Maybe Bloomberg is better for the 2nd Amendment than we thought?

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He's managed to do some serious damage here in PA. He financed, and helped get elected a 100% anti-gun attorney general, Kathleen Kane. She has already destroyed reciprocity between 3 states and PA and she plans even more damage.

Don't discount him because he lost (so far) at the national level, the real damage can be at the state / local level.
Freedom isn't Free and the progress these people have mad against it is proof.

Bloomy reminds me of Mussolini. He has that "Fascist Flair" that cannot be covered, hid or disguised. He hates us "little" folk and the "flyover" people.

The truth is that the US is infiltrated with hatefilled people working against the foundations we all have come to rely on since birth.

I find that so very uncool.
The best argument for Bloomberg AND Cuomo is that they represent the bottom of the slippery slope. They embody "give them an inch they will take a mile". In NYC crime and murder is 50% of what it was 20 years ago and yet we have more restrictions now than ever (7 round limit, registry of handguns and "assault" weapons, fees for ownership, fees to renew, etc.). When people ask what's the big deal about expanding background checks you can show them how this is just the camel's nose in the tent.
I remember Bloomberg discussing the case of the Tennessee tourist with a carry permit who tried to check her gun with NYC authorities: he told a press conference (and potential jury pool) that the gun with an out-of-state permit was the least of her problems, it was the cocaine in her purse she needed to worry about. NYPD found Goody's headache powders in her purse.'s_Powder

Nothing like having the Emporer of New York City contaminating the jury pool with his prejudgement.

The man's hubris knows few bounds. Oh, God pride of man.
In NYC crime and murder is 50% of what it was 20 years ago and yet we have more restrictions now than ever

There's no doubt the guy has done some damage and he will end up taking credit for what Rudy did 15 years ago. It was Giuliani that made the change in NYC and he did it be enforcing the existing laws. He didn't need new ones. He actually punished people for breaking laws and it wasn't long before people stopped breaking laws so much.
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