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People Call PD, then complain..

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When I first read this, my first thought was "Wow, that was excessive." Then I had a quick think, read again, and changed my mind. The little kid needed 40 stitches. That's a rough evening an interesting story for an adult, but on a child, especially one that small, that's potentially life-threatening. Once that wound opened up on the child, the officers didn't have time to screw around wrestling with her, every minute would count, and to their credit, they must have tried anyway since they were cut. At that point they only option they had to save the life of the child was to use maximum possible force on the mother. It still sucks that it had to turn out that way, but I don't think there was any wrongdoing on the part of the surviving parties.
Hoppy: I'm not trying to pile on, but let's be realistic.

they already made the dumb move of getting to close. what im saying. is they were already close. instead of grabing the baby they should have justs knocked her in the face.

It was a bedroom, how much distance could they keep? I mean come on. Also if you are interested I am happy to send you some photos of a cop that got involved with an edged weapon and it was not pretty at all. I'm not squeamish about much, but these photos made me shudder.

On a sidenote, you already know, if you are going to make controversial statements, you better be ready for the heat. I would say most of it in this case is warranted. But as with most things in life, we move on. I'm just glad you have the cajones to say what you think, I respect that.
Hand vs knife? No
Ordinary night stick vs knife? No
Pepper spray on dopehead? No

The cops gave her more of chance than she could have expected. If it had been a man with the knife and the baby, he wouldn't have gotten half a second. They actually tried to disarm her. Dumb, maybe, but a vestige of gallantry.

Anyway, pull a weapon on the cops, expect to get shot. 2+2=4. Duh.

You are my kind of woman. I agree with you on trying to fight someone who has an edged weapon. It can get nasty. I would have fired sooner.
God speed and keep your husband safe. Tell em thanks.

Semper Fi
ok anyone else got something to say while its still piss on hoppy time? anything at all. insults about my mother? question of my manhood? at this point i really dont care.
All of the responses to you have been directed exclusively at your topical arguments. Don't assume that your need to resort to childish nonsense is shared by others.

i try to say reachign for the knife/baby was a bad idea. and would been better off trying to take the person down. yall piss on me
If that's actually what you'd said then the responses would likely have been different.

i try to explain. more pissing

i even suggest that because some one died, it was not the best that could ahve came out of it
Except that's not at all what you said. You suggested that the outcome would have been better had the LEOs in question made different choices (even though you then inconsistently go on to admit, "maybe in this situation it was the best approach"). What you continue to fail to grasp is that the situation ended the way it did due to the choices made by the mother.

You then insisted on making a stupid comment about the nature of the people who you expected to receive replies from, even before the replies came. And you wonder why you're taking heat.
After the fact you can always come up with something the cops could have or should have done better. But the bottom line is they did not have hours or days to think it over before having to do something. They had at most a few seconds. Being as they have no super powers, they did what they could with what they had available to them at that instant.

One might argue that they made a mistake in being too aggressive as to how they handled the situation in the first place, and I might agree with that, but I wasn't there, and they were. People who are police officers tend to be aggressive by nature, and that is unlikely to change, and I am not sure it should.

All kinds of bad things happen to you when you drug yourself up. Most of them are your own fault, not the people that get sent to try and salvage something out of a bad situation you created.
The cop should have used his super duper training skills and shot the knife out of her hand hitting only the knife and not the hand of the person holding it... :rolleyes:
All kinds of bad things happen to you when you drug yourself up. Most of them are your own fault, not the people that get sent to try and salvage something out of a bad situation you created.

And that...right there...is the bottom line. People who work at their own undoing...and very often work hard at it...should expect an undoing at any moment instead of being surprised and even outraged by it.

Life is sometimes hard. Life is usually harder when you're stupid. Don't be stupid.
Officers'Wife said:
I will state this as simply as possible, I expect LEOs to obey the laws they have sworn to uphold. I do not expect them to put their lives or the lives of others in unnecessary danger to fulfill some twisted ideal of "fairness."

That is a quote worth repeating.

judgment call

It's easy to sit in one's armchair and pass judgment on what these officers "should have" done. It's quite another when you are faced with a deranged woman and a badly slashed child, are badly slashed yourself, and have literally seconds to react in order to prevent further violence.

Truly, even from the comfort of my armchair, I can find no grounds for criticism of these officers. Should they have attempted to use nonlethal force? Yes; and they did. Should they have waited until actual violence, as opposed to the threat of violence, occurred? That is questionable advice--but they did that, too.

This was, about as clearly as can be imagined, a "judgment call", and no one but the officers involved was in a position to make that call. If I had been in that room, I would not have had that right: it was not my job to deal with the threat, but theirs.

As Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes observed, "Detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an upraised knife." that is particularly true in this case. With an enraged junkie with a knife standing over a child who may bleed out in seconds, one does not have the luxury of sitting down to think and plan. One must act, and NOW. Analyses given after the fact are irrelevant and, frankly, a bit precious.

Hoppy, I saw no comments about your mother, and nothing remotely resembling urine. I saw reasoned disagreement and nothing more, though sometimes emphatically stated. You said that you expected as much, and more, in your original post. Why complain when you get it? As my father told me more than once, "If you go looking for trouble, don't whine when you find some."
Life is sometimes hard. Life is usually harder when you're stupid. Don't be stupid.

1911Tuner- that sums it up perfectly, I hope you don't mind if I borrow that for my sig... :)
something else to consider.

the cops were called because the person making the call (perhaps correctly) decided that force might well be necessary. thats by and large what cops are there to do - apply force.

if she had wanted someone to come and pray for her daughter she should have called a priest. you cannot expect people whose training is oriented toward the use of force in almost every situation to not use it when a desperate situation occurs.
I harbor no great love for cops. However, I fail to see how anyone could criticize or question the officers in this instance. I think they showed great restraint and judgment in a really bad situation. As stated by others, I would have been inclined to shoot sooner than they did!
From what I read,

the officers were close enough for her to cut them and she was carving away at the baby. The officer shot to stop her from making a woodcarving out of the kid. Sounds like a good shoot and hopefully the kid will have a better life now. Probably need to keep the kid away from granny as well. Does not look like she can raise a kid.
Don't bring a knife to a gunfight...

Don't bring a knife to a knifefight, either.
My take on what should have happened.

Cops - "Give us the baby and drop the knife!"

Drugged Out Woman - "No!"

Cops - Bang Bang

Drugged Out Woman - Sound of Drugged Out Body hitting floor.

End of problem.

How about someone closes this thread before it gets anymore uncouth?
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