Hillary in 08? Poll shows support

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Hillary has the hearts and minds of the left wing activists in the democratic party. She will be the nominee.
If we only get the right opponent She can be beaten. My far left neighbor has said She would vote for Macain over Hilary. I think with the right running mate John could win. He does know DC as good as anyone. If he gets a running mate to his right he gets my vote. Anything but another Clinton.

To jef.. Give Portland to calipornia
The only way McCain will become a presidential nominee, is if he switches parties and beats Hillary. He's dead to the republican faithfuls.
There are no shining stars on the right at this time
It's still really early in the game. Frist is one possibility (you think it's an accident the left and MSM are attacking him?), Rice is another. Some think Cheney might run, or even Gingrich, but those are long shots. Giuliani is too liberal, he would be better off running in 06 for Hillary's senate seat. McCain has no chance.
A lot of America, whether consciously or sub-consciously, will not have it in them to elect a woman as president. I'm not saying it's right, but it does at least make it less likely that Hillary will be president.
I hear more conservitives talking about her presidential chances than liberals. Kinda makes me think she's trotted out as scare tactic by "our boys" rather than any serious type of candidate.

Lost both houses of congress and 8 years out of the Whitehouse I'd expect a very centrist candidate. Even the most strident Democrats understand what another 4 years of Republican rule would do to the Federal court system including the Supreme Court.

Though it would be great IF they were dumb enough to run her ;) as long as the Republicans are not dumb enough to run the shrubs brother.... :cuss:
Simply put, the left-wing moonbats are running the Democrats, and she's the one they're going to want in, so she'll be the one.

Face it, the blue states will go gaga over her, and despite her obvious shortcomings, she's a better candidate then Kerry could ever dream of being. But it will polarize the country like never before, the last election will be a girl scout picnic compared to the one coming up.

Speaking of Bumper Stickers...

I've found one that both Democans and Republicans can agree on. It says "Run, Hillary, Run!"

Democrats put it on their rear bumpers; Republicans on the front.
The Democrats have been massacred in the last 3 national elections. Hillary would win California and a chunk of New England (hopefully not Illinois...I'd give that 50/50), but everything else would be an absolute bloodletting for that party.

Let them try and run her.
Hildebeast versus Condosleaza... I'm praying that this really is the Last Days promised in Revelation.

I think my greatest fear is that the Apocalypse will come when I'm too old to truly enjoy it.
Good link, Barbara. Thanks.
I think the only way to stop a feminist blowout in favor of Hillary is to run Rice against her. And Lord knows, Rice is far better qualified for the job. IMHO, of course.
I think I'll take a leaf from Standing Wolf's book from the last election.

Fortunately America isn't dumb enough to elect that Hillary creature.

I think I'll add that to every thread I see about her running until she's either knocked out of the running, or the '08 race is over and she's lost.

Y'all can either buy me a beer for every time I repeat if she does not win, or give a wedgie for every time I repeat if she [shudder] does win [/shudder].
Fortunately America isn't dumb enough to elect that Hillary creature.
I'm not so sure on this one. If the republicans don't run a top-notch candidate and campaign, she'll win.
She'll run. There is a good chance she'll win too. I expect by then large numbers of conservative Republicans will have turned their back on their party, and will either sit it out or vote 3rd/4th party. If she gets in, we'll have none other than Bush and some prominent Senators (you know who they are) to thank for it.
Hey, it's my new mantra for Hillary related threads. It worked for Standing Wolf with that Kerry creature.

Fortunately America isn't dumb enough to elect that Hillary creature.
08 Repub Candidate

My prediction? George Allen, Senator from Virginia will be the Republican nominee.

Telegenic, good speaker, southern, more conservative (for now) than Bush. Of course, I don't see Bush as conservative at all. Voted "No" on Firearms Manufacturers Protection bill, but this was after the poison pills had been tacked on. Received a "zero" rating from the Brady Bunch (but only a 50% rating from GOA).

Prediction is provided assuming there aren't any skeletons in his closet.

He's not my ideal candidate at all, but I don't see any other Repub candidates with the potential to rise to the top.

I believe he could crush Hellery.
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