If Democrats were pro-gun and Republicans were anti-gun, who would you vote for?

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Nov 27, 2003
I read somewhere that most people vote on based on only one or two issues that are important to them. Gun rights are so important to me that even though I don't like like Bush, I have a really hard time voting for the Democrats. The Democrats are against people owning guns and just based on that issue, I can't seem to trust them.

If this single issue was reversed, whould you have a hard time voting for a Democrat?
Depends on the Democrat

I wouldn't vote for kennedy even if he was pro-gun. On the other hand, some of the 'religious right' scares me. I hate the whole 'you aren't responsible for yourself' thing the Democrats have going...
Wouldn't happen. The whole basis of the Republican platform, exceptions aside, is self reliance. Dem platform is the philosophical opposite.

Firearms ownership is the epitome of self reliance.
An anomalous oxymoron. Couldn't happen. Today's Democrats are self loathing hoplophobic handwringing bedwetters devoid of the concept of self defense.
Now this is interesting, but it's just a pure mental game. Kind of like "if deer could fly would you still hunt them?". I use the gun issue as kind of a litmus test to see which Republicans are really Republicans and which are RINOs. Not that I actually consider myself to be a Republican.

I would vote capital-L Libertarian for 100% sure, to answer your question.
I like large portions of both parties. Some of the Democrats' social programs have merit, but there's no way I could deal with the whole "take from the rich, give to the poor" bit... The religious fanatics who are still trying to control the republicans similarly make me nervous.
Wouldn't happen. The whole basis of the Republican platform, exceptions aside, is self reliance. Dem platform is the philosophical opposite.

... except for the fact that most Republicans nowadays are at least somewhat in support of a welfare state, etc., etc., etc.

Yes, I know you said exceptions. But the exceptions are so glaring and so many in number that they're not exactly exceptions anymore.

I'd still vote Libertarian.
The problem with voting for a 'good' Democrat is the majority/minority factor in the Senate or House. Sometimes it's worth it to take the hit and take a lesser representative in your area so that you can get the leadership and appoint people like Larry Craig to the committees.

Voting for a great guy like Zell with the (D) beside his name only helps Tom Daschle get the leadership again, IMHO. If the guy feels so strongly in his beliefs, he should switch parties to find a platform that more strongly suits him.
If Democrats were pro gun they wouldn't be socialists and I could vote for them again. The problem with socialists is it is a religion for them. They don't like it when people force god on them but they have no problem forcing their "state is church" doctrine down our collective throats. Is there a pro gun ownership socialist state anywhere?

We have a better chance of getting a 2nd amendment Judiciary under the republicans than we do the Democrats. It is all about the Judges.
While I'm no fan of the modern Republican party, I could not vote for Democrat standing on their platform.

My ideals lie more along Libretarian lines, but a vote here is a vote against the minute conservative presence left in Washington. I know the arguements here, save your breath.

I have to agree with some of the other posts here. Everything the Democrats stand for flies in the face of RKBA and every other decent ideal Americans hold.

BTW - I'll take one of those right-winged religious fanatics over a godless liberal anyday!!!
Republicans would win a lot more often if they'd drop their stance on abortion. That's a *huge* single-issue area. Why Republicans, who say they're for smaller government and individual rights, want to put government into an issue like that is incomprehensible and costs them millions of votes. I think every woman I know who votes Democrat does so solely because of abortion. Even self-employed, self-made women who are otherwise as conservative as you can get... they do not want Big Brother poking into their womb. All the arguments in the world do not matter to them... they want to be the ones making the decisions about their lives.
Why Republicans, who say they're for smaller government and individual rights, want to put government into an issue like that is incomprehensible and costs them millions of votes.

Perhaps because they believe that, even in the womb, a baby is a baby. Therefore, whether or not the mother wants the child to live or not is irrelevant. I don't think you'll find many people who are against abortion just because they don't want women making big decisions.

The abortion issue seems to be the Mother of all Strawmen, at least to me. Anyway, going back to the point of the thread: If Democrats were pro-gun and Repubs anti-gun I would either not vote or vote third party. Probably the latter. I'm not religious, but I'm against abortion, but I believe in the right to bear arms... I'm tough to please, I guess.
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