If John Kerry becomes president...

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Tommy Gunn

Mar 15, 2003
The Windy City
US forces will be pulled back from the middle east. This will immediately lead to a 'calm before the storm' period as the Islamic terrorist organizations regroup, rebuild their forces, and plan new attacks.

The liberals will point to this relative calm period and say that their appeasement policies have brought peace. They will be very smug about it.

President John Kerry will travel to France and on behalf of all Americans, he will get on his knees and kiss French *ss. Then the French and other european socialists will make a big show about their gracious forgiveness of the Americans now that we have "come to our senses and become civilized" by voting in a progressive new government.

Then a big storm will hit us, a storm that might even be big enough to hit europe too.

In the aftermath of these successive terrorist attacks, president John Kerry and congressional Democrats will "fight terrorism" by passing bold new gun control laws on American citizens.

Mark my words.

This was composed by Sixgun Symphony on GlockTalk.com. I think he is right about what Kerry would do as our president. So I posted it here to share with everyone else here on THR.
Rather ominous. I don't doubt it could happen. If they come up with really tough gun control (i.e., if they outlaw AR-15s and other semiautomatics), it'll be at their own risk.
If John Kerry becomes president...

I'm moving to France. :D

"If George Bush is elected president, I'm leaving for France.''

-Robert Altman, Alec Baldwin, Cher, et al.
:confused: Wait, this already happened. Reagan, Bush...then Clinton. Oh, the propserity and peace we enjoyed. The "Cold War Dividend" was squandered (by Kerry et al.) We were back to kissing European tush and bowing to the UN (except for that little Kosovo thing). All was well and people were safe (because of the Brady Bill and Assault Weapons Ban) and the world was in harmony. Then we had 9/11........

Been there and I didn't like it then.
I guess the French advantage is that the terrorists hate us more than the French so more of our planes (or overseas planes) will be crashing into buildings here than there.:uhoh:

I think Billery wants Kerry to run and lose. That way she's got a good chance four years from now.
4v50 Gary,

I think you hit the nail on the head about Hillary. If Kerry loses in 2004 (which he will), this sets the stage for Hillary in 2008.

After 8 yrs of Bush, the US will be ready for a change, and Hillary will seize the opportunity.
Another prediction

One world, blissninnies will be in the driver's seat. We will fall over ourselves pumping money into the UN. UN initiative will drive US environmental policy. Global business taxes will be approved. Kyoto and other assorted chicken little initiatives will be implemented. The US will trade sovereignty for acceptance. US military forces will be put under UN control.

Instant end to the war on islamofascist terrormongers. We will shift to a law enforcement model of anti-terrorism. Terrorism will dramatically increase. Europe and Canada will serve as bases of operations against the US and its interests. The US will be the target. We will suffer losses. Our military will be eviscerated again a la Jimmuh Carter. Intelligence will revert the model of Clinton and Carter. . . .electronic heavy, shut down human intelligence.

I can think of nothing good coming out of Kerry as president.
Come on, guys. Look at all the advantages.

Ike, I guess, said: "The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance." Well, who the hell wants to stay awake all the time. Under JFK {gag} no more vigilance. No more liberty. No more worries.

Plato is supposed to have said: "I had noticed that the Athenians had grown weary of the responsibilities of liberty."
Under JFK {GAG} no more responsibilities. No more liberty.

The bliss of tyranny will replace the chaos of liberty and all will be well. We'll get the guns out of the hands of the honest. That'll end violence. Wow. I can hardly wait.

Here's my prediction. Hitlary runs as VP right now. They win big because this nation as a whole does not have the collective intelligence to keep her out of office. Look at my wonderful NYS. So they are in. Shortly after JFK{GAAAAAAAG} passes his second anniversary in the oval orifice, he dies. Hitlary takes over and we are treated to --- not eight---but 10 years!! of her. That should just about finish us off.

I used to have a little political ditty that I used to sing. It was an idea I stole from Brother Dave Gardner--a long dead southern comedin. It went like this: "We can stand four years of Carter and still be number 1," etc. I don't think we can stand four or more years of even Kerry and rate any higher in the world that The Republic of Chad or some such thing.

If Kerry wins we will be advertising to the world that we ae no longer serious about protecting ourselves from terrorists nor are we serious about national soverignty [or, spelling]. But someone already said that.

Here's my prediction. Hitlary runs as VP right now. They win big because this nation as a whole does not have the collective intelligence to keep her out of office. Look at my wonderful NYS. So they are in. Shortly after JFK{GAAAAAAAG} passes his second anniversary in the oval orifice, he dies. Hitlary takes over and we are treated to --- not eight---but 10 years!! of her. That should just about finish us off.

Wouldn't surprise me at all.
Stagflation ala Jimmy Cahtuh and 19% interest rates along with 19% or greater unemployment will return (remember 1979-81?)as a result of the ruinous effect that the Kyoto Treaty will have on the economy.

China will get the contract to build the F-26 Stealth Fighter and all of our new Military Weapons.

North Korea will get a $6 billion a year welfare payment and all the Uranium 235 they want (Jimmy Cahtuh will negotiate the deal) which will enable them to build Nulear weapons and Balistic Missiles capable of hitting New York and Chicago.

Socialized medicine will leave all us working folks who now have insurance and decent care, getting the same care as poor folks do in the free clinic (rationing)

Guns??? everything beyond a stick or a pointed finger will be outlawed even toys.

Mexico will invade us from the south and Canada from the north. People will leave here to sneak into Haiti and Mexico for the better economy there.

Putin will declare himself Czar and attack the middle east to take all of the oil for Russia. He will then turn and invade Alaska and begin drilling in the ANWR.

Kerry will wring his hands while Hillary is ringing his wand, and he will look to the Diplomatic solution from the UN.

The EU will slap us with trade sanctions while Kerry entertains the European politicians at the White House Golf course (which he will build to entertain his liberal Billionaire friends)

He will be the first Billionaire in the white house.

We will have to break into the Natioanl Guard armories and dig up our burried weapons and march on Washington to avoid starvation. Kerry will
hide in the bunker in Colorado and order a Nuclear strike on Washington to save America for the children from all of the evil NRA members.

The Soccer moms will swoon and cheer.

But then I'm being optomistic. :barf::barf: :barf:

Thats if the Dems also win a majority in the House and the Senate.

If the republicans win the majority in Congress, we might do OK since no legislation to pick our pockets will be passed.
Shortly after JFK{GAAAAAAAG} passes his second anniversary in the oval orifice, he dies. Hitlary takes over and we are treated to --- not eight---but 10 years!! of her.

You really think she'll wait 6 years before she has him knocked off??? :D
I see that...

there are more folks than me alone thinking along the lines of "an accension to the throne". Even Rush was posing this Veep situation, and Fox among others are conversing in the same manner.

If I were Kerry - and had won - I'd triple my SS protection and hire a food and drink taster.

well heres my 2 cents,,,

:scrutiny: take a good look at kerry,,the frigger is a communist,,plain and simple,,now,,look around at what this present administration has set up in the way of laws,,,(just like the wiemar republic , they set up all the laws,,and the nazis took off and ran with them,,to thier advantage,,IMHO)now we have kerry in power,,and in all seriousness this dude and if he get hillery,,will use the patriot act against gun owners,,I`ll bet some heavy money on this one,,if he gets in,,,it could get real nasty ,,,real quick unfortunatly,,and I truely hope Im wrong,,:( time will tell though,,
Well at least the dem gun owners on THIS site will be happy..
Many have expressed their enthusiam for Kerry and the party of donkeys.

They say we might as well give em up now as wait for a few years..
Actually I'm thinking, "What the hail are these Kerry lovers doing on a gun site like this anyways"???

Kerry made his position clear when him and Edwards intentionally left the trail to come to DC and vote against us..

We are in trouble if he gets in!
Well, Kerry's got my vote...

Where I'll vote for him to go, you all can use your imaginations, but it ain't the whitehouse!!

If you want Hillary as VP, why not just elect Feinstein or Boxer or Rosie as VP?
Look, Kerry isn't all that bad. In fact he is pretty good. Pretty good.



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john kerry can lick my liberal independent...well, you get the point, but the same invitation goes to bush.

Damn Democrat's and republicans making me vote third party. :banghead:
Voting for a third party? You might as well say you didn't vote. Kerry is anti-gun and will help to cause complete diarmament when he kisses the UN's ???. Vote for Bush so we can keep the U.S. out of the control of the U.N. and their agenda. The third party candidate - I don't care who it is will not win, no matter what their views are or how competent they are. That is the reality of the matter.
Oh-oh!, Now you've done it, Range Ninja....

"Vote for Bush so we can keep the U.S. out of the control of the U.N. and their agenda. The third party candidate - I don't care who it is will not win, no matter what their views are or how competent they are. That is the reality of the matter."

There's likely to be a posse of Libertarians over here at any minute, to tell you that that is an extremely unprincipled approach.:eek:

I agree with you, not them.:D
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