Has anyone ordered or received an order from Eric at HBE leather?

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I too ordered a holster from Eric some 7 months ago. His website is still up but both e-mail addresses are inactive. I have sent numerous e-mails and made multiple phone call with absolutely 0 replies. My last conversation with him he made the excuse that he was out of the leather required for my order. If you call his number you will get his voice mail box which is full and he will not answer the phone. I sent $75.00 for an HBE Askins holster in good faith and he has definately not kept up his part of the bargain. My next step is to call the BBB of North Salt Lake City to explain the horrible service I've received.

If you google HBE on one of the links he apoligizes for his tardiness due to marital problems. I feel sorry for the gent but I just want my money back to purchase a Galco IWB.

If you are reading this Eric just give me my har earned money back!!


As they say buyer beware. In this case I recommend that you take your business elsewhere and if you havent received your holster like me call the BBB
A buddy of mine, to whom I recommended HBE, tried to contact Eric to no avail.

HBE did me right when I ordered a couple years back, though.

It is too bad. I can't suggest HBE in good faith, anymore, to folks who are seeking a holster.
Ok....Im very very confused. First off.....My email seems to be working just fine.....I dont get that? For anyone who has an order with me, call me or if you have left me a voice mail Ill get back with you very soon. My mail box got full when I had a funeral to attend out of state.

Im still here....and Im back on the net. Yes...last year was very um, er...interesting to say the least. If Ive ever had a year when everything I touched turned to )#$#_$( that was it. But Im still cranking out holsters and they are getting better and better.

Please get in touch with me....thanks.
Good bless and shoot well.
I too have seen a couple of projected completion dates come and go. Hey, if you're slow as damn molasses.. that's fine. I understand you're not a big factory with a bunch of Mexicans slaving away on my holster.

But I'd prefer HONESTY over OPTIMISM. Don't tell me 3-5 months when you know damn well it's going to be more like 10. I'd be happier if you told me 12 months and then delivered in 10.

Running a good business takes more than just a good product.
Like others have already voiced, I too have an order outstanding. Placed the order back in Oct had several emails back and forth with Eric at that time. Since then however he has not returned a phone call or email. Had I read this thread prior to Oct I never would have placed the order.
HBE Delivery Problems

After I posted my comments last night I received a call from Mr. Larson concerning my order. He assured me that my holster will be completed no later than 3 weeks from last night. I truly hope that that is the case. If it arrives on time I will repost on this and other web sites that Eric is a man of his word.

Eric if you read this please hold true to your completion date and I will positively help you out financially in the future by placing another order.

I have three HBE holsters.

Not as long of a wait as Milt Sparks, and very, very nice. You'll like his stuff. I feel very badly for him. My divorce rocked me to the foundation.
I wasn't going to air my experience with HBE until I read some of the negative posts on THR and numerous other sites. I ordered a Com 3 from him last April, paid in full over the phone. He quoted a delivery time of 10-12 weeks. After 4 months and no contact I began emailing and calling him. I got all the standard excuses or no reply at all. I finally caught him on his cell phone and was told my CZ PCR holster would be on the way within a week. It did indeed arrive approx. one week later. However, it was for the wrong gun!!! it was made for a full size CZ and not the PCR. I immediately called Eric and he told me he made it that way on purpose-the holster had about 1.5" of extra room in the muzzle area. I told him I thought it was for a full size and I would look at it more closely and call him back. I phoned him back and he admitted that it was not for the PCR, his PCR mold was not usable and he wasn't sure when it would be available or even if it could be fixed to make a new holster. He offered to make me a different holster for a different gun. I requested a refund and was told to ship it back and he would refund my money. I finally just decided to keep the holster and sell it myself instead of messing with return postage and such. I will never use or recommend his business. I know some people have had good experiences with him and his product appears sound, but there are other things that go with running a good business just as there are other holster makers that I will now call on. Attached is a list of excuses I've received from him directly or quotes from Eric pulled from various sites.


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Bass, Im sorry if things went to hell and back with your order. You can post anything you want...personally, it seems your out to save the world from me...and thats fine.

Everything I posted on the net and told you is fact.......Ive never had a year like the last one.

Sport....your holster shipped today. Let me know what you think and thanks for your patience.

I wish you all the best.......

Shoot well and god bless
I also received a call from Eric after my post. Seems my order wasn't lost afterall, as I had feared, just a little late. Hope to see a holster for my UT II Kimber making it's way to my house in the next 2-3 weeks. I'll post a follow up upon receipt.
I have three holsters and a belt from Eric.All took a little longer than the quoted times,but the workmanship was worth the wait.

I'm not gonna make excuses for him,I know things happen,but I do believe he tries to be true to his word and will get my next order.Hopefully,this year will bring a great new start and many others can experience his fine work.
I no longer suggest his holsters

One might be the greatest craftsman on the planet, but if the business end of the enterprise isn't in good order, what good is it?

Eric comes though!! I would like to thank Eric for making good on his word and delivering my COM III 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Tried it out today and the holster is the cats meow for carrying my SA1911. Looks Great, Feels Great and my LEO daughter and hubby could not tell I was packing with just a H-D t-shirt on!! Was worth the wait.

Eric I'll give you some time to catch up and then place my next order for my CZ75 SP-01.

I wish you the best of luck in the future Eric, just don't work yourself to death.

God bless ya and thanks again,

Roger (Sportsterguy)
The best treatment for a battered reputation is a glut of satisfied customers.

I hope Eric comes through for lotsa customers & those customers tell us about it.

If not, well, I still count myself fortunate to own one of his creations.
Eric: I'd like to be the next one to gush your praises.

You last stated, at the beginning of January (at which time this holster was already overdue), that it would be here by the first week of Feb... Well we're coming up on March here real quick.

Send Josh Holloway in Eagle River, AK a holster for his P-01 and I'll come on THR to say how you're a holster-making hero and all that.

Again: It's not being a SLOW custom holster maker that's the problem. It's missed delivery projections that frustrate and worry people.
A week has past since I left my message. No return call/message.

Please return my call. If you are thinking about posting here on THR about how you are GOING to return it.. just actually return it instead. If you don't get me when you call that's okay. Just leave a message with the REAL delivery date of my holster.

I look forward to hearing from you Eric. Thank you.
Another promised delivery date come and gone.

Eric finally returned my phone message... two weeks later... and told me in no uncertain terms that this holster would be in my hand by the end of this last week.

Why wasn't I even suprised as Thursday, Friday, Saturday passed with no package? Maybe because this was the THIRD deadline promise broken?

Unbelievable... really.

I waited for 8 months to get a holster I was promised would be ready in 12 weeks.I was treated the same way my email and calls were not returned.I went on COMBAT CARRY and made a post about HBE to get my money back that seemed the only way to get in touch with him.I have a problem with people taking my money and not doing what they promise.
Just when I was about to give up on ole Eric, the holster has arrived!

Looks good, I'll post up a pic when I get a chance.
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Scalhoan: Glad to hear of your good fortune. Can you tell us what you ordered and your approximate order date to give the rest of us an idea what REAL delivery times are running?

It's frustrating to talk to the guy and have a real "come-to-Jesus" understanding of when you will DEFINATELY have your new holster..................... and then the day comes/goes and you realize: No, that was just more BS.
We've had a couple of those now.
For me the delivery was about 24 weeks vs the 6 to 8 quoted. Ordered on Oct 26th, received yesterday. No idea if his deliveries are any better now or not.
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