KAHR: The Immaculate Concraption?

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Well, I have to admit to carrying a 1911, but I did carry a Kahr for many years as my CCW, and it was flawless. Still is, but rarely shoot it now. Bought the P-9 soon as it hit the market, and shot the heck out of it with all kinds of ammo on regular range trips. Carried it constantly for about three years. Only switched because I wanted something more powerful, and then became a 1911 guy. Won't go back now that they have the .45 mainly because I just like my 1911s so much. My Kahr's been an excellent weapon, though. Never a single failure of any kind after untold thousands of rounds. I did eventually get a part breakage, but they fixed it pronto, and it worked perfectly again after that. Believe it or not, I fired it many times with the broken part (just sort of held it in there just so when I reassembled it after cleaning, and it stayed in place), and even with the broken part it never failed. That says something, I think.
Ooops - - my oversight.

This thread should have been closed down long since. I missed reading it.

Anyone wondering why it needs closing, please read the announcement floated at the top of this forum entitled, 'No more "HATE" threads.'


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