If Democrats were pro-gun and Republicans were anti-gun, who would you vote for?

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I think every woman I know who votes Democrat does so solely because of abortion

I can show you a whole lot of women who vote Republican for the same reason. I'd bet they come close to cancelling each other out. I look at my son, and I'm very proud of him. Sometimes I think of the two abortions I paid for before he was born, and I wonder what might have been. Having a child quickly changed my mind on abortion.
You know that old saying about a guy changing his mind after being mugged? Well, yesterday was April 15th.

Holy crap, no kidding! it makes my eyes water to see what I gave away this year. I actually got a refund at the Federal level too! I filed online so they want me to print out a form as 'thank you' note I guess for reaming me in the behind all year long and giving me back MY MONEY at the end of the year. Good luck.

To keep this on topic.

So, you're saying the Democrats would lie about how they're pro-RKBA and the Rebpuclicans would play "good guy" to the non-RKBA crowd. How would I vote?

They do that crap already. Democrats (J F Kerry) SAY they're pro-RKBA but vote against it.

Republicans, including the Shrub in Charge SAY they're pro-RKBA out one side of their mouth and they say they'll authorize the AWB out the other.

How will I vote if they "switch"? Well, today you've got lieing bastard vs lieing bastard. In your "pigs fly" situation I've got lieing bastard vs lieing bastard. This is a tough one, I give you that!

I go 3rd party.

If that doesn't work I vote from the rooftop. May God have mercy on my soul if that day ever comes.
"Republicans would win a lot more often if they'd drop their stance on abortion. That's a *huge* single-issue area. Why Republicans, who say they're for smaller government and individual rights, want to put government into an issue like that is incomprehensible and costs them millions of votes. I think every woman I know who votes Democrat does so solely because of abortion. Even self-employed, self-made women who are otherwise as conservative as you can get... they do not want Big Brother poking into their womb."

That is a good point that brings up another point. I think the "Patriot Act" is all about Big Brother and I used to think that the Republicans were against this sort of thing. I liked the GOP because of the smaller government stance and the idea that they trusted people to own guns and live their life in more or less a private way. Now I am thinking scary thoughts about the so called "Patriot Act". I :uhoh: I hope this isn't the start of a major trend towards Big Brother spying on us. I know it has been happening for a while but this has been a major victory for the Jack Boots.:eek:

I guess I am not sure what to think anymore. It is going to come down to the lesser of two evils again.:rolleyes:

I wonder if we can re-elect Regan?:D
Not all Democrats are anti RKBA. Whats the old George Orwell (a democratic socialists) quote about the rifle hanging in the working man's cottage?
Plenty of influential Repugs are anti-RKBA, I could envision a society with krauthammer republicans and zell miller Democrats. (wouldn´t like to though).

Oh ya, still libertarian for me.

So....someone switched the signs over the doors or something like that?

I take it from several comments like this, that many of you don't really love either party. Some can't see the difference between them except on a few issues. Maybe that is why most people vote on only a few issues?

I can't support either party for various reasons. The Democrats have some good points and some I don't agree with and same goes for the Republicans. I could vote third party again. I have never voted for either a Dem or a Rep, I always vote 3rd party but I am getting tired of thowing my vote away. I wish we had a three party system like England. At least it would split up the issues a little more and maybe you could find a party that is closer to what you support.

I am pro-gun, pro-Unions, pro-worker's rights, pro-nationlized heathcare, pro-privacy, pro-smaller gov. I am anti-gun control, anti-police state, anti-Patriot Act, anti-God being forced down my throat by people that think they know what is best for me.

Niether party really stands for freedom. I want to be able to do what I want as long as it doesn't affect anyone else but both parties want to control me in different ways. I used to think the GOP was more into giving people the right to choose what is best for them but with the religious right in control, we are all being told what is right and wrong and what we should and shouldn't do by them. I have a hard time being told what to do by someone that doesn't trust me enough to make up my own mind on spritual issues.

Sorry for the rant but as the election gets closer, I am getting more worried.:uhoh:
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