Middle-aged lady disarmed during traffic stop--SOP???

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If you advise the officer you ARE armed, they are taught to secure the weapon.

Fascinating. I was with my nephew a few weeks ago when he was pulled over for speeding. He handed over his DL license, registration, CCW permit, and told the officer there was a firearm in the vehicle. Officer asked where it was, nephew said it was in daypack on the floor. Officer said, fine, leave it there. No further ado. No groping, no leaving a weapon unconcealed on the front seat.
You know, I don't post here much, and there's a good reason for it.....I'll let you figure it out.

Here's the problem with people on here, as well as GT (Hi, Jester):
Everyone likes to throw out statistics on how low the crime rate, esp. violent crime, is for CCW holders. Well, great! I mean that, and am not being sarcastic. I am a CCW holder, was before the badge, will be again after the badge. That's not my point. I'm well aware that most CCW'rs are decent people. Yeah, they take the time to go thru a background check, complete the (if any) mandated training, and possibly extra training. Again, great!

The problem (I'm finally getting to that) is that statistics are just numbers. If CCW'rs have a murder rate that is .0001%, fine and dandy. However, that means that SOMEONE who holds a CCW committed murder somewhere down the line, otherwise it'd just be 0%, right? Now, what if me pulling someone over is the last straw for a CCW'r? I mean, we ALL have bad days, and some are worse than others. Is my partner gonna go home, tell my wife and kids that their daddy is dead, but it's OK, because that murder didn't affect the CCW murder rate in any appreciable manner?

You see, an NCIC check (which is what most, if not all, CCW'rs go thru) does not automatically confer sainthood on someone. Guess what? There's a lot of cop-bashing on here (don't deny it, mods), and cops go thru the SAME background check. Only, they get a lot more done before they get hired. I'm not gonna go into details, if only to save time & bandwidth, but here's the basics: Written test, Oral exam (BPAD in a lot of areas), Physical fitness test, BACKGROUND (more in a minute), polygraph, chief's interview, medical exam, pscyhological tests (full battery), and that's all to get hired. More weeding out is done during the acadcemy and FTO periods. Even with all that, we still have bad cops out there.

The background check:
Usually in-depth, covering school (high school & college), work history (the agency up here requires you to go back to age 18), credit history, polygraph, interviews with neighbors, spouse, family, current employers, etc. Plus, NCIC check is performed. Now, again, we still have officers who would be considered "bad cops", do we not? I'll concede to that, as will most other officers. But, you people on here look at a CCW as the next thing to God Himself. Why? YOu haven't gone thru even a fraction's worth of background as we have.....but you won't trust us, yet expect us to trust you.

Back to statistics:
I've got 3 cases involving CCW'rs who were in the wrong. Two were arrested (and will hopefully lose their permits, as they've displayed that they CANNOT be trusted to carry a gun), and one was not. Here's some brief details on them:
1) High crime area, late at night. Subject in apt. complex where he did NOT live, carrying openly. Granted, nothing illegal about it, just VERY suspicious, as this is area where drive-by shootings are common. Subject had valid CCW, but REFUSED vehemently to cover it with shirt. FInally agreed to do so, and had "concealed MEANS concealed" explained. I witnessed this, but was not officer "explaining" things to him. Again, he was not illegal, but he wasn't the brightest bulb in the store. Subject was not arrested.

2) Searching incoming prisoners one night, and in process of doing this, discover subject has CCW. I look at his charges, and he's been out smoking the weed....I ask him why, and he states that it was his birthday. Yeah, that's a good reason to break the law, and give CCW'rs a bad name. SUbject recieved lecture on how idiotic it is to partake in illegal drugs when one is CCW holder. Subject also made very aware that officer is VERY pro-carry, and that subject is nothing short of a moron for weed usage, b-day or not. Oh, I wonder if he puts that on his 4473?

3) The last one, and the "best" one....Subject goes to high school to pick up son. Either while enroute to, or upon arrival at, the school, subject is made aware that someone is "fighting" with his son. Subject then enters fray, and in front of numerous witnesses, exits vehicle, & displays gun. Those of you here in Louisville should remember this well, as it was at Seneca High school. Well, subject is arrested, as there was NO justification to involve firearm, let alone break law and exit vehicle with weapon. (It's OK to have one in your car on school property in KY, as long as it's not brandished and stays in vehicle)

So, 2 out of 3 dummies that were permit holders screwed up. The third one was just stupid, but not illegal. Now, statistically, that's not a lot of crime, considering the total amount of CCW'rs in the state. But, what if the moron at the school decided to shoot the responding officers, because of some stupid reasonor another. Now, both the cop & the CCW'r are statistics, but the family of the officer will now grow up without a dad.

My point to this is simple....if the cop doesn't feel safe with you carrying a gun, right or wrong, he is well within his rights to disarm you. DOn't like it, don't speed, keep your tags up-to-date, etc. Like I tell inmates: It's easy to avoid jail...millions of people do it every day.

And for the jerk-off who said that officers should perhaps pick a "safer" job, thereby insinuating that we're all power-hungry cowards (yeah, I know you didn't say it, but it was there, nonetheless), here's something for you:

I don't care about my safety for me, necessarily. I'm fully aware that I may go to work, and not come home at night. That has since quit bothering me. My wife is also a LEO, and understands, because she faces the same risks. I worry about my safety for two other reasons:
Brittany, who is almost 5
Wes, who is 6 months old.

I will be there for them to grow up with, and if disarming a CCW'r who went thru an NCIC check 5 years ago means I get to come home, then guess what? Someone is getting their gun taken away. Deal with it.
Boiled down, ignoring (as do most liberals, amazingly enough) the rest of the post explaining my views on CCW, and giving examples of CCW holders who aren't saints (as most of the posters here seem to suggest), yes, that's the answer.


that's like giving the answer to a calculus problem, but ignoring how you got there. The reasons behind it make sense, if you think about it. However, if you don't wish to think, simply take the end product, and go.
Boiled down, ignoring (as do most liberals, amazingly enough) the rest of the post explaining my views on CCW, and giving examples of CCW holders who aren't saints (as most of the posters here seem to suggest), yes, that's the answer.


that's like giving the answer to a calculus problem, but ignoring how you got there. The reasons behind it make sense, if you think about it. However, if you don't wish to think, simply take the end product, and go.

Your post attempts to justify why you think cops are a special privileged class who can do no wrong as a result of screening and training. The facts contradict that opinion. Hardly a week goes by without a fatal error committed by a LEO somewhere. There is another thread on this board discussing the fatal shooting of an unarmed man in his own bed. I understand and fully support your right to insure your own safety. When you assert that right in a belligerent and hostile manner with a lawfully armed citizen (because you think you are a member of a superior class?), you do yourself no favor. Your occupation can be inherently dangerous.
Deal with it.
Yes, sir, Mr. Beck, you got it down, but

don't you think it would be better for your safety if you just threw down on all the middle aged women speeders and had them crawl out of their veekles and lay down on the concrete? Save you a lot of apprehension.

That's not why I am replying to your post. You must be an intellectual. Only intellectuals worry about how you got there. The rest of us just need to know the answer.

Ducky on Navy NCIS is way cool. :D

So, anyway this new college graduate (Mechanical Engineering) hired on with Tom Edison. He was anxious to prove his mettle and old Tom wanted to know who he had hired.

On his first day, ol' Tom gave the bright new graduate a glass envelope. Thats what they call the shmoo (remember Lil' Abner?) shaped glass container that they make light bulbs out of. He says the the newbie, "Please determine for me the volume of this envelope."

The new guy, all full of pi$$ and vinegar, leapt to his task. He had taken calculus and knew all about it. He carefully measured the envelope determining all the diameters, radii, length and so on (This was back in the day of the slide rule, no computers, cad systems, or whatever here), just long division and pencils and papers.

Time passes.

Later in the afternoon, the newbie walks up to Tom, all proud and convinced that he had done all the computations correctly, and even did them twice. "Here is it's volume, sir", he said as he handed the calculations to TOM.

Ol' Tom said, "Let's see." He filled the envelope with water, poured it into a graduated cylinder, read the volume and said, "Yep, yer right."

Do you think I care how many times your background was probed? No.

I would just like to know how you can swear an oath to (pick one, protect and defend, uphold, follow, enforce or whatever) the constitution and then have the timerity to accost your "stupid" employer and tell him that he may not exercise his God given right, protected from infringement by our constitution, and then be able to sleep at night.

You don't need to tell me how you got there, just how.

wprebeck, I'm not arguing against an officer's right to disarm someone with a CHL in a state that grants them that right, I'm arguing against the wisdom of doing so.

Overall there are more cops who have become murders then CHL holders ... if you believe its reasonable to disarm CHL holders, they why not fellow officers?

Certainly not every cop who disarms a CHL holder is doing so because he's a prick ... most (I would even imagine the officer that Tam dealt with) do so out of ignorance.

I still contend that disarming a CHL holder is both unnecessary and dangerous ... more dangerous then just leaving the weapon in their holster and telling them to keep their hands away from it.
WOW Jester and all the other elitist LEOs out there Go back and read your posts and you will see why people feel alienated against the police. If you are so damn afraid of those who are liscensed to carry.Please find a new means of employment. Check the numbers You are much more likely to be attacked by a person who does not have a cwp than a person who does. So logically you should (for your own safety ) remove and search any contact who does not have a cwp and stop the senseless harassment of those who are the least likely to be a problem. Officers like you who come across as believing yourselves better or more important than non leos cause more resentment than any leo basher ever could
wprebeck wrote, “There’s a lot of cop-bashing on here.†One of my character traits (perhaps even a character flaw) is my inability to suffer fools gladly. I dearly wish I could give wprebeck’s assertion the reply it richly deserves. However, if I did so, I suspect I would be summarily banned from THR as occurred recently on another forum. I will have to settle for a severely restrained response.

I previously cited the SDHP’s disclosure that sixteen SD LEOs failed to cite ex-governor Bill Janklow for a long history of reckless driving and excessive speed. These brave LEOs admitted their dereliction was due to a fear of losing their jobs. The SDHP spokesman referred to this craven misbehavior as the officers exercising “liberal discretion.†Right. As a consequence of these LEOs’ fear, excuse me “liberal discretion,†an innocent motorcyclist was killed by Janklow, a person whose license would surely have been revoked if these LEOs had performed their duty.

I’ve had decades of experience observing the conduct of LEOs, from serving in an MP company in the Army, as a special agent in the FBI, and frequent contact with cops and wannabe cops, police science majors, Police Explorer scouts, etc. I wish I had a dollar for every instance I’ve observed where a cop failed (as a matter of normal routine) to cite another cop, wannabe LEO or friend of a LEO for criminal misconduct: drug use, DUI, reckless driving, severely excessive speeding, etc. In 1974, a police science major at Hartnell College in Salinas, CA gave me a lift home in his sports car. I was yelling at him to slow down while he drove 45 mph in a 15 mph school zone as elementary school children were going home. An SPD unit with a radar gun hit its lights and pulled the miscreant over. Great! My delight was short-lived as the cop waved the driver off as soon as he recognized him as a police science major he knew. Last I heard, this vehemently anti-gun police science major was employed as a cop with the Pacific Grove, CA PD. I could cite scores of similar or worse misdeeds. This common behavior by LEOs does not instill respect for police among the general public.

Applicants who admit to a history of drug use during their screening process (“admit†because they’re hooked up to a polygraph machine), are routinely hired as police officers. These people have no moral dilemma in arresting other Americans for engaging in precisely the same behavior they “enjoyed.†Our class supervisor at the FBI Academy told us in no uncertain terms that we would never be trusted once we reached our field offices until other agents had some “dirt†on us. This is the world’s “premier†law enforcement agency? We were told to log in at bogus times when reporting for work each day to insure everyone got their 25% “automatic†overtime, despite the small detail many agents never worked the actual hours. We were warned that if we logged in at the correct time (referred to as keeping an “honest bookâ€), we would be ostracized, threatened, and could expect other agents to slash the tires on our personal vehicles.

Posters on various firearms-related forums properly decry Charles Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Ted Kennedy, and other politicians responsible for enactment of anti-gun and other pernicious legislation. As deplorable as these scum are, Chuck, Dianne, Ted, etc. have never forced their way into a home, threatened a decent family at gunpoint, and killed or imprisoned Americans (and seized their guns) who merely exercised an unalienable individual right - the possession of firearms for self-protection and the preservation of their liberties. Politicians and LEOs all swear an oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution; an oath most promptly ignore and betray. Each legislator and LEO consider themselves to be a “good person.†Charles Schumer tells his constituents he supports the Second Amendment (in his opinion its words just don’t mean what they clearly say). LEOs have an uncanny ability to rationalize their zealous enforcement of overtly unconstitutional edicts. They’re just “following orders†(the Nuremberg defense). It’s the courts’ job to “interpret†the laws; we just “enforce†them. The fact the laws they enforce are so blatantly unconstitutional that they would offend the intelligence of a reasonably bright six year-old is irrelevant.

German police rationalized their enforcement of Nazi anti-gun and anti-Jewish laws (GCA-68 was drafted by Senator Thomas Dodd using an English language translation of the Nazi Law on Weapons of March 18, 1938). German “special courts†upheld any abridgement of human freedom; American trial judges will not even permit defendants to mention the Constitution before jurors. U.S. appellate courts routinely refuse to consider the overwhelming historical evidence showing the original intent behind enactment of the Second Amendment. Most LEOs realize this; however, these facts in no way deter them from “enforcing†laws they know violate the Constitution they swore to uphold. There is no moral distinction between the German police and Gestapo agents of 1938 and most of our federal agents and LEOs today.

Somewhere in America there may be a police officer or federal agent (obviously this excludes anyone employed by the BATFE) who genuinely adheres to the Constitution and honors his or her oath as they perform their duties. If this LEO actually exists, he or she has my utmost respect. However, I expect to encounter a unicorn or an honest attorney first.

Watch your butt if you've ever done anything to make "law enforcement" mad at you; and remember when you're dealing with government enforcers you're dealing with people utterly without ethics or human decency. - Claire Wolfe, Don't Shoot The Bastards (Yet): 101 More Ways to Salvage Freedom (1999)
Excellent post Mr beck!

And welcome to the High Road. :)

And as for out other newbie, Skytrooper...

Somewhere in America there may be a police officer or federal agent (obviously this excludes anyone employed by the BATFE) who genuinely adheres to the Constitution and honors his or her oath as they perform their duties. If this LEO actually exists, he or she has my utmost respect. However, I expect to encounter a unicorn or an honest attorney first.

Yep a FORMER FBI agent...Ill just keep my mouth shut except to say...axe to grind...??

Naw its the internet....dont feed the trolls....no matter how good they can write a sentence....even David Koresh made sense...to someone.....

But, you people on here look at a CCW as the next thing to God Himself. Why? YOu haven't gone thru even a fraction's worth of background as we have.....but you won't trust us, yet expect us to trust you.
Not every person who passes a background check is perfect. But statistically speaking, if you look at things like arrest records, civilian CHL holders are more law-abiding than police officers in many jurisdictions.
what if me pulling someone over is the last straw for a CCW'r? I mean, we ALL have bad days, and some are worse than others.
But the logic expressed in your post, civilians ought to draw down on cops, or flee at high speed, because they just might be on the verge of being victimized by a bad cop who's had a bad day, and their traffic infraction is just the last straw.

I'm still glad to see, from reading other posts, that Officer Gropeatelli, whose actions prompted this thread, still appears to be in the minority among LEOs.
I still think that if you want to disarm, fine but do it with deference to who you're dealing with.

If it's a middle aged lady with no warrants and being polite, let her get the holster and gun out together on her own while you keep an eye on her. She gives it to you, both are happy.

If it's a crack runner in a stolen car with a "KILL ALL PIGS" tattoo on his/her forehead, I think you might want to search the person yourself.
Holy Haysues... (small rant follows)
Tam (and all other CCW holders)... Slow Down and obey the Law (please). Higher standard, Officer safety, Public safety and all that applies, right?

If you hadn't gotten the bike cops attention while he was doing his job, you wouldn't have had his undivided, focussed and unwanted attention immediately afterward.

Maybe the bike cop wanted to cop a feel (doubtful), maybe he wanted you disarmed and didn't want to call in a female officer for the disarm/grope (how fast can you draw that piece in tightish shorts anyway?) due to time factor. Let his boss know how you feel, let the world know how you feel... but please slow down when driving a 2,000+ lb potential deadly weapon. If you feel the need for speed, deal with the aftermath... it can be messy at worst or inconveniant and a longer time delay whilst awaiting your traffic court appearance contract.

People are people, CCW, Badged Officers or otherwise. Some are good, some aren't as good, some are downright bad, some feel they're elite and should be above the norm.

Seems like every situation depends on someone's Ox being gored. Whose Ox? Who's doing the goring? From Tam's initial post to the back and forthing of CCW v. LEO bashing v. LEO attitude v. THR members positioning remember to keep a low profile, stick to THR, obey (or work to change) the law(s) but while carrying (or driving) work to keep everyone out of harms way.

(small rant off...) Now, go back to your regularly scheduled spiral gridlock of Us v. Them :D

And stay safe out there.
Everyone I stop IS a danger to me!

I'll have to remind my 85 year old mom that the police think she is a brazen dangerous criminal if she ever gets pulled over and don't move suddenly lest she gets shot.

" out of the car lady you have a broken tail lite. Put your hands on the hood and spread the legs. Don't make any sudden moves, I got you covered."

But officer its just a tail lite that some kids in my neighborhood keep breaking. I'm on a fixed income and can't afford to keep replacing. I've reported it to the police but they say it's not important enough to investigate.

"I don't care what your problems are, your a danger to me and other fellow officers. Just keep quiet while I finish patting you down."

You are the product of a self recognized elite society of brain washing that sees everyone who doesn't wear blue as a criminal. Guilty until proven innocent.

The really sad fact is that the majority of police officers don't have those attitudes. But like us peons, the whole suffer for the actions of the few.

I also believe that if you randomly took 1000 THR members and 1000 random police officers that the over whelming majority of THR members are much more proficient and safe with a firearm than the officers.

When was the last time you heard of a criminal going to the trouble of getting a carry permit then going out and robbing a liquor store?

Anyone who reports to you that they are carrying has shown you respect and concern for your safety. Would a criminal or dangerous person do that?

You were one of us before the blue suit, let those thoughts bleed back through. You'll be okay.
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" out of the car lady you have a broken tail lite. Put your hands on the hood and spread the legs. Don't make any sudden moves, I got you covered."
I heard that in Arkansas, from 1982-1992, the correct protocol for officers conducting a traffic stop on good looking women was to order them to "Please step out of the car and place your hands on the Governor!"

WOW Jester and all the other elitist LEOs out there Go back and read your posts and you will see why people feel alienated against the police

Yeah its the same people who call us when then need help! Its also the same people who think we should be able to spot the "good" people vs. the "bad" people, yet scream about profiling.

We LEO's thank you for your continued support!
People with a badge, like wprebeck, are why I will never trust a cop. Period.

As Mr. Clark said

And yet again the cops on this board prove to be their own worst enemy.

Yet we are the first to be called.....:neener:
Jester249 wrote, "Yet we are the first to be called." Oh, that is funny! I see now why he chose Jester for a username. At the risk of being accused of cop-bashing, I will relate the three instances in which I called police for assistance.

Around age 10 or 11, I called the Salinas, CA PD and inquired if it was legal to shoot my BB gun at a farm well outside the city limits. An unfriendly cop informed me that it was illegal for lowly private citizens to even possess a BB gun; that wasn't true, even in California. This taught me the futility of seeking legal advice from the police.

In 1974, while driving in Monterey, CA, an evidently drunk driver crossed into my lane and smashed up the left rear portion of my car. I followed this miscreant for a long while until he lost me by driving the wrong way up a one-way street. Eventually, I located his pickup parked in front of a bar. I called the police and after a long wait a couple cops showed up. They had absolutely no interest in locating the driver who had struck my vehicle and fled the scene. They wouldn't even go inside the bar and ask if the driver was present.

As they were about to leave, one cop saw what he thought was a billy club behind the pickup's drivers seat. Both cops became very excited until finally deciding it was only a stick used for lawn work; then they departed. I couldn't understand their fascination over a possible billy club. Researching the California Penal Code, I discovered that possession of a billy club by a mere private citizen was a felony (concealed carry of a .44 Magnum was a misdemeanor). Sporting goods stores in Alaska sell small billy clubs for use on halibut and king salmon. Possession of a "fish billy" in California is a felony (this is the same state were it is a crime to buy boots made of Kangaroo leather). I still don't know which bothers me more: vile politicians who made it a crime (especially a felony) to merely possess a stick with a handle on it or police officers who eagerly enforce such a draconian, absurd law.

In 1986, while driving down a highway in Alaska (please note that most Alaskans are not like Wildalaska), I had to stop my truck due to a line of stopped vehicles ahead of me. Other vehicles had to come to a halt behind my pickup. After several minutes, a large water pumper truck came barreling backwards in the opposite lane. The driver swerved and drove his fire truck directly into the boat I was towing. The driver turned out to be the chief of a volunteer fire department; he was the only person in the fire truck. He immediately "got in my face" and raged at me for causing the accident by trying to pass him. Pass him? Over twenty witnesses were prepared to testify my truck was stationary; it was impossible for me to move forwards or backwards. There was no way I could have avoided this madman.

Complying with Alaska law, I called the police and reported the incident. It was obvious to everyone present that the "chief" was either under the influence of some substance or was mentally unbalanced. It was just a fluke he smashed into my boat instead of the small car full of four persons behind it. When an Alaska state trooper finally arrived, he conducted an investigation that can only charitably be described as cursory. After refusing to interview most of the witnesses, the trooper told me he was only citing the "chief" for "improper backing." Improper backing? A typical citizen would have been extraordinarily fortunate to only be cited for reckless driving. An instant after he said this, the trooper, in the arrogant tone so prevalent among many LEOs, demanded, "You got a problem with that?" Later, I discovered the "chief" was the state trooper's next door neighbor and best friend.

"Yet we are the first to be called." That's a good one.

If you have a moment for a possibly dumb question, why did you show the officer your carry permit, and why did you make any mention at all of being armed, legally or otherwise, unless state law requires that you so inform an "arresting officer"? Does it?
Oklahoma law requires the notification of the officer if the wepaon is being carried. I am fairly certain Texas is the same way.

If I recall correctly, is it not legal to carry a loaded wepon in the car without a permit, as the vehicle is an extension of the lhome?

I feel the officer did NOTHING wrong whatsoever. Most cops, if they felt the need to disarm a holder, would cuff them as well, just to be safe. Somethin in this stop raised his hackles...instinct isnt alwyas right, but it i far better to be safe than sorry.

palinly put, the lady got her poor feelings hurt, but the officer went home to his family. Sounds like a pretty good night to me. If we worried about offending someone every time we did something, we would never get anyhting done. My safety is numero uno, the subjects safety is next. By disarming a subject, you make it safer for everyone involved...if there is something that just doesnt add up. Somethimes you just get that feeling.

lady, deal with it...you werent cuffed and stuffed...no harm,. no foul.
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