Lon Horiuchi A Spokesperson For HS Precision ?

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A trial for manslaughter would be another issue, but it was not to be.

He was in fact charged with involuntary manslaughter - no intent. Those are the charges that were dropped.

The fact is simple he fired on and the result ended with the death and injury of American citizens.
As far as that goes there can be little doubt. Given that glaring fact plus the belief of many that he should have been convicted of doing so and jialed is it not so hard for you RPCVYemen to at least agree with the monumental stupidity of choosing him as a spokesman for a gun company and touting his abilitys as a sniper?
What's their new slogan gonna be?

"H-S Precision rifles: When you care enough about slaughtering your unarmed victims, to murder them with the very best!"


According to Mr. Yemen, all people who commit crimes are convicted of crimes. No one, but no one, gets away with a crime - at least not murder. Don't anyone tell him about the cold case files stacked up in many police departments across the country, as that would ruin the theory.

It's not that we're the Tinfoil Brigade, it's that YOU are the "Stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, go 'nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah' over and over" Brigade. The majority & mainstream of the public thinks that the FBI and Co. did wrong at Ruby Ridge (among those familiar with it). It would seem that you are in the tiniest of minorities that think the gov't did just A-OK in that deal.
Those are the charges that were dropped.
...on grounds of sovereign immunity ("you can't hold us accountable, we're the government"), not lack of evidence.

But I'm sure the court was part of the Tinfoil Brigade, right?
According to Mr. Yemen, all people who commit crimes are convicted of crimes.

You are correct - I overstated my case. I was wrong.

Here is a more careful statement:

If there was evidence that Lon Horiuchi had in fact intentionally shot an innocent unarmed woman and child, he would have at least been charged with of murder or at the very least voluntary manslaughter. The fact that he was not charged with any crime of intent - and that even the involuntary manslaughter was dropped because the state felt that it could not prove its case - leads me to believe that there is no plausible evidence of intent.

...on grounds of sovereign immunity ("you can't hold us accountable, we're the government"), not lack of evidence.

Read on, Sparky. That was overturned, and the prosecutor had the opportunity to prosecute, and declined. Oops!

RPCVYemen to at least agree with the monumental stupidity of choosing him as a spokesman for a gun company and touting his abilitys as a sniper?

I would agree that the choice was unusual. My guess is the law enforcement sniper community feels that Mr. Horiuchi was given a raw deal by the press and the Tinfoil Brigade - and that's who they are selling to.

If there was evidence that Lon Horiuchi had in fact intentionally shot an innocent unarmed woman and child, he would have at least been charged with of murder or at the very least voluntary manslaughter.
And so, with what has Detective Alvin Weems of the Chicago PD been charged in connection with his killing of (and subsequent lies about) Michael Pleasance?

There isn't the slightest doubt that he did it. There's video of him shooting Pleasance. He's been found liable in civil court to some portion of $12.5million.

Why hasn't he been fired, much less prosecuted? Maybe what you say isn't just untrue, it's ludicrously untrue.

Oh yeah, what about Mark Clark and Fred Hampton? Or are those made up names?
My guess is the law enforcement sniper community feels that Mr. Horiuchi was given a raw deal by the press and the Tinfoil Brigade - and that's who they are selling to.
The consensus on Sniper Country seems to be that he's either a murderer or a pathetic hack masquerading as a sniper.
The consensus on Sniper Country seems to be that he's either a murderer or a pathetic hack masquerading as a sniper.

That's as good as a court of law in my book. I'm sure he had a vigorous defense there.

Yemen said this:

My guess is the law enforcement sniper community feels that Mr. Horiuchi was given a raw deal by the press and the Tinfoil Brigade - and that's who they are selling to.

Then I said this:

The consensus on Sniper Country seems to be that he's either a murderer or a pathetic hack masquerading as a sniper.

Then Yemen said this:

That's as good as a court of law in my book. I'm sure he had a vigorous defense there.

So then what you're saying is that "the law enforcement sniper community" is "as good as a court of law", but NOT those members of it who run and contribute to Sniper Country?

Have you noticed how frequently your own words disserve you? Defending a murderous sociopath (whom I have met) puts you in no better light than it puts H-S Precision.

There are people who will not only countenance but applaud any misdeed by government employees, no matter how horrific.

By the way, when was Randy Weaver convicted of, tried for, indicted for, charged with, or arrested for bank robbery? The BATF SAID he was a bank robber. They wouldn't lie to the Federal Marshalls, WOULD they? I'll bet none of them had the stones to look Marshall Degan's family in the eye and explain THAT one...
Have you noticed how frequently your own words disserve you?
That's what frequently happens when somebody prizes the role of 'resident contrarian' moreso than any other.
..., but NOT those members of it who run and contribute to Sniper Country?

You may be right. I may have pre-judged Sniper Country. In your opinion, when the denziens of Sniper Country formed their opinions, did Lon Horiuchi in fact receive a vigorous defense on that forum?

By the way, when was Randy Weaver convicted of, tried for, indicted for, charged with, or arrested for bank robbery?

Which according to you, is evidence of nothing.

To me, it seems very likely that there was not sufficient evidence to bring charges of bank robbery against Randy Weaver, or that the evidence would not stand up in court.

Sort of exactly like ... it seems very likely that there was not sufficient evidence to bring charges of murder or voluntary manslaughter against Lon Horiuchi, or that the evidence would not stand up in court. :)

That's what frequently happens when somebody prizes the role of 'resident contrarian' moreso than any other.

I plead guilty - well maybe not the "moreso" part. :)

I am extremely skeptical of herd thinking - whether on the left or on the right.

RPCVYemen said:
To me, it seems very likely that there was not sufficient evidence to bring charges of bank robbery against Randy Weaver, or that the evidence would not stand up in court.

Why are you talking about evidence? There wasn't even a formal charge against him. Merely some people saying he was, or was connected to an organization that did.
There was a formal charge against Lon.
To me, it seems very likely that there was not sufficient evidence to bring charges of bank robbery against Randy Weaver, or that the evidence would not stand up in court.
Then why did they state it AS A FACT to the Federal Marshalls Service? What's that called... oh yeah, A LIE, a lie that got several people KILLED.

But then the BATF has a LONG history of destructive lies. They have the unique status as the only [to my knowledge] Federal law enforcement agency to have ever produced a FORMAL training video on how to LIE UNDER OATH. But I'm SURE that if you can justify shooting a woman holding a baby, justifying perjury in felony trials should be a breeze.
In your opinion, when the denziens of Sniper Country formed their opinions, did Lon Horiuchi in fact receive a vigorous defense on that forum?
At least a vigorous as the defense which Mumia Abu Jamal gets on any law enforcement discussion forum...
I have a wild idea! Since everyone "KNOWS" the same information I do (i.e. internet evidence) shouldn't we all simply man-up and admit that NO ONE HERE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED?

If you were actually there, I'd love to hear what you have to say. If you're accusing a man of murder because an unknown internet source told you to, well........
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