together Shooter's kits just for us Folks showing up and doing all we did, and do, and shooting.

He sprung for the 'goody boxes" for all the kids, mom's elderly, physically limited, and all this facility was mainly for.

This new place had two bathrooms, which was a big deal at the time compared to some places we all shot.
Even set up for the Physically Limited folks, I think even before a law was passed saying stuff had to be.

Some of us showed up early, like myself, my lady partner, and a few others.

Remember the part about "pulling stunts" ?

A "Whut Happened" moment occurred to me at a previous shoot. Lady pard put Ballistol, which is slick, on the toilet seat.
I go in to take care of business and "Whups!" Slide. Plop <expletives> I find myself on the floor.
"Whut Happened" moment just occurred.
She was laughing so hard, listening through the door.
All the gals part of our bunch just laughing and having a good time!

Paybacks are hell!

I knew what STOS was, since I had messed with it. I mean it it that slick and stays slick, and really hard to get off.

I get my kit, spy the STOS and I know to use a napkin, to keep off my fingers and hands.
I put some on the door knob and pull handle of ladies restroom.
I knew My lady partner, or one of the other ladies would be hitting the restroom.
I sorta helped, mentioning "coffee" , "bathroom" and when checking out the kitchen, letting the water run...

"I gotta pee, be right back!". - My lady pardner...oh goody!

She could NOT get the knob to turn... " I REALLY gotta pee!"
Pulls on the pull handle and she yanks so hard she finds herself up against the wall , and sliding down...<expletives> I am going to kill you <expletive> I know you are responsible , just get this damn door open so I can pee! "

I had a shop cloth and was able to get the door open.
She runs in and ...stops. She is running her hand over the toilet seat, she is not taking a chance!

Rule was , once one of "us" pulled a stunt, we let it go. I mean for one everyone knew about it, and second it gets old. Third, be original.
So we did not have a truce per se', instead an understanding.

Doc, hollered through the door, " I gotta cath out in my vehicle, you me to go get it , come in and put a catheter in?"
"Oh shut up and let me pee!"

We didn't tell or warn the other shooters than showed up later. :)
Me and Doc shared and suggested we use coffee stirrers to apply to hinge pins on shotguns and all.
We all had a shop rag or shooter's towel on person, because we knew what was going to happen.

Folks can't stand it! They are going to open something and mess with it.
STOS was no exception.
They opened that little tub, poked fingers in it, and all.
They would try to shut the trunk of a car and too slick to get the trunk to shut.
Fall backwards yanking on a door handle, car, bathroom door, and one lady in the low house could not get out, she could not turn the knob once she got in filling up the trap machine.

Everywhere we turned , we heard and saw folks having all sorts of problems.

We were cracking up. Finally we had a sit down and shared the stunt I had pulled, and tips on using this stuff.
Then we divided up and went around cleaning places so the other folks showing up would not have a problem, for safety reasons.

One Vet in a wheelchair, well we/he did some tweaking on that chair. He was already fast, still when the requisite wheel chair and popping wheelie bit was done, he was just a grinning.
" I gotta new lube to use, this stuff is great!"

Forever though, I and others always had a "applicator" of some kind taped/ rubber banded on STOS, in our gun cases with guns, or shooting stuff.

We had a real good time! Events were fun, lots of food and we spoiled like crazy these folks.

We has a STOS lesson, sorta had to, kids will be kids, and not all kids are young kids...

All the kids got their very own .22 rifle. We had young lady about 7 just totally lose it. I mean just chest heaving , and huge tears streaming with trying to smile.
She had never had anything like this happen to her. Her and mom abused by dad/hubby and just getting to where 'guys were okay, not all guys like daddy'.

Nice gifts for all the folks. Real Appreciative they were.
They kept thanking us, and we kept telling them, it was we that appreciated and thanked them instead.
Street Smarts

Textbook stuff is fine and dandy.
Reality is, Real hands on is the key to anything.

Going back to Natural order of things, take note of critters. Any critter.
Apprenticeship, Parenting, whatever you want to call it, is happening.

Mother Nature equips critter with what they need. I have watched ducklings hatch, and Momma immediately get the ducklings down to the pond and swim.
Now she was hollering at one straggler. Always one in the bunch.
Big old bass got that one. The rest of the ducklings run up onto the bank and while I don't speak "duck" pretty clear Momma was explaining the Facts of Life and what just happened to "brother".
I assure you, once back in the pond, the ducklings stuck close to momma!

Textbooks can only share experiences and all to a certain point. Once in the Real World, one has to actually pay attention to and become acclimated to environment.

It is easy to fall into viewing life from one's own perspective.
Perspectives is another thing I am really big on.
What perspectives do others see you as being?
What perspectives do you want others see you as being?
There is a huge difference!!

Been awhile, let me see if I recall all this.

The huge beautiful plumage one sees? That is the Male.
Males do this as part of the mating bit.

Now here is the ironic part.
Males get these huge plumes to "impress" the female.
Males are also trying to impress each other, and best one out.

Female is instead looking for the "best" dumbutt of the bunch. :p
She is looking for who she thinks is the easiest one to con and all.
Predators are watching too...
Males out strutting and showing off and and carrying on with this plumage, and they are impeded in running and evading. Easy Prey.

Female is in control, she picks a dumbutt Male, and HE is the one that does all the babysitting and all duties. :D

Lessons can be learned from Critters.

"3+1" is what SouthNarc calls it.
Growing up and since , I had heard various names, and all.

Bascially 3 things, and another signal one , something is going down.
Getting in a fight, with a bully, getting your butt kicked walking down the street, armed robbery, and whatever.
Three Factors plus one more deal.

Critters do the same thing, this is where Mentors & Elders had me watch, plus stuff on the street.
Cops watch video tapes to see these things that signal.
Heck they can go back and see old tapes and see it.

Now textbook stuff on how to do stuff is fine and dandy.
Quality instruction and quality practice on drawing a gun, reload fast, and maybe you shoot a semi, and are really good and more fast with a speedloader than those that shoot a revolver. Fine, great if that tickles you.

Critters are equipped "such". Some have talons, some claws, some teeth,...and some don't have some of this, and in comparison, very little at all.

Remember I mentioned how important the Mental was, or Software was?
Recall I mentioned to NEVER be programmed, predictable or punctual?

Critters know this. Oldest Predator and Prey relationship in the Animal Kingdom and same principals apply.

Perceptions .
Peacock thought he was tough stuff all strutting around, Female 's perception was "dumbutt" and Prey thought "dinner".

Strut out with advertising you are armed with tack-tickle clothes, maybe a *sigh( CCW Badge, "Driver only has $20 in ammo" stickers on your vehicle, fake bullet holes and...
Females are going to be "real impressed",
Predator is going to spot you a mile away, and just like in the Critter Kingdom, stalk you, and give you the Perception there is only one of them, when there actually more of them.

If you don't know the signals , you will get your butt kicked, or worse.
Now if you are lucky and survive, and real lucky all this on tape, you will see 3 things plus one, that signaled you were about to go down.
I assure you on this.

No, I will not share. You won't believe me, and therefore won't get "it" if I do.
If you do the research, investigate and verify, maybe, just maybe, you will get "it".

I will share everyone is guilty of doing these 3 things plus one themselves in their behaviors.

Remember the programmed, predictable, and punctual I mentioned?
Predators know these, and watch for folks to do and be these.
Like critters they "read" people , places and things.

Most known is how to spot a cop. UC cops have to learn to NOT be a cop.
Folks know this one, especially BGs, so it will not hurt to share.
Cross chrome pen and pencil were what the cops all wore as part of uniform.
Hit a certain rank and 10Kyellow filled worn and yet get on up in rank and 14yellow gold filled Cross pen was worn.
Don't wear the damn thing in street clothes.
For sure don't do this if UC!!

Lady I worked with and I were to meet some Cops in a pool hall, beer joint, basically a dive. They were in street clothes. Prearranged codes if some things went down.
If she slapped me for instance, that meant them meet was off.
We walk in, order a beer and in spied these two we had never meet in a split second. She and I both caught it and bartender did not get the beers on the bar before she slapped me, cussed me and we stormed out having a real good cussing spat. I tossed money on the bar.

Phone call later and one was wearing chrome the other ygf cross pens n pencils sets.
I got word they were made driving up and the way they parked in the dirt lot.

YOU have to think! Pay attention to animals, I don't what they are, just pay attention. See the birds fly out of the tree in the back yard and look for the "why".
Squirrels in the yard and run up a tree..."why".

Don't look at that one stray dog out in the woods, especially if acting rabid. You best be scanning 360*, because a pack of dogs are circling you, the lone one was there to draw your attention.

Streets are the same way.

I have gone into a jail and pretended to be in jail and just sat and listened.
Some BS reason I am tossed in, and back then one could smoke in jail.
New guy and folks watching me.
I take a book of matches, and I didn't use the whole match, instead split it to make two. *grin*
Now folks that have done time, know about this trick to save matches.
You have to make do until the "concession" comes around.
They noticed I saved the what not smoked and had papers.
Save the tobacco from a hardroll for using in a hand roll.

The "old timers" come over, and they want to visit with "like kind" or they thought I was.
Some stuff is NOT in a textbook. I wanted to see how BGs saw stuff.

They (BGs) know more than many think they do. They know how folks CCW and what position. Which direction most turn in doing a El Presidente.

Street Smarts is something one has to continually pay attention to, and access themselves about.

What perception do you give?
What perception do you want to give?

Lady friend and I were doing this stuff as I do.
7:30 am in a parking lot of a office Building.
One lady caught my eye.
First off , she drove up with a napkin in her blouse.
She did not want to mess up her clothes, either makeup, or sipping coffee to work.
Second, that Portfolio she had was handled with such care. Not a computer case, just one the size like a report was done in.
Her purse was just tossed and handled like purses are done.

I bet money, she worked on a report, and had a presentation to give. I know she did.
Lady friend and I the next morning went back out to view again.
Same lady, bee bops in , no napkin, that portfolio just tossed and handled like nothing, purse too.
I betcha anything she had a presentation and report the day before.

Sit in a diner, and watch folks eat, a few days of the same folks and you can tell by what, and how they eat, if they have a meeting after lunch.

Animals take steps to not get into trouble, if trouble shows up, how to evade, and if they cannot evade, how to survive the trouble.

They don't have textbooks.

Lets be careful out there...
- Hill Street Blues
Why didn't anyone tell me Steve was back?

Where ya been, Old Man? Missed you.

>Sits down next to Dionysusigma, opens Stanley Thermos of coffee, pours one for self and offers Thermos to Steve.<

I feel like someone just rolled the clock back 40 years, and I've just spend the afternoon sittin on grandparents' front porch, listening to Grandad talking about stuff that he KNOWS I'll need to know someday!

Can't remember all of it, but a lot of this comes awful close,

Thank you, Sir!

Kilgor said:
Them Marlboro's are gonna kill ya. You ought to quit.

That reminds me of when at about the age of 11 or 12 we'd had a lecture at school on the evils of smoking. We got told how it fills up lungs with black gunk and stunts your growth and all manner of other stuff. I'm guessing the lecture was designed to scare the bejeebers outa us kids, though the ones who coulda really used the scaring had probably snuck out back for a smoke.

Anyway, the only person I knew who smoked was my Gran. So the very next time I saw her I relayed all this information to her about smoking and how it was going to fill up her lungs with black gunk and stunt her growth and all manner of other stuff. Well she listened to what I had to say all polite like and then just said to me, "Well, the way I figure it, smoked fish lasts longer than fresh". :scrutiny:


Thank you for the kind words.


FWIW, adjusting rabbit ear antennas are a lot easier and safer than Windows Update.
Never got a BSOD back in the day, granted TV was Black and White, still even when I had a color TV on wabbit ears it never went &#$^% :D


Metal coffee cans work a heck of a lot better than these new-fangled plastic ones for putting spent brass and reloaded ctgs in.
I recommend Maxwell House Reg Coffee . Oh I admit to having a small "thing" for the pull top opening and not having to use a hand held can opener.

Plastic ones break down fast when exposed to UV rays/ sunlight.

Just how in the heck is one supposed to make an anchor out a plastic coffee can is beyond me.
Not to mention ducks are going to laugh themselves silly on in a jonboat out duck hunting.
"Look, that feller ain't going to able hit anything with a shotgun, I mean that idiot tried to make a anchor out of plastic coffee can"


Shotguns : Semi-Autos, with removable bolt handles.
Like the popular Rem 1100

Get an extra bolt handle and have the Gun Person drill a tiny hole where a split ring can be attached.
Put this on a easy to remove snap ring and this on a beaded chain around your neck.
Now if Mr. Murphy shows up while you are hunting, as he has been known to do in a duck blind, or w-a-y out afield, you have a spare bolt handle right handy.
Unsnap, the tiny split ring left on will not hurt a thing.

I've never lost a removable bolt handle, but I did wear one for my SX1 and 1100. Been known to wear both even though I was not using one or the other gun.
I was running and gunning with a SX1, two man team and my partner lost her 1100 bolt handle, I was faster than she, using my spare bolt, as she provided "cover fire" with a pistol.

One never knows about that Murphy Fella

One will note Win 1400 owners and users NEVER have to worry about losing a bolt handle.
"But the gun is limited to 3 rounds by design"

Yeah , so is yours if you are Migratory Bird Hunting and obeying the Regulations by having you gun plug in *smirk*

Speaking of Shotguns...
870 Marine shotguns will NOT float.
I do not care if the gun has "marine" written on the thing.
Trust me, I checked this 3 times one day to make sure.
Nope, sucker will not float.


Low pressure rounds get no respect.
Standard pressure .38spl , .44 spl and even 45ACP sometimes don't.
Shot placement is something I believe in, and in a confined area, like in a car, Apt, or even answering the front door of a home or business, these suckers are loud enough.
Just not as loud as say .357 and some other loadings...


Critters I have mentioned before, one would be wise to observe and learn from.
People should also be observed and learned from.

Yeah kids.
Kids have human rights, just because they are only so tall and only weigh so much don't mean they don't.
Kids can teach big people a lot, if big people will pay attention to a kid.

Take a Magician, the adults are too busy trying to figure out how the trick is done during a Magic Show.
Kids will just watch the show, observe, get big eyes and have good time. They are not distracted by trying to figure out the trick.
"Mom, dad, that was pretty cool. He pulled that card out of his left sleeve when he kicked that balloon away with his right foot..., neat!"

Listen to a kid and "gut instinct". If the kid says they feel "creepy" about something, listen, look, scan, and respect that kid's gut instinct.

Physically Limited folks.
I have a lot of respect for these folks and I am so appreciative for all they have shared with me over many many years.

Wheelchair and Amigo users, for example.
Like kids, they see and view the world from a different height and perspective that whole folks, even a 4'10 petite lady has a "view from the height" perspective a Wheelchair/Amigo user does.

One has to get from point A to point B.
Some folks use terms like "fringe" or "interim" or "no mans' land".

Basically whatever there is from "here" to "there".
Now it is said when one loses "something" they "gain" in other areas.
Best example is the blind having a keener sense of smell, hearing, taste and the like.

Well, IMO/IME PL folks do "gain" as well, even Wheelchair and Amigo users.
They are a bit more aware of surroundings, view surroundings better and how to approach things.

Take two folks going into a store to get a loaf of bread, one whole and one PL in a manual wheelchair.
They are parked the same distance from store, with the PL in handicapped,and the whole exact opposite in parking aisle.

PL is going to get out of vehicle and in a manner scanning lot as where he/she says "easier prey parks here". They know they are more vulnerable and they have in a way "acclimated" or "gained" some senses about all this.

Whole person , fiddle farts around with a cell phone and unaware of surroundings. Being tacky, they take for granted being a whole person.

Once on the walkway, the both run into friends to say hello.
PL will face the other, in a chair or not, so both can watch each others six.
Whole will often stand side by side, and therefore neither of their backs are being watched.

They go in, get bread and time to check out.
PL has only enough money easy to access, so as NOT to flash. They pre-planned getting the bread, and most likely small bills, and even if they picked up some other item like butter, enough money to cover. Say this money in a shirt pocket.

Whole waits until total is rung up and flashes a wallet with credit cards for all to see, plus money.
Or pulls out a wad of bills from a pocket money clip, or just rubber banded.

Time to hit the parking lot.
PL is ready, attitude is focused in getting from "here" to "there". Getting in vehicle and leaving lot.
So he/she looks, no cars coming , loaf of bread and butter in lap, keys out and rolls on out at a pretty good pace.
This PL can stand "just a bit" so doors open front and back, chair folded, tossed in, hops to drivers seat, engine started and backs out.

Whole is honked at by a car coming , gets to car, and then reaches for keys.
Sits in car looking at receipt, or primping in mirror, or using cell phone or...

Go to any store and watch these two types of folks and you will see this occur.
Which one is more apt to get popped?


Be respectful, still learn some things from them when on the ground.
One thing that will surprise you, is upper body strength, arm, wrist, hand and finger strength.
They might not have legs, or if they do, not of use, still they are strong, and quite agile, and fast about it.

I am 6' and 170#.
All impromptu, and not planned, I was wearing tennis shoes and my idea was to run up behind a wheelchair and snag the purse and run off.

She heard me coming and she wheeled that chair around on a dime and the leg /foot rests hit me in the shin and then she "shot" me with a water pistol she drew from concealment.
Yeah, I had a 61 y/o lady in a manual wheelchair "stop an immediate threat".

Tip: wear shin guards if you hang and do defensive stuff with PL folks in wheelchairs, them leg/foot rests hurt!

Tip 2 : Listen to them about learning how to pop wheelies...floors are hard!
Steve: I'm getting a little concerned here. I've read and enjoyed enough of your posts (hope I've not missed any!) to know how you feel about "passing forward", "elders and mentors", etc. and to how you're not usually this verbose. Please tell me this isn't some kind of "grand finale"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????

I'd like to think you've just been away too long and are making up for lost time!

DON'T STOP!!!!!!

Stay safe.
We've been gettin' some serious Porch Sittin' done before skool starts.
Granted when days have been like today, 109* F with the heat index, we "Porch Sit" in the kitchen, or floor of the den.
Nights been "cooling down" to 78* F or so, humidity most night have not kicked in...

Fans on porches, got the bug zapper plug in and zzzzZAP! eew, that was a good urn!


Personal Safety means you are personally responsible.


I try to avoid a certain grocery store chain, still at was at Skool , and someone said "I owe you lunch" and so a bunch of us went to this Grocery Store to eat as they do have a food deal set up.

There is a unarmed Security person, that wonders from inside to outside, being hot, and even in the shade , its hot here.

Two real life people checking out folks, the rest of the checkouts are self serve. [cuss, spit cuss]

Now some elderly folks shop at this place, and in the Old Days, there was a "sacker" and "would you like some help out with your groceries?"

Now the real person checking out , usually has to sack the groceries.
Ask for paper instead of plastic, and they at you like you are from outer space.

Now this little old lady, was very nice, polite, and just one of those kind of folks.
You think anyone offered to assist her out with groceries? Nope.
She even asked very politely.
It seemed like a "bother" but someone did come from out of the back to assist her, and they were not very "courteous " about it either.

Security was needed to do something important, like go get a roll of quarters, instead of watching this lady get to her car.

Near the Courtesy Booth (oxymoron) I overhear someone asking how come less real checkers, and more self checkers.
Simple, less money to train a machine, no workman's comp, no vacation, they don't call in sick, the don't just "not show up, or quit" , no raises no nothing and IT SAVES MONEY.

Question was asked about a incident , in the storefront not long ago.
Basically sorta brushed off, and not answered with "Corp Policy says we cannot discuss some things".

In the old days, Presence of folks, like checkers and sackers and folks assisting taking groceries out - was in a sense a deterrent.
"Eyes up Front" was the rule.

Security satisfies some insurance "criteria" , and unarmed is less money per hour than armed, and armed gets into more insurance "criteria".

Grocery Store has a contract with the Security folks. Security folks deal with the payroll, vacation, benefits and all.

It is NOT about YOU, it is about the Grocery Store (any store) saving money and making a profit.

You are on your own. You always have been, still moreso today.
*pulls up a stool and cracks open a PBR*

outstanding sm, this has become my favorite thread. Its good to heard words of wisdom from those with knowledge.
Wife told me to do something in the internet for her.
But (as always) I came in here to read some knowledge as always. Now I'm in deep trouble I forgot what the heck I was suppose to do. :eek:

But the thread is awesome, nice knowledge.
SM let me know when you come to Texas. Have fun
Men and soup.

I cannot find any information to back this up mind you, still I think Men have a genetic code that when a lady sends a male to the store for Soup, Men's brain just get all out of whack.

I mean even if the lady writes down "Chicken Noodle" , I mean even if she hands him the label off a can of "Chicken Noodle" soup a guy will see all them kinds of soup and his brain just quits working.

Guys just grab a can, anything, because at this point, they know whatever they grab is not the right one, and are going to get fussed at.

"Smoked Oyster Soup?? I said Chicken Noodle you idiot! " the lady.

I have another Theory I cannot prove.

See, the odds were pretty good at one time a guy "eventually" would get the correct soup.

Now look at all the new choices they have, wimmin come up with all the new choices to make sure Men never got the right soup and keep our brains out of whack.


Yeah but us guys send gals to get ammunition and they come back with the wrong kind.

No they don't, they know darn well what 12 gauge and 20 gauge shotgun shells are.
They bought 28 gauge shells on purpose.
YOU don't know it yet, but YOU have bought a 28 gauge shotgun , just the wimmin ain't told you yet.


Oh crap, my gal come home with 28 gauge shells the other day!

Is she about so tall and ...

1. Blame me, everyone else does.
2. You will like the 28 gauge, if she ever lets you shoot it that is...:p
Most standard shotguns off the rack are just mass produced to fit a 5'10" male that weighs about 165 # and has a sleeve length of 32"

I'd like to take this time to thanks my parents for my 5'10", 163 pound frame. :D
Fishing & Shooting : Parallels

Over 90% of fishing equipment is manufactured to catch fisher-persons - not fish.

Think about that, while fill up my Zippo, and go retrieve my smokes that seem to have grown legs...

Now I have nothing against having nice stuff, or against collecting for historical reasons, or sentimental reasons or whatever.
I agree certain tools are best for tasks. I mean a cane pole is just not going to cut it deep sea fishing.

My problem is , I break stuff down to simple, and believe in correct basic fundamentals being learned without using a crutch.
I also believe one cannot buy skill and targets, be the "target" clays, targets, game or - fish.

Speaking of cane poles, most folks in my day grew up learning to fish with one, and used braided line.
I learned without a "bobber".

Learning to "read" the habitat, preferences of fish doing what , when, and feeling that fish messing with the bait.
First thing is, often times the fish ain't out "there" instead "more near".
So learning now only how to get there on the bank, also how to be stealthy and present this bait to the fish.

Fish messing, well it varies with species. Rainbow trout (don't tell me you can't catch rainbows with a cane pole, I know better) will do a "tap-tap-tap" and then hit it.
Take a syringe and put some air in a big old nightcrawler, and Bass hitting that big old worm will explode out of the water and hit it.

Fish on, now you gotta get it in.
Cane pole again teaches one the correct basic fundamentals of keeping each species on the hook and getting on the bank.

Let me see a show of hands of folks that had a fish and lost it within inches of getting it in the boat.

Lessons learned from bank fishing with a cane pole transition to using that cane pole from a jonboat or canoe.

Transition to using a Zebco 33, or Johnson , or Abu Garcia SpinCast and rod.
Transition to using a Penn, Pfluger, Shakespeare, Shimano, or whatever Spinning Reel, and spinning rod.
Transition to using a Abu Garcia 5000 with bushings, or 5500 with bearing level wind / bait cast reel and rod.
Transition to using a Fly Fishing beginner kit from Shakespeare, LLBean, or Orvis, or Using a real nice Bamboo Rod, or set up from Sage, Winston , or whomever.

From panfish to deep sea fishing and whatever else in between - correct basic fundamentals learned from cane pole fishing from the bank will apply.

Now remember that person with the high dollar Reel, with Umpteen :1 gear ratio, with the unobtanioum rod?
He/she has a LOT of these kind of set ups, thousands of dollars in lures, rods, reels and he/she still can't catch fish.
He/she reads the magazines, watches TV shows, buys DVDs, and his/her buds are always "trying to buy" and never invest in correct basic fundamentals.

Lady friend of mine, in her mid 60's and another gal her age, got a wild hair to compete in Bass fishing.
Two gals, retired from Nursing , still doing some Nursing stuff part time.
Both raised in the country.
OLDer boat, motor, trolling motor, and using Older fishing equipment.
I mean some folks had never seen a metal tackle box , or knew Shakespeare made a trolling motor with a manual switch that only had low, high and reverse.

They were out to have fun, and I'll be darn if they did not win their first tourney, actually beat the boys as well .

Funny is standing near the Station Wagon *smirk* that pulled this old boat and two wimmin having to field questions. *grin*

"What do you mean you used a spinning rod like a cane pole?" - one asked

Point being, take a look at what all is being offered, in anything you do.
Now look at the correct basic fundamentals.
Get lessons on correct basic fundamentals, and then buy wisely that which is proven, works and always will.

Software not Hardware.

She knew them bass would be where they would be, from getting quality lessons as a wee country girl with a cane pole.
Six and half foot fiberglass spinning rod was just used like a cane pole, from bigger boat with a motor, instead of a jonboat being paddled around (skulled) by her daddy, mom, uncle, aunts...

Applies to hunting.
Applies to street savvy and staying safe
Applies to Serious Situations...

Use Enough Correct Basic Fundamentals
Handicapped Parking

OK. I admit it. I hate that term handicapped.
I prefer Physically Limited as most have noticed, because that is what some folks told me back as a wee brat they preferred to call themselves.
Yeah, I might be hard-headed and have some sentimental attachments to stuff...old fashioned about Respecting folks...

Still the damn thing is called a Handicapped Parking spot and one gets a choice Handicapped Hang Tag or License plate.


If there is anyway you have a choice, please, please get the tag or suggest real strongly they do so.

24/7/365 it advertises that vehicle as PREY.
In the driveway, going down the road,buying gas, anywhere it is, it says "the driver is limited in some way".

Bad enough in a Handicapped Parking Spot BGs got that vehicle pegged, and they wait for one to leave a bank, drug store, - anywhere.
Now lets make it even easier to follow and do a bump and run, or car jack or whatever.
Cell phones work for BGs too you know.

My mom is one among many I did not simply "suggest" a Hang Tag to.
I have been known to be a bit "downright hard-headed", "ornery", "assertive" and "royal pain in the backside" about some stuff, especially when it comes to staying safe.

I know that totally shocks the living daylights out of some of y'all...
Hey, by the time I was 3 years old, any chance of me gaining Sainthood had done flown out the window. *grin*

Mom is like a lot of older folks. They all got together, and the conspiracy is, always drive a gray vehicle, and pretty much same make and model, and older is best.

I just wave at older gray cars, sometimes it has been my own mom.
Don't matter, the way I figure it, if we all wave at the old folks in gray cars we will make each others moms, dads, grandparents just plum tickled they got waved at.
"Nice girl waved at me today going down the road" - mom
"That is nice mom" - I replied.

I know there is a another lady and fella saying the same thing to their kids, because I waved at them that day.

"Some nice boy waved at me today...."

In the driveway, gas station, going down the road, drive through at the bank, Fast Food Joint, wherever, it does NOT advertise the driver is limited in some way.

Sure , in the Handicapped Spot it does, then again once the driver backs out, removes hang tag off rear view mirror, less easy to spot.

Now some may not like this, still ask me if I care.

Mom is not the only one with a hang tag I know and I have done this with.
Mom's car in the shop, and she got a loaner car...Hang tag worked with the loaner car.

Another good example, mom had surgery, she was NOT cleared to drive.
I can use her car, but the fact was, it was easier for her to into and out of my truck.
I stuck the hang tag on my mirror taking in her to doctor , and drug store and going to the bank.
One day it was really raining, and we had to see the doctor...
I got a lady (mom) that has problems to start with, add she just had surgery and I am not going to "let her out up front" and then go park the car/truck and leave her there for any BG that happens to come along.

Risks for falls. Sorry , busting a hip is not a good thing for anyone, especially a older person getting knocked down for any reason.

I don't abuse this, but when a fella is having a problem with Prosthesis, and we go in my truck, as he needs to leave his truck for repairs...I am not going to leave him out, and more vulnerable, and I don't care if he is younger than me, and is CCW-ing.
It ain't right.

Now I have used the tag to park, get someone into the Docs office waiting room, gone back out, removed tag, and parked in regular parking.
Respect again for others.
I also have no shame in asking when time to leave a Cop, Nurse, to stand there inside the entrance/exit and when I pull up to the front, and I show up, with flashers on to assist me getting mom, or anyone else back into vehicle.

BGs look for easy prey.

Once I pulled up in mom's car, into handicapped parking , with mom and two folks came out from the side, I backed up and took off.
Mom did not know her car could scoot like it did.
Mom's still holler "slow down" and try to hit the brake on the passenger side too...no matter how old you get. *grin*.

Another time, I was in my truck, with mom, and her hang tag.
Boy! Were those two folks surprised to see me "whole" get out and use "assertive verbal language" as I did!

Mom did not say a work about some language I used, she was sorta shocked matters as fast as they did.

Got an option?

Get the Tag!
I am really appreciative of this thread, my Dad is getting on and we have not had the best relationship as far as "passing on" stuff like this goes.

Fella that sired me, well that was about it as far he is concerned.

I bugged the fire out of folks that had something I wanted.
I pestered , I did any and everything I could to be around those I call Mentors & Elders.

Life is interesting, some of the best lessons are best learned getting out of self.
Might be a older neighbor trying to wrestle a trash can back to the house the trash folks empty and the wind caught.
Being invited to have a cup of coffee and something they share.

Do a few hours a week being a Volunteer at a Veteran's Hospital, and the Men & Women sharing some real important life lessons.

You know a old boy in a wheelchair, and his wife, just plum get tickled when you read to a group of folks like them. Get up and get coffee and some cookies.
"Take a break from reading, I want to share about that Quail hunting, or how we used to deer hunt, or how we got through a bad storm one time..."

Put the book down, pay attention, these folks have some priceless lessons and one is wise to listen and learn.

"Your time is up, you can go home now Steve".
Nurse was getting off work, and the topic interested her, then another nurse comes over, and before you know it, these Vets are on a roll, Mentoring to Us that were supposed to be there for them.

Doctor got to looking for one patient, decided it was not that big of a deal.
He sat in, shared a bit and "you know, some stuff is more important than me having to ask you a bunch of dumb questions , we will do this Doc/Patient stuff, tomorrow, now go on about that deal you were sharing...".

Get out of yourself.

To keep it - give it away .

Some folks want to keep it, you are the one they are supposed to give away to.

Serious Situations

Serious Situations.
I prefer this term over the Acronym most often used.
Personally, I can let out a string of expletives with the best of them.

Kids- oh yeah they know what the "S" stands for.
Society has accepted certain acronyms a being part of "language".
Just me being me:
(a) understands and respects the fact some persons might have negative feelings about such "language" and
(b) Internet is Global and someone in another Country may find it offensive and attribute to some perceptions about THR, The USA and American Society.


Serious Situations and having a "Bag" handy.

Here is one such Serious Situation Bag :

-Garrity disposable flashlight with a lanyard
-Bandanna and/or Surgical Mask
-Coaches Whistle.
-Marine type compressed air horn
-TracFone , or any other inexpensive pay as you go phone
-Cell Phone

Where is the gun, and knives?

What the hell does a kid need with a gun or knife when the Smoke Detector goes off at 2 am ?

What does any of us really need with Ultimate Extreme GeeWhizGUn with umpteen bazillion rounds of Whooper-Dooper Exotic ammunition when the Smoke Detectors go off?

Pretty damn sad when kids, adults, grandparents actually train and practice plans for when a Smoke Alarm goes off.

That happens when your whole world is NOT centered around Guns being the Answer to every damn Serious Situation.

Detector goes off.
Kid can access right next to the bed their "Bag".
Garrity light, and whistle around neck, one bandanna is used to cover mouth and nose and one is used to check door knobs and all to see if hot.
Surgical masks might be used instead of a bandanna.

Pre arranged plans , Communication, and where to meet.
"Where are you Steve, whistle ..."
This lets other in the house and Response Personal where I am.

Compressed Air Horn, too many uses to signal others in a house, Fire Dept, Neighbors and the like.

When the time changes in Spring & Fall for Daylight Time, Batteries Replaced in Smoke Detectors.
New Garrity lights and all.

These "bags" are not played with. Adults Parent the kids. And one does not have to be the "parent" to parent or be a Mentor.

Older Folks have these as well, anyone should have those items that will assist them , others in the house, and Response Personal if a Fire should occur.

Kids are not stupid. They know serious is serious. Just they really do appreciate it when you go through a practice drill with them.
I have to admit, seeing a 3 year old get her kit, and use it and crawling on the hall floor all by herself was pretty special to me.

NO lights, that alarm going off, and she did real well doing what she was supposed to do.
She did not play with the light, or whistle...this was serious situation training just like the bigger kids had done, just like the adults had done, just like grandparents had done.

There is more to responsible firearm ownership - than firearms. - me
There is a tremendous wealth of information within these two pages.

sm, I give a humble "thank you" for sharing all of this with us.
Can the mods find an appropriate place to keep this thread? There is just too much advice on living here to allow this thread to disappear into etherspace.
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