I'm depressed...

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Jun 29, 2004
Bay Area, California
I just feel depressed today...

California, slowly, is getting its guns taken away by laws made by idiots who probably wouldn't know how to find the safety on a gun.

I just wanna know, has there benn ANY good news on CA gun laws lately?

What do you guys think: how much will it take to make the CA Gov. open its eyes?
I share your frustration, brother. NJ has a bill in committee right now (IMO waiting until they see what happens in NY) that would mandate the confiscation of all manner of rifles if they have one "AW" characteristic. No Grandfather clause or optional registration, just "turn it into the police or else."

If that happens, enough will be enough and I'll make plans to move to a state whose government respects all civil rights, not just the ones the Democratic party feels they should support for a constituency that will vote Democrat. But I'm thoroughly done voting for them, anyhow.

Thats a bummer.
I wonder how many folks out there own phararmz vs those who dont?
Same for the established? authoroties vs John Q citizen.
Just rounded off numbers.
Wonder how long folks will keep on puttin up with all the laws,threats of laws .
You are well armed and live in constant Fear and guilt for being so.Some thing aint right.
I share your frustration, brother. NJ has a bill in committee right now (IMO waiting until they see what happens in NY) that would mandate the confiscation of all manner of rifles if they have one "AW" characteristic. No Grandfather clause or optional registration, just "turn it into the police or else."

Wouldn't this be most rifles? And NJ could make any feature an AW characteristic, like a scope mount....

Go shooting.

Take a few non shooters with you and introduce them to firearms.

And if that is not enough, take a trip to Las Vegas and shoot some full autos. :evil:
Hang in there. Remember, "from my cold dead hands...", keep writing your representatives and introduce new shooters to the sport.
Heres something to make me want to move a little farther east.....I was just looking at the state by state regs in one of the books I got with my curio and relic FFL....California has 65 pages, and Wyoming has half of ONE PAGE. And when you cut through the legalese, it boils down to certain violent felons not being able to own, and not being able to carry concealed without a permit.
I agreed with much of what that article said about the direction that small arms technology and views on gun ownership are taking.

I didnt agree with the John Ross thing posted later on. Experience has shown that a simple slogan repeated ad infinitum is much more persuasive than a windy paragraph. Back up your slogan with solid evidence (for the more intelligent in the crowd) but the key is to keep repeating the slogan until people accept it as truth. Many people will delegate understanding of an issue to others who are more well informed- as long as all the intelligent people are won over, there will be no dissent to the slogan.

Which is how phrases like

"more guns, less crime"

enter the mainstream consciousness but phrases like

"You know, driving is a luxury, where firearms ownership is a right secured by the Constitution. But
let's put that aside for a moment. It's interesting you compared guns and vehicles. Here in the U.S. you can AT ANY AGE
go into any state and buy as many motorcycles, cars, or trucks of any size as you want, and you don't need to do anything if
you don't use them on public property. If you DO want to use them on public property, you can get a license at age 16. This
license is good in all 50 states. NO waiting periods, no background checks, nothing. If we treated guns like cars, a fourteenyear-
old could go into any state and legally buy handguns, machine guns, cannons, whatever, cash and carry, and shoot
them all with complete legality on private property. And at age 16 he could get a state license good anywhere in the country
to shoot these guns on public property."

are rarely repeated.
You make a good point Beerslurpy. One of the biggest problems libertarians run into is that it is hard to consolidate the John Galt speech into a catchy phrase. :D
Don't get me wrong, it is a nice town. he has a lovely home. His oldest kids go to a high school with 3500 kids and all the attendant problems of drugs, sex, violence. I couldn't raise my son there.
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