Kanye West: "George Bush doesn't care about black people"

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I believe George W. Bush cares deeply about Black People in general. I also believe that he and most of the rest of us live in a capitalist system where money flows toward the the people with the greatest stake in business because they pay the greatest taxes. The solution lies in working within the present system and excelling. You start where you are at and lay out a plan to move forward. I am speaking about the currently impoverished portion of the Black population that the New Orleans crisis has focused national attention. Success will come by taking baby steps forward and will take generations to achieve. One of the first steps is education and not trying to blame others for your lack of success.
Nah, if you bust your ass getting yourself an education and learn to succeed you're acting white. Black people should be able to drop out of high school and talk jive turkey ebonics and stab you in the leg and still get the same level of respect as Donald Trump or Stephen Hawking.
Who cares about Kanye West ?
The bad news is, lot's of people. He's very, very big right now in the pop music world. The good news is, people who listen to pop music don't vote.
Yet another shining example of why listening to musician's views on politics is like asking for advice from a surgeon on how to fly an airplane. He might know something about it, but probably not.

Also, does anyone find it amusing and/or disturbing that the only people even mentioning race in the media are the NAACP and the politicians in NOLA? I mean, what's the idea? Fed.gov sent out a memo saying "Wait a minute, slow everything down...a lot of these guys are black"?


They are so used to being told to hate whitey, and we are beating them down, that the diatribe comes naturally to thier mouths, no matter what the truth. Fact of the matter, I could care less what your skin color or heritage is.
Bottom line, the NAACP has a vested interest in fostering a climate of racial tension, victimization, and perceived inequality because once they admit that blacks are being treated equally they've essentially put themselves out of business. The same goes for race pimps and warlords like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. No discrimination, no need for individuals or organizations to combat it and they cannot let that happen - especially not Jesse, who relishes his time before the cameras. :rolleyes:
Its too bad Kanye made this a race issue. It should be more of an issue of Americans helping Americans. He should use his airtime more wisely.
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