Ipsc Question

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Jun 3, 2008
Is IPSC a wheel chair freindly sport. The reason I ask this is becasuse I have a friend and he is becoming interested in the sport. To put it plainly him and I are just getting into the sport and while I have fired a match he has not. And he is begining to ponder if it is a sport that he can do. So please lend me a hand.


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depends on the club and venue. You would need to contact the match director of your local club.
USPSA/IPSC, especially here in the US, requires considerable movement during a course of fire (COF). Ranges are typically turf or gravel covered. I'd say if your buddy doesn't mind the terrain, he should give it a go for sure.

Another thing to look at might be Steel Challenge type events. Most require very little or no movement at all. Bowling pins would be quite similar. Fast, lots of action.
+1 on Steel Challenge as it is all shot from one box. Also look into CPANN man on man steel matches. I would venture to say that over 80% of the IPSC stages require considerable timed movement. Our club really could not accommodate a wheelchair since the stages are on gravel and uneven terrain.
Ranges surfaces and props would be the main obstacles. Most of the time fault lines and shooting boxes are constructed of 2x2s and there are lots of times you need to lean around a barricade or over a wall, which could also be a problem. The Steel Challenge, bowling pin matches, etc. might be a better place to start.
Steel shooting would be fine.
I'm curious how a wheel chair bound shooter would be able to move with one hand on the weapon and the other rolling the chair.
+1 on Steel Challenge as it is all shot from one box

Outer Limits requires movement between boxes. At the local level I would think clubs would be happy to have a wheelchair bound shooter. Not sure how we would handle sanctioned matches at a state level. As match director I would let the guy shoot and come up with a solution.

As far as IPSC, the majority of our stages are freestyle with a lot of movement, high ports, low ports, etc. The shooter could engage from an alternate position and take the penalty.
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