I am John Kerry

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Shooter 2.5

Dec 29, 2002
I am John Kerry.

I was against the first Iraq war, I am against the second Iraq war, but I voted for it. Now I'm against it but I was for it. I support the UN. I'm against terrorism and against the Iraq war. But I voted for the Iraq war. So, I voted against the first war and supported the second war, wait...

I'm against gay marriage but for gay unions. I support gays but think the SF mayor is wrong. I support gay marriages. No, wait, gay unions.

I'm Catholic. Wait, I'm Jewish. My dad was Jewish. But I was raised Catholic. What am I? I don't want to confuse people.

I am for abortions, but wait, I'm Catholic, and Catholics are pro-life. But I might consider putting pro-life judges in office, but I'm not sure. I do know I voted for a pro-life judge, but I stated that it was a mistake.

I went to Vietnam. But I was against Vietnam. I testified against fellow US troops in Vietnam, threw my medals away and led others to do the same. But I am a war hero. Against the war.

I stated I threw my medals away then I threw my ribbons away. I then revealed that I threw my ribbons away but not my medals, then lately I stated that I threw someone else's medals away and never threw anything of mine away.

I believe Ribbons and medals aren't the same thing. Medals come with ribbons, so now I believe that ribbons and medals are the same thing besides the fact that ribbons are cloth and medals are medal.

I wrote a book that pictured the US flag upside-down on its cover. But now I fly and campaign in a plane with a large flag right-side up on it. But sometimes, we fly upside-down for fun.

Yasser Arafat is a hero and a statesman. Th e Israelis shouldn't kill Palestinian terrorists, but they should stop terrorism. Yasser Arafat is a terrorist supporter. I support Mideast peace.

I am for the common man, unlike Bush. I am against the rich. But my family is worth 500 million dollars has a jet and many SUVs. I am the common man.

I am against sending jobs overseas. My wife is a Heinz heir, which Heinz has most factories offshore. I am against rewarding companies for exporting jobs as long as it is not Heinz.

I own $1 million in Wal-Mart stock. I believe Wal-Mart is evil by driving small business owners out of town. I am a capitalist and I own part of Wal-Mart but I am a good guy for small corporate America.

I own SUVs when I talk to my followers in Detroit, MI. Teresa owns SUVs, I don't, when I talk to tree hugging followers. I have a campaign jet that gets 1/3 mpg, which is great fuel efficiency.

I am against making military service an issue in presidential elections. I defended a draft dodger Clinton and stated that all serve in their own capacity whether they draft dodge or not. Did I mention, I served in Vietnam and am a hero? Are you questioning my patriotism? I served in Vietnam. My opponent didn't. I have three purple hearts! I am a hero. I am qualified to run this country since I served.

I spent christmas of 1968 in Cambodia, being shot at by the drunken South Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge, while president Nixon was lying to the country and saying that there were no troops in Cambodia. What's that you say, nixon wasn't president in 1968, well it must have been some other president then. Who was that president with the a phony silver star, it was probably him.

Are you sure the Khmer Rouge were not active until 1970, well I guess I must not have been there then. That's right I was actually in my basecamp in Vietnam at least 55 miles from the Cambodian border and I spent the evening writing in my journal about being in Cambodia. I got confused after i said it so many times between 1968 and 1986.

I am a real hero though, just spend three minutes with the people who served with me and they will tell you. No, not those 200 plus veterans who served with me and say i lied, and not all those veterans that signed affadavits that say i am a phony, I mean just these 8 people that travel around with me (my band of brothers).

I am John Kerry.
The ammount of misinformation being shelled out about John Kerry is staggering.
The only misinformation I saw was the overseas jobs Heinz connection.

Teresa Heinz has no control over that company.

Everything else is well documented.
His voting record shows he's just to the left of the average democrate, well to the right of Ted Kennedy. And Edwards is to the right of the average democrate, far far far more conservative than the 4th most liberal.

Its the exact same kind of out of context misleading misinformation that Moore puts out. The entire list the original poster posted is laughable to anyone who takes to time to actually read more than just the sound bytes.
F rating by the NRA and the GOA.
A rating by Handgun Control Inc.

Claims he was on a mission in Cambodia during the Viet Nam War. He's a liar.

Claims by supported the war before he didn't support the war and now he claims he supports the war. ??? I can't even figure out this one without a flow chart.

Claims one of his wounds was by hostile fire. Nope. He did it to himself. No Purple Heart was possible.

He "earned" a medal for pulling someone out of the drink. Did the other boats get medals for pulling the other three out. Nope. Or was it the time he shot a fleeing unarmed teenager? Anyone else get medals for shooting runaway unarmed teenagers????

Claims he can't stop the train at Lawrence Kansas. Who did he blame? The conductor. ????

Falls on a ski slope. Who does he blame? A Secret Service Man. Called him a son of a bitch.

He's left wing, lying, gun grabbing, tax and spend socialist.
The amount of misinformation being shelled out about John Kerry is staggering.

And all the misinformation comes from john kerry. The guy can't even get his story straight. I'm waiting for him to claim he's Navy SEAL but I guess he figures a chest full of illgotten medals is the same thing.
John Kerry is a sorry excuse for an American, nevermind one who aspires to become CINC. He personifies the low to which the Democrat party has sunk. He's about to do something decisive, though. He's going to decisively lose a national election.
Speaking of Moore, I'm still wading through the excellent piece Kopel wrote. No name calling, no sensationalism. Just academic style writing showing no fewer than 59 deceits in that last movie. He even lets the Moore camp have equal time when they want it. And he gives links to some things that are bad about Bush. Highly recommend it.


"Quite obviously, there are many patriotic Americans who oppose George Bush and who think the Iraq War was a mistake. But Moore's deceitful movie offers nothing constructive to help people form their opinions. To use lies and frauds to manipulate people is contrary to the very essence of democracy, which requires people to make rational decisions based on truthful information. It's wrong when a President lies. It's wrong when a talk radio host lies. And it's wrong when a film-maker lies."
And all the misinformation comes from john kerry. The guy can't even get his story straight. I'm waiting for him to claim he's Navy SEAL but I guess he figures a chest full of illgotten medals is the same thing.

Pretty much proves my point. People would rather hear the sound bytes than actually hear context.
"His voting record shows he's just to the left of the average democrate, (sic) well to the right of Ted Kennedy." Ransom

I disagree. The National Journal named him the most liberal sentator of 2003. (on a scale that ranges from 0 to 100, Kerry compiled a composite liberal score for 2003 of 96.5, the highest in the Senate.)

The ADA (Americans for Democratic Action) lists Kerry's career "liberal quotient" as 92 percent. That ranks him higher than Kennedy (90 percent), establishing Kerry as the "liberal senator from Massachusetts."
Yes, in 2003. I wonder what could have influenced his voting record in 2003? Hmmm I wonder.

Its kind of dumb to bash him for poor attendance then use the votes he did cast to say he's the most liberal. Its laughable and completely out of context and misleading. Just like....ding ding ding....Michael Moore!

Career wise John Kerry is far more conservative than Teddy and falls somewhere in the middle of the road and Edwards is more conservative than most dems all together. To say they are the 1st and 4th is simply a sad and pathetic way to try and bash him.
Its kind of dumb to bash him for poor attendance then use the votes he did cast to say he's the most liberal. Its laughable and completely out of context and misleading.


I don't understand why that's the case. If he only attended a select few votes, then is he doing his job? Is it wrong to look at what votes he did attend, and look at how he voted?

Now, I agree that we'd get a better analysis of his voting record by looking further back than just 2003 - after all, he's been voting for a while, now. We should review his whole record, and how he voted over his entire time in office.

my hat off to you sir, but I am afraid you might have difficulty pointing out the sense of your argument to many here.

Moore lies about Bush / Guns / Iraq = bad
someone else lies about Kerry / the UK = good

whatever you think about Kerry - and the Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell thinks Kerry is clearly Lurch - the fact remains that, when you spout rubbish about him, you start to lose the moral high ground you wish to occupy.

for anyones interest:

Its kind of dumb to bash him for poor attendance then use the votes he did cast to say he's the most liberal. Its laughable and completely out of context and misleading. Just like....ding ding ding....Michael Moore!

You're trying to link criticism of Kerry's attendence record with criticism of his Liberal voting record. These are two entirely seperate issues and your attempt to link them makes little sense. You're arguing just like...ding ding ding...Michael Moore!

Kerry has a very poor attendence record this session. That's a fact. One of the few times he made an extra-special effort to show up was to vote in favor of amendments to the lawsuit pre-emption bill. Amendments that would have banned all centerfire rifle ammo, extended the assault weapon ban, etc.

Career wise John Kerry is far more conservative than Teddy and falls somewhere in the middle of the road and Edwards is more conservative than most dems all together. To say they are the 1st and 4th is simply a sad and pathetic way to try and bash him

No, Kerry is a hard-left extremist by any objective measure.

Kerry favors/ has recently favored:

Socialized Medicine (Hitlery's plan)
Extremist forms of Gun Control
Unrestricted abortions on demand, including partial birth murders
Cutbacks on US intelligence funding
Cutbacks on US military spending
Gay marriage
US troops under UN control
Higher taxes
Affirmative action
Legislation raising the CAFE standard to 40mpg
Federal control of public schools
Massive WPA style jobs programs
Carbon taxes/credits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
The religious mythology of "global warming"
Gays serving openly in the military
Amnesty for illegal aliens

Kerry opposes:

A viable US missile defense
US investment in clean nuclear power generation
Oil drilling in a tiny section of ANWR
Competency testing for public school teachers
Pre-emptive strikes against terror States
The Civilian Marksmanship Program
Tax Cuts
Tort Reform
Tuition vouchers for private schools
Tax reform including a Flat-Tax or US VAT
Medical Savings Accounts
Right-to-Work laws


Kerry is also a fraud who, with the active help of the Boston Globe, managed for 35 years to hide his family's German/Austrian roots and pretend to be an Irish-American so as to better his chances of winning office in Massachusetts.
Kerry is also a fraud who, with the active help of the Boston Globe, managed for 35 years to hide his family's German/Austrian roots and pretend to be an Irish-American so as to better his chances of winning office in Massachusetts

HA! So even John Kerry is ashamed of who he is. That speaks VOLUMES.

John Kerry

I want America to become more like Europe and become a Socialist type of Government.
One that the Government doesn't own everything but does control everything.
SEEMS AS IF AT LEAST 50% of Americans agree with me
You're trying to link criticism of Kerry's attendence record with criticism of his Liberal voting record. These are two entirely seperate issues and your attempt to link them makes little sense. You're arguing just like...ding ding ding...Michael Moore!

Two seperate issues? In 2003 he had "the most liberal voting record". Also in 2003 he missed around half the votes. You're telling me those two issues might not have something to do with each other?

No, Kerry is a hard-left extremist by any objective measure.

And what objective measure is that? Going by his career voting record he's pretty average when it comes to the left. He's hardly "hard-left" or an "extremist".

Lets say you have 2 senators. A and B. A votes 100 times and 10 of them are considered "liberal". B only voted 10 times but 9 of those votes are considered "liberal". Which one is more liberal?
wait for new kerry flip flop.


kerry would of voted regardless of no WMD's.

expect flip flop later today or tommarow.
Kerry: Still Would Have Approved Force for Iraq

Aug 9, 5:34 PM (ET)

By Patricia Wilson

GRAND CANYON, Ariz. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry said on Monday he would have voted for the congressional resolution authorizing force against Iraq even if he had known then no weapons of mass destruction would be found.

Taking up a challenge from President Bush, whom he will face in the Nov. 2 election, the Massachusetts senator said: "I'll answer it directly. Yes, I would have voted for the authority. I believe it is the right authority for a president to have but I would have used that authority effectively."

Speaking to reporters from the Powell's Landing on the rim of the Grand Canyon above a mile-deep drop, Kerry also said reducing U.S. troops in Iraq significantly by next August was "an appropriate goal."

"My goal, my diplomacy, my statesmanship is to get our troops reduced in number and I believe if you do the statesmanship properly, I believe if you do the kind of alliance building that is available to us, that it's appropriate to have a goal of reducing the troops over that period of time," he said.

On that timetable, Kerry's aim would be to pull out a large number of the 138,000 U.S. troops in Iraq in the first six months of his administration.

"Obviously, we'd have to see how events unfold," he added. "I intend to get more people involved in that effort and I'm convinced I can be more successful than President Bush in succeeding in doing that. It is an appropriate goal to have and I'm going to try to achieve it."

Kerry refused to say if he had any private assurances from Arab or European nations that they would help with security and reconstruction in Iraq but said "right now the administration ... is scrambling and struggling to try to find a way to do that."

"All of this should have happened in the beginning, all of these things should have been achieved beforehand," he said. "American presidents should not send American forces into war without a plan to win the peace."


Bush last week challenged Kerry, who Republicans accuse of flip-flopping on Iraq by voting for the war resolution and against the $87 billion request to fund operations, to say straight out if he would have voted the same way if only to eliminate the danger that Saddam Hussein could have developed weapons of mass destruction.

"Now, there are some questions that a commander-in-chief needs to answer with a clear yes or no," Bush said. "My opponent hasn't answered the question of whether knowing what we know now, he would have supported going into Iraq."

"I have given my answer," Bush said. "We did the right thing, and the world is better off for it."

Kerry challenged Bush to answer some questions of his own -- why he rushed to war without a plan for the peace, why he used faulty intelligence, why he misled Americans about how he would go to war and why he had not brought other countries to the table.

"There are four not hypothetical questions like the president's, real questions that matter to Americans and I hope you'll get the answers to those questions, because the American people deserve them," he told reporters.

Kerry, who is on day 11 of a two-week coast-to-coast campaign trip, used the majestic backdrop of the Grand Canyon to criticize Bush for neglecting America's national parks system and pledged to restore $600 million he said the president had cut from the budget.
kerry is his own worse enemy. all Bush needs is for kerry to open his mouth. then again same could be said for Bush but Bush pales in comparison to Kerry when it comes to being a famous Dolphin or jellyfish.
In 1986 on the floor of the Senate, John Kerry said, "For those of us who are fortunate to share an Irish ancestry, we take great pride in the contributions that Irish-Americans ..."

The man is a pathological liar.
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