Oregon man's guns stolen for "safekeeping"

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Feb 22, 2010
Part of me is so stunned that I don't even know what to say. http://www.mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100309/NEWS/3090315

My question is this: did this man do anything wrong? He clearly did nothing illegal, which makes this story the most disturbing thing I've read so far this year.

My second question is, since this is a level of tyranny we have not seen in a while, what else could he have done? Meaning should he have told them on the phone to get lost, because he had done nothing illegal? The news story makes it sound like he just walked out and allowed these thugs to illegally arrest him.

Does anyone have a link to another news account of this? I plan to forward this to the nra-ila asap and I encourage all of you to do the same. https://secure.nraila.org/Contact.aspx
Well my three questions go beyond the story.

Again, I specifically want the perspective of others here as to if he did anything wrong (or even unwise).

I want to specifically know if there is something else he could have done. Seriously, what if he had refused to come out (this wasn't a normal "standoff")? What possible "justification" would they have invented to bash in his door in this situation? I don't think they would have.

I also want to know if anyone has any other links to it so I can get more info.
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