it happens when you least expect it.

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Oct 29, 2006
i carry a gun when i leave the house. i always carry a couple handguns on my person and a 10 shot 12 gauge in my truck. always.

this afternoon i was sitting on my back porch drinking a beer making catfish lines. then i started messing around with my boat for this weekend. im gonna pull a house boat so i needed a longer rope thats on my other boat which is way in the back yard about 100 yards.

i went into my shed to get a knife which is about 10 yards from my back door. as i open the shed door to get out i see that doberman between me and my house. he barks and runs toward me. i back up in the shed and shut the door!

omg *** i can't believe this ****! this is happening?! and i don't have a gun! o man i wanted to kill that s.o.b. so bad.

so im held hostage in my own shed. i hear nothing. i open the door about an inch. i see him sniffing around my back porch. after a good ten minutes he leaves and goes two houses down to their porch. i run in my house and grab the glock and call 911 and tell them the neighbor hood is being terrorized by a mad doberman that will kill someone.

i go outside to see whats happening. i see the guy that owns the dog walking around calling it.

cajunman: hey *** hole! your god damn dog went this way!

he walks over.

him: whats the gun for?

cajunman: your killer doberman came into my yard and tried to attack me. i'll ******* kill him if i see him here again.

him: o no he didn't. he would never attack someone. well if you came in my yard he would. but yea, my little sister plays with him. he is harmless. you don't need no don't need no gun!

cajunman: im not your sister and mr. glock don't like you in my ******* yard.

him: **walking away** you don't need no gun don't!

10 minutes later i see him cross my front yard carrying the killer beast and looking at my house all mad or something.

the cop(who took almost an hour to arrive) said if the dog comes in my yard and im scared i can kill it but the law can't make him get rid of the dog. also, i can call the sheriff and get a cage set up to catch the thing and then he will get a ticket when he picks it up. that won't solve anything. its no big deal until it kills someone i guess.

this is not over.

what if this happened 1 minute later when i would have been all the way in the back yard with nowhere to run? o man im sleeping with a gun for now on. i won't leave my bedroom without at least my glock or beretta. i'll clear the kitchen and living room before i make coffee every morning. i'll go check the mail with a shotgun and pistol for now on.


this happened before, a few months ago but the doberman just ran away.

there are young children all over the neighborhood.
It's not illegal to post a sign warning others in the neighborhood of the threat.
Make/shame him into fixing the problem himself before anybody gets hurt.
Any dog that is human aggressive should immediately be put down.
Any dog....including poodles, toy breed dogs, whatever.

Every human aggressive dog is capable of killing a small child or baby.

A bad owner creates a bad dog. Don't trust neither one of them.
It'll be much more fun to see your neighbor pay the tickets, for which the fines increase every time the dog repeats. The first one may be $10, the second $50, the third one $150. Those tickets generally get very expensive very fast. The county dislikes it more than you.

Put a cage in your garage and keep it ready. He'll come back.
I had the same problem with a neighbors pit bulls a few years back...he lives 3 miles down the road.

When he made it clear his dogs could and would run loose all over the place (some smart ass remark for me to get a "real dog" if I was worried about his dogs hurting mine)...I just let Henry (my mule) run loose too, now Henry don't go far away from the barn without somebody riding him (and even then it can be difficult to get him started at times) make a long story short, a few days later I came home and found all 3 of the pit bulls dead in my yard...badly beaten, kicked, bitten, and stomped...I went to his house and told him to come and get his dogs.

He smiled a proud lil smile and got in his truck and headed that way...but the look on his face when he saw his "real dogs" dead in the yard with a 1,000 lb. mule standing proudly over them was priceless.

I told him to get a "real pet"...I could have shot the dogs easily (and without hesitation), but I figured Henry would make a better point...and he did.

Have not had any trouble since then.
Forgot to mention. I had a unleashed stray dog attack my dog in my yard while I held the leash.

I won't go into details as I makes me angry thinking about it but in the end because there were no
"outide" witnesses to what happened besides people from my household....4 adults...Animal control
nor police would do nothing. I payed the $500 vet bill to sew my dog up and that's how that story ends.

I wouldn't let this roll over. Nip this situation in the butt before he nips/kills next time.

Edited: The "stray" dog that attacked my dog had owners. Found this by following it as it hobbled
home. So stray was not exactly correct. That dog got the stink end of the stick in that fight but still
managed to make the holes in my dogs face.
"A bad owner creates a bad dog. Don't trust neither one of them."

you right. the owner is a young punk that plays his boom music real loud. his truck is all souped up and he loves to make lots of noise when he takes off. the cops are always there.
to make a long story short, a few days later I came home and found all 3 of the pit bulls dead in my yard...badly beaten, kicked, bitten, and stomped..

but I figured Henry would make a better point...and he did.

So, what I'm hearing you say is that you allowed 3 dogs who really weren't at fault die a painful and brutal death just so you could "make a point" and rub the owner's ( the true guilty party) face in it? Not to mention putting your mule at risk.

I'm not sure I'd leave you unsupervised around ANY animal
The mule didn't start it. You act like he staked the little mutts to the ground with tent pegs and had his animal do the charleston on top of them. They attacked, (which this idiot owner probably taught them to) and then got their skulls caved in for their trouble.

Bravo, I say. Keeping your dogs locked up keeps both parties safe - the dog & the public.
Just my opinion and advice......if this were to happen again.

Watch the language. Starting out with "Hey A-Hole" vs. "excuse me sir, could I speak to you for a minute" may not be the right foot to step on first esp. if there are witnesses. By carrying a weapon or being a concealed carry permit holder, you are going to be held to a very high standard if you are forced to use your weapon and then answer to that usage. Swearing, being confrontational with the dogs owner, etc. can look REALLY bad in court (antagonistic) REGARDLESS of wether or not this dog is on your property. Go about things the right, respectful way with your neighbors. Let THEM be the ones to blow up, fly off the handle, swear, yell, etc. You'll look that much better after all is said and done.

I'm sure you were scared s-less, and I would be too....but do what you need to do ON YOUR PROPERTY with this K-9, even if it means having to kill closed. Let the police deal with the legal side of it and with the neighbor. I'm sure you had concerns for your other neighbors and the community as well, but don't over-step your bounds with your "authority" as it were. Don't get me wrong....I would have shot the little bastard too if he had attacked me, but just try to come out looking good!!

I'm glad you were ok!
Right, bigman, he should have just allowed them to screw around on his land. ( Henry don't go far away from the barn without somebody riding him... )

Just a shot in the dark, but i got a funny feeling the Mule wasnt the aggressor.

Or do you think that because the other guy let his dogs lose, he is required to corral his animals on his own land, when they stay on his land to begin with?

Just saying, in my exp. 2 dogs that will continue to harass a larger animal after another of the pack is killed so easily is a danger to all mammals in the area, human included. These arent domesticated dogs, these are a pack of animals that have a spot they know they can get food every day, and some goofball that thinks they are their "owner"
So, what I'm hearing you say is that you allowed 3 dogs who really weren't at fault die a painful and brutal death just so you could "make a point" and rub the owner's ( the true guilty party) face in it? Not to mention putting your mule at risk.

I'm not sure I'd leave you unsupervised around ANY animal

Well, since you can't force the owner to keep his dangerous animals penned up, that leaves you only one option, which is to deal with the animals themselves.

By allowing nature to deal with this, he further distanced himself from any possibility of legal or civil action regarding the deaths of the dangerous dogs. Mules and Llamas are well known for their violently defensive dispositions toward aggressive predators; They are often used to protect livestock from natural predation by coyotes and cats. This dog owner learned a hard lesson in exceptions to the predator-prey rule of the food chain.
Let me be clear, if the dogs were a threat kill them, I take no issue with that.

My problem was in how he went about doing it. He essentially set a trap and baited the dogs. He knew they'd go after the mule and that the mule would very likely kill the dogs. He even stated as much.

When he made it clear his dogs could and would run loose all over the place (some smart ass remark for me to get a "real dog" if I was worried about his dogs hurting mine)...I just let Henry (my mule) run loose too,

I don't even necessarily take exception to the fact that the mule killed the dogs, my issue is that it could have been handled much more humanely. I.E " I consider your dogs a threat I will shoot them on sight if they ever enter my property again."

I'm sorry if this sounds garbled, it's been a long night. To put it succinctly I believe that he exposed both the dogs and his mule, to needless suffering.
That's what I have a problem with.
Here's an idea... Get acquainted with your neighbor and then get acquainted with his dog. Then you won't have a problem with either one, and if the dog gets loose again, it will only be interested in whether or not you have treats. This would be the peaceful, civilized and normal person way to handle this situation.

Or you can just wait and end up shooting his dog, then getting into a fight of some kind. I would go over and appologize for any misunderstanding, explain that you want the dog to know you so that he isn't aggressive to you, and then maybe... maybe next time his dog gets loose instead of shooting it, you can take it home.
frankly, i dont think the dog would have attacked you in this case.

there are generaly three cases of dog attacks

the "provoked" one

as in, the dog gave you plenty warning by barking, growling standing sideways and generaly showing a agressiv stance.
in the eyes of such a dog, he told you clearly that he wants you gone and you did not. (not that you should on your land and this cases are mostly if you enter someone property that is defended by a dog.)

he considers you food.

rarly ever happens if the dog is alone and if a packs decides that you are supper, you wont see them coming and wont hear them until it is to late, and they would not have left and would have been standing near that shed until you came out.

he was trained by the owner to attack Humans

there wont be any growling, no barking and no agressiv stance, he will just attack you to the extend of his training.
wich can mean he will 'only' bite you arm and wrestle you to the ground or he goes for your troat to kill you.

in your case, it sounded more like he was exited and wanted to 'play' without bad intentions.
as you said, you closed the door of your shed and waited, if that dog meant you harm, he would have been there even after 10 minutes.

that is not to say that you should not be angry with the dogowner, because every dog can snap and a little kid can easy be considered supper if the dog was not feed for a while.
i, too, suggest you do everything you can to punish the dogowner and also listen to franconialocal, allways be nice and friendly.

on a side note:
your handgun wont do mutch good against a dog, does not matter if 9mm, .40S&W, 45ACP or even .357SIG, handguns are propably the worst thing you could use against a dog.
shotgun, rifle or even pepperfoam is the minimum against dogs.
I am glad the mule and the OP both came out OK.

It would have been a shame if the dogs had hurt RidgeRunner's mule, but I think they ended up as they deserved. I wish our miniature donkey was a bit more aggressive toward interlopers in the pasture and less so with the other animals that are supposed to be there with him -- we have had a predation problem from time to time that he may have been able to prevent.

I practice SSS (Shoot, Shovel, Shut Up) for unwanted predators, including roving dogs. Many times I would not know if they have an owner or who that might be, so they just suddenly cease being a problem... I don't advocate shooting hawks, owls and other protected wild species, but dog packs or individual dog troublemakers don't fall into that category.

FranconiaLocal brings up a good point. Allowing others to perceive you as a troublemaker or aggressor is generally not a good idea, particularly if an issue ends up in court.

Best wishes.
your handgun wont do mutch good against a dog, does not matter if 9mm, .40S&W, 45ACP or even .357SIG, handguns are propably the worst thing you could use against a dog.
shotgun, rifle or even pepperfoam is the minimum against dogs.

Here's an idea... Get acquainted with your neighbor and then get acquainted with his dog. Then you won't have a problem with either one, and if the dog gets loose again, it will only be interested in whether or not you have treats. This would be the peaceful, civilized and normal person way to handle this situation.

+1. Thank you, expvideo. I think you overreacted, especially with the cussing/insults. Doesn't sound like the dog was being aggressive at all - may have been; may not have, but probably not. The owner needs to keep him locked up, and it's not a bad idea to carry a gun just in case (but agree that pepper spray is better), but just meet the neighbor and the dog and get to know the dog, and he will not harm you.
on a side note:
your handgun wont do mutch good against a dog, does not matter if 9mm, .40S&W, 45ACP or even .357SIG, handguns are propably the worst thing you could use against a dog.
shotgun, rifle or even pepperfoam is the minimum against dogs.

Huh? For some reason, I don't think you are kidding...
God I hate dog threads.

I'm glad to know that none of you guys' dogs have ever gotten loose.

I know mine has. Barked at some people too.

Random neighborhood dogs come in my yard all the time. They might bark at other people, but they know I keep the milkbones, and I have that cool german shephard they like to play with.

There's nothing wrong with keeping a gun on you at all times, or shooting a dog if you are REALLY in fear of attack. But decent people also have to realize the difference between a dog trotting around and barking (Woof! I don't know you! Woof! Do you have food! Woof! I peed on your mailbox! Woof!) and a dog bent on attacking you. Hint: A dog bent on attack, isn't gonna be wasting time barking.

ETA: The swearing and yelling was unnecessary and is only a sign that you are not in control of the situation.
Old Guy said:

1. Dogs are inhumanly fast in full run.
2. Dogs are mutch mutch smaller then Humans.
3. Dogs are mutch more Agile then any Human can possiblly be during a full speed run.
4. (bigger) Dogs can jump you from ~5 meters and easy reach you in flight.

given the average accuracy displayed at the range every weekend, for some ~90% of all handgun owners it would be flatout impossible to hit a target that small, that fast and that agile at the average selfdefense range.

now add the draw from a (propably) concealed holster and the intense Adrinaline rush and you again drop out many of the remaining 10% of handgun owners.

you dont have to answare it here, but ask your self:

are you able to hit a target that can run up to 70km/h, that can change the direction at a moments notice and that has a smaller Crosssection that your average child?
all that while under the bigest Adrinaline Rush you probably ever had and drawing from a Holster?

and now, even if you hit, "handguns are handguns", _all_ the carry Calibers are underpowered.

in the unlikly Case that you actualy hit the charging dog once or even twice, you will need a Solid hit on the CNS or hit and break one of the Bones in the legs.
Dogs are tough that can function even with severe injurys.
a lungshot that only damages one chamber is not going to stop a dog.
a Gutshot will let the dog maul you in to little pieces before he dies.
a shot in the legs that does not break a Bone will only slow him down a bit.

seriously, you want a shotgun, a Rifle or even Pepperfoam when you have to face a dog, not a handgun.
So, what I'm hearing you say is that you allowed 3 dogs who really weren't at fault die a painful and brutal death just so you could "make a point" and rub the owner's ( the true guilty party) face in it? Not to mention putting your mule at risk.

I'm not sure I'd leave you unsupervised around ANY animal

Waitaminutehere.........his animal (mule), on his land? And he needs to be supervised? Hard to see your reasoning. Especially with the three dogs "trespassing".
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