Gun tricks

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Feb 18, 2003
The good 'ol South
Anyone know of a link where one can learn how to spin/twirl a revolver in and out of a holster?

I've googled it but was dissatisfied with the results.

. . . and yes I've tried learning on my own, also, dissatisfied with the results.
You probably won't get much response on this, because most 'serious' shooters look down on such 'play'.

What you are looking for, you can't get from books or videos or internet sites. Unload the gun and play with it for a few hours every day. Watching TV, sitting on the john, eating dinner, laying in bed waiting to go to sleep. After several weeks of this, the gun will suddenly vanish on you. It will become an extention of your somatic existance, and you'll be able to just about anything you want with it.

If you watch any good juggler, or anybody who has skill at such things as slight-of-hand, that's what they all did. You can't develop a body skill like that by practicing for fifteen minutes a day. You have to be very dedicated and stick with it.

I don't twirl my guns, but i"m very fast on the draw. I can also put the gun back in the holster without thinking about it. I have mad reload skills. I got those skills by continuious practice every day for about six months. When I go to the bathroom at work, I do 50 draws, full extentions, and reholsters - EVERY TIME I go to the bathroom. It takes me less than 90 seconds to do 50 - and I'm wearing a sports coat.

THAT is the kind of trick you really want to be able to do with a gun. Pull it out, shoot, and put it away before anybody even knows you have a gun.

Practice, practice, practice...

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