Parent protests middle-school Revolutionary War battle re-enactment

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If Swartz wants her child to opt out of the field trip, that is her choice, but she should not be allowed to rob the rest of the students of a worthwhile educational opportunity.

+1, That says all.

The original complaint reads like a typical list of "hand-wringing points" from someone who has unquestioningly bought into a liberal, guilt-ridden, blame-America, "peace through superior surrender", irrational fears of inanimate objects mindset. I'd bet a dollar that she has a panic attack at the very mention of the word "gun".

This statement of hers (Swartz) reveals much:
It's not like we don't know what happens when we put guns in the hands of children," Deiadra Swartz, the parent filing the complaint, says in a letter.
Evidently, she is the one who doesn't know... and doesn't want to know.

I would also bet she never even bothers to investigate what happens when one places a real firearm in the hand of a child, under adult supervision, in an educational environment: it teaches responsibility. Like bright sunlight to the vampire of modern liberalism.
"If Swartz wants her child to opt out of the field trip, that is her choice, but she should not be allowed to rob the rest of the students of a worthwhile educational opportunity."

+Infinity. People are becoming more & more crazy.:(
I'm really getting tired of hearing about all this politically correct mumbo jumbo in the news. Seems the minority has the power now instead of the majority.:cuss:
"It's very simple. If kids know true history it makes it harder to re-write it to fit your beliefs."

That's why the Soviet Union had a special organization to re-write history books.

"There is hope V."

No there isn't. But thanks for trying.
Group, remember the constitution is/was designed to protect the mnority from the tyrany of the majority. The key is for the people to be sensible. People should work things out before making everything a "federal case".

This is why the great compromise came into being.
I'll repeat what another said, without guns, we'd be British

Perhaps Mommy in Colorado oughta drive Junior out here for a little Revolutionary History. Not three miles from where I write, Poor Lord Cornwallis and his fine Hessians attempted to hold their redoubts against a constant rain of cannon fire from French and US artillery, and bold Zweibrueckners and US soldiers fought Hessians hand to hand to force the British into caves. Tarleton and his British Legion (what we Virginians call Yankee scum) held Gloucester Point as an escape route, all in wait for Sir Henry Clinton (smirk) to ride south from New York to reinforce Cornwallis' forces facing Washington. But dashing Banastre fought and lost the last Cavalry fight of the war against Lauzen, then as we know, the storms blew in on the York, the French fleet held Chesapeake Bay closed.....and Sir Clinton never made it. Mommy in Colorado could then take Junior along the long walk into the field of surrender, with her iPod beating "The World Turned Upside Down".....and see where the British and Hessians conducted their version of turning the firearms over. Wonder if the reenactment in Colorado covered this setinel event in American history...that stronger men with guns and nerves did the deed against a hired force of crack troops. I'll bet not.
You were far more lenient with her than I would have been. History is FACT and not subject to whiny, leftist, GFW interpretation.
Good on ya!

ps: any bets on whether or not she is a CA transplant?;)
The ironic thing is that all it takes is one disaster for legions of these sorts to suddenly wake up and realize what reality is.

MANY anti-gun sorts in the New Orleans area, who lived through that and the aftermath, are now outspoken about the need to have a gun to defend your family.

They saw the ugliness that is the worst of humanity after a disaster and what it can do, the roving jackals that prey on others. And it woke them up.

The others, such as this mother, are still complacent in their cozy little suburbs because nothing bad has ever happened to them.
I'm really getting tired of hearing about all this politically correct mumbo jumbo in the news. Seems the minority has the power now instead of the majority.

If you think this is a recent development, I've got some lovely oceanfront property in Kansas to sell you.
>Swartz, who spoke on the radio and to the Douglas
> County Board of Education last week, said the
> school demonstrates an unbalanced approach to
> history with the re-enactment. Non-violent
> solutions should also be taught, Swartz said.

I hate to use the tired term "bliss ninny," but I can't think of a better one. This is an excellent way to teach HISTORY. The Revolutionary War is something that actually happened, whether this idiot approves of it or not. When I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade back in the 50's, I took my father's old Brown Bess to school when we were studying the Revolutionary War. No problems, (aside from my accidentally bayonetting the roof of my mom's Studebaker Commander,) no complaints.
Will children of the future ever be allowed to learn history, or will they only be allowed to hear about the sterile fantasy world of the most delicate daffodils among us?
"It's not like we don't know what happens when we put guns in the hands of children"

What a blatant LIE. How many kids each year hunt or participate in other shooting sports? How many kids each year commit murder with firearms?

I'd say they're more dangerous with Freedom of Speech
Blathering cretin

What a drooling, inbred, cretin. History CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be rewritten to satisfy the whims of the leftist pie-in-the-sky idiots. No matter what her personal FEELINGS on the matter are, she is clearly in the wrong. I just hope that someday, these leftist donkey hindparts are able to see that this country was FOUNDED by gunmen brave enough to lay down their lives for freedom. This slack-jawed Cro-Mag obviously has not had to sacrifice anything for the freedom that she so blithely takes for granted, and should have it stripped from her. (She should be jailed for idiocy.):D
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