New Bond: "I hate guns"

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News Shooter

Sep 9, 2005
Moonbat Central, MA
New Bond: I hate guns
By This is London
25 October 2005

Daniel Craig will have a problem playing the new James Bond - because he hates gun

The actor will wield 007's famous Walther PPK in the movie Casino Royale.

But he revealed in OK! magazine: "I hate handguns. Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other.

"That's a simple fact. I've seen a bullet wound and it was a mess. It was on a shoot and it scared me. Bullets have a nasty habit of finding their target and that's what's scary about them."

Nor does the 37-year-old share Bond's love of Martinis shaken and stirred.

"I love a Martini straight up. I don't think anybody makes a Martini stirred any more," he said.

Craig was unveiled earlier this month as the successor to Pierce Brosnan.
He will play a tougher, grittier 007 in Casino Royale, which is based on Ian Fleming's first Bond book.

The movie is due for release in November next year.

Craig is not the first Bond to reveal a hatred of guns.

Roger Moore, who played the superspy from 1973 to 1985, said after quitting the role that he hated "that awful pose" of Bond with his gun which has become an iconic movie image.

The actor later became an ambassador for children's charity Unicef and declared: "Today I am completely opposed to small arms and what they can do to children. I played every role tongue-in-cheek because I don't really believe in that sort of hero. I don't like guns."

Related stories
• Craig handed licence to thrill
• How Craig beat his rivals
• Gallery: Daniel Craig unveiled as Bond

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I guess they should ditch the Bond Girls with provocative names and instead have politically correct multicultural gay Bond Boys for the metrosexual sensitive secret agent.


Yup, Britain's finest hour was 60 years ago.
"That's a simple fact. I've seen a bullet wound and it was a mess. It was on a shoot and it scared me. Bullets have a nasty habit of finding their target and that's what's scary about them."
Yeah, bullets just go to the target on their own! No effort needed.
That guy's a moron. Bond had his Martinis "shaken not stirred." Just goes to show you how much of a Bond fan he is. :rolleyes:

I'm tired of the Bond movies anyway. They don't even have any real story any more.
oh lovly. Just what we need a bond scared of guns :rolleyes:

"That's a simple fact. I've seen a bullet wound and it was a mess. It was on a shoot and it scared me. Bullets have a nasty habit of finding their target and that's what's scary about them."
Yeeeeep cause you know how you can fire a bullet and it will go any which way for its target. This guy have been watching The Fifth Element to much. That gun was kinda cool though lol.

Actually I heard that they are working on a bullet that will stear itself like a little missle or something lol. But of course it is the bullet and guns fault. God forbid we actually blame the criminal.
What a wimp this guy is.

Well, after all, he's just an actor.
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Didn't that old sci-fi movie with Burt Reynolds and those robotic spiders have a really fancy gyrojet pistol that fired rockets that homed in on a target's heat signature?

Otherwise it was a B-grade movie. :eek:
OMG a British Subject who hates guns!! :eek:

I'd be willing to bet that of all the guys who have played Bond are a bunch of bed wetting liberals (dunno about Dalton or the guy who did In Her Magesties Secret Service).

Sean Connery hated guns, Roger Moore hated guns, Peirce Brosnan hated guns.
One film max.

Firearms and violence (and sex and corruption etc) are part and parcel of the Bond franchise and this goober comes out swinging about how he dislikes elements of the franchise which will give him a sack full of money.

This guy is a mistake. Brosnan will be back.
Brosnan made a good bond.

This guy doesn't look like a bond sound like a bond or anything like a bond. His bond movies will bomb and they will find someone else.
Maybe this Bond will have sissy slapfights with the bad guys and go makeup shopping with the Bond girls.

I'ts near impossible to shoot a PPK limp wristed anyway.
Sight unseen, I can say that George Lazenby was a better Bond than this chump ever will be.
Well, so much for seeing the next Bond movie. If he's so afraid of guns let him run around with a baseball bat or a kitchen knife and see how that works for the image. :barf:
Too bad Adrian Paul hasn't had a chance at this. He fits the image perfectly, and is good with weapons.
Didn't that old sci-fi movie with Burt Reynolds and those robotic spiders have a really fancy gyrojet pistol that fired rockets that homed in on a target's heat signature?
Burt Reynolds? :eek:

That movie is "Runaway". Tom Selleck, everyone's favorite actor/shooter that plays the lead, not Burt Reynolds. Gene Simmons is the bad guy.

Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other.
Umm... Is he saying that as long as people are around they will shoot each other?
Maybe they should get The Rock to play 007 :neener:

Have him walk around in a tux with a 2x4 in 1 hand and BFG in the other.
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