Got my reloader! Opps, wrong one...

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Jan 17, 2013
Ordered the lee classic turret from FS Reloading. Been picking up other bit's I need while waiting on it. Was excited for today... the box came. Opened it up to see a Lee box in it... but it is labeled "Breech Lock Challenger Kit"..

Uh.. not what I ordered. The Classic turret was 'in stock' when I ordered it, so how'd they goof that up? 200+ paid, the breech lock kit is MUCH less expensive. Have a support ticket in, but checked their site and the classic turret shows out of stock, so I have a bad feeling.

This was my first dealing with FS Reloading, and may well determine if I ever deal with them again... I hope I don't get a whole lot of 'well, send it back then when we get the classic turret in 6 to 8 weeks we will send it' crap.

Not the start of a good day.
after my dealings with reloading companies its RCBS all the way now, no better service have i found,,,,, and i wouldnt be waiting on a "ticket" id be on the phone raising hell....
He isn't dealing with a mfg. He's dealing with a retailer.

On UPS quantum view, does the box weight match with what you expected?
I hope mine comes in correctly and I didn't get the one you were meant to receive. I'll know today.
I wouldn't get mouthy with them. They are good people & very fare. It sucks but mistakes happen. They will be much easier to work with if your respectful.
If you check the FS Reloading web site, lee is the only brand of reloading tools they carry. You'd think they could get it right.
Wanted to add: Arbo, it really sucks that you got the wrong press. Your post indicates that you are already planning on finding any response unacceptable short of, "well lookie there, we found one not in our inventory system."

That would be really great if it happened. I fear you're going to be disappointed and hope you realize that the person on the phone just can't send you what they don't have, that companies do screw up and maybe they'll try to make it right in some other way.
Calm and patient!

I have dealt with FS many times with good success. Mistakes happen so just give them a call and I'm sure they'll correct the error as quickly as possible and no cost to you.

Best of luck
Be courteous and level headed. They should make it right. If they check their inventory vs their orders, hopefully they'd figure it out.

I understand how at this panic time people want their stuff yesterday and are unable to wait for resolution, but believe me, you'll get a lot further if you don't go around saying "I'll never buy from you people again" or the likes.

Otherwise, they might simply say "if you won't ever be a customer again, well transfer you over to our special CS rep: Heywood U. Buzzoff, and then send you to our attorney Mr. Sosumee"
I feel your pain.
I wasn't shipped the wrong thing, but I put in an order from Midway in early February for a Lee Turret press. The estimated date was March 3. Now it's changed to May 21.
Not Midway's fault. Its just the craziness right now.
That reminds me of when I worked at the Wild Animal Park in San Diego. It was part of the San Diego zoo. When we had an impossible customer, we would direct them to call the zoo and ask to speak with Ken Allen.

Ken Allen happened to be an orangutan. :D
Look at it this way. You git a press and can start handloading!

Of course wait to make sure that they refund you at least half of the 200 bucks. Definitely don't want to pay that much for that kit.

Sent from my CZ85 Combat
Their mess up, I hope they have one in a corner hiding that they can send right out. Maybe they might say keep the one you have now and we will send the right one. Highly unlikely but you never know. Hope it works out.
Much to respond to, hope I get it all.

I know I'm dealing with a reseller not the manufacturer.
Yes, companies and people screw up, it's how they fix those screw ups that matter.

dave_r, the problem is, when I bought it, it showed in stock, so if now I have to wait another 2 months for something that was in stock when I ordered it, and I can't have it due to their human error, it doesn't make me ever want to deal with them again.

I don't care about waiting for stuff to get in stock if it's out of stock, or waiting on backorders, that's all good, but if it is in stock and you order it, there is an expectation to not have to wait for it to be in stock again.

Someone said at least I have a press and can reload. No, this is a 100 dollar kit they sent me... it's not going to be opened at all, it's not what I want and it's not what I paid for.

I called their support number and nobody answered. I called the number on the shipping label and got someone who said 'our servers are down', I told them I put in a problem ticket online and he said 'put in a ticket on the web site', and went on about 'we have over 700 emails'... Yeah, it's busy, no doubt, but I see the start of this as excuses and lack of caring. Will see how it plays out, I hope for the best ... but that's hard to find nowadays.
You probably spoke to Greg. He is a good guy. I usually talk to the lady at the other number.

You do sound like your calling mad & expecting the impossible. If they don't have it & you don't want to wait the best they could do is tell you to return it for a refund.
I don't understand how anyone can think I am mad... it seems that's more projection or just total misunderstanding than anything.

Expect the impossible? My god, how many folks out there just let mistakes happen and suck it up? It must be more than I had previously imagined.

Let me put this out one more time: I spend MY money when it was in stock, it was verified it was in stock, it was packed it was shipped. Thus one has an expectation that they are getting what they paid for... it was not what showed up. That they made a big mistake and may no longer have the proper thing that I ordered is not my problem, it is their problem to fix. If it comes down to them paying to ship this wrong item back and me getting a full refund, then that's what it comes down to... but I can guarantee I would never buy from them again, and I would encourage everyone else to not buy from them.

Perhaps too many people have just accepted bad customer service for far too long, perhaps they forget what good customer service is...

Either way, I am undecided as of yet, but based on my initial conversation with them, and the lack of any form of response does not give me a tingly feeling up my leg.

The problem is you didn't receive what you paid for. I get it. Forget about what was what when you ordered it. It doesn't matter today and is just going to give you heartburn. The reality of the situation is you didn't get what you wanted and are more than likely in for a wait should you choose to allow them to remedy the situation. Their inventory system is showing it is out of stock. We all know there is a pretty slim chance that they have one hiding. So, what realistic result would satisfy you at this point?

Just a week ago, you were ready to back order and wait until May to receive your press. It makes it kind of a bump in the road if you think about it that way.

That isn't a lack of compassion. That is someone who has no emotional attachment to your new press giving advice. Frankly, I'd be pretty pissed and probably tell people off and be satisfied for about 10 minutes.

If you can float the $300 or so, go back to your other thread on this and order from the other vendor recommended who shows 71 in stock and get one before they show out of stock, too.

Let us know what fsreloading tells you either way and good luck
I think it would be in the best interest of FS to refund your money & hope you never order from them again.
David, I see the item I ordered and paid for, as mine. It was just a matter of getting it to me. No way to float $300 ... got out of a different hobby and sold off stuff from that to get into reloading.

kingmt, what you think is irrelevant to the situation.
Arbo is totally correct, too many passive people let things like this slide on buy --that IS why our gun culture is in the shape it is in, period.
In other words, things will never get better if you <deleted>.
Flame away.

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Lol. You can't be made happy. Your bad mouthing them before they have even had a chance to fix it.

I've been in retail management. I expect good service if I'm going to spend my money somewhere. I'm not going to throw a fit ether way. I just don't take my money back to the one I don't agree with. I spend a bunch of money with FS tho because of there customer service.

Just trying to get you to the point of reasonable like everyone else here. If your not he is likely to blow you off since you can't be made happy anyway.
I always asked my customers what they wanted since it is so much easier to fix things that way but you can't give what you don't have.

Good luck to you.
Call them and tell them what they sent you then have them send a return mail to you. I've been dealing with them almost exclusively now for over a year and so far they have been fast shipping (usually 4 days from order) and right every time. The only time a shipment was held up I placed late on a Friday with one item out of stock, they called first thing Monday morning to ask if I still wanted the item or they would refund the money which they did within the hour. My order arrived 3 days from the call on Monday.
I've had a few issues in the past with online ordering. It's frustrating. Make sure you keep track of how long you have to dispute the charges with your credit card company. Ultimately if you can't reach a resolution with the company (FS reloading is a pretty good company and I would be surprised if they didn't do everything in their power to make it right) then the credit card company can get you your money a last resort, but don't let that opportunity slip by.

It stinks out loud to order something, wait for it, then it shows up and it's wrong.
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