Pierce Morgan is definitely the frontman of the antigunners

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Feb 4, 2003
Why is he so obsessed against the 2A? In the first place he isnt an American but a British citizen at best. WHo is funding him aside from working at CNN? He keeps stating about how UK successfully passed gun laws in the past after a school shooting. As if trying to say, We British are more smarter than you Americans.

Without a doubt he is now championing himself on this push for an AWB ban that Obama wants to put into law if approved . P Morgan definitely has proved himself he can take the gun community of this great United States. I can t believe why we are letting this foreigner undermining and attackiing our gun rights every single night since Sandy Hook. We need some really good and articulate gun guys to rebuke his constant antigun rantings , innuendos and factoids. This guy just doesnt stop.
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I think Joshua Boston, the marine who wrote the letter to feinstein, did very well going against Morgan tonight on Pier's show. Very cool and calm.
At the same time, if he's the best they can do, it isn't great. With him, there's a fine line between; "I am leaving this country because there are too many guns", and "I was going to leave anyway because my ratings are so terrible that CNN is considering un-embalming Larry King to take his show back."
THe focus now has shifted to Alex far from the Sandy Hook victims. The Antis are smart to know how to capitalize on this new opportunity, what a sudden shift. They are using Alex and guns as the new punch lines, the more crazier than ever . I hadnt known of an Alex in the last 30 hrs until he showed up with Morgan. We really need some more good knowledgeable, articulate, cool headed gun guys to reverse this negative stereotyping .
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I have never watched Alex Jones.......that dude's crazy!
Too bad he can take it down a notch, because he has great points - he just speaks like a pro wrestler.
Definitely im allergic listening to a British guy telling us about our gun right s needed to be curtailed. Im sure we all have a problem with that. The fact America was founded by patriots who fought against the British monarchy in 1774 and become independent, maybe Morgan is pushing the limits of the modern day American patriots. And of course he got the full political backings and approval of the antigunners to challenge the 2A and gun community as a whole.
Morgan keeps insisting that he isn't interested in banning hunting guns and handguns -- only "assault weapons" and "high capacity magazines." Yet he also refers approvingly to what the U.K. did after the Dunblane school shooting, which was to ban all handguns and semiautomatics. Why hasn't someone called him on this contradiction? The fact is, the antigunners won't be satisfied until all guns have been eliminated. The crowing about "protecting the rights of hunters" and "supporting the 2nd Amendment" is just a dishonest smokescreen. No one should be fooled by this.
Morgan keeps insisting that he isn't interested in banning hunting guns and handguns -- only "assault weapons" and "high capacity magazines."

Better yet, ask him exactly where hunting or handguns were mentioned in the 2nd Amendment. If you read it, and understand it, you have all the justification in the world for owning a so-called assault weapon with a standard (30 rd) capacity magazine. Morgan and the other anti's never seem to grasp this. Our right to own guns has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with recreation. Don't get me wrong..I love shooting sports and hunting, but they really have no basis in a discussion about the 2nd Amendment. Thats one thing antis and Fudds seem to be oblivious to.
Morgan like's to play with his facts and twist them around. "Factoids" is what Alex Jones called them, and he was right. Morgan won't talk about the fact that there are STILL illegal guns in HIS country. True, their gun murders are lower than ours, but gun crime has doubled since they passed their laws in 1998. There was even a mass shooting there in 2010 in which 12 people were killed, and 11 injured. They also have a much higher violent crime rate than us.

If you are lucky enough to have a double barreled shotgun there, and there is a riot down the street, once you load your gun in preparation to defend your home, that constitutes "criminal intent". You actually have a "duty to retreat" there. What a sad place to be. Surely we can solve our problem without neutering our rights and pandering to fear and hysteria as they have done. As Americans, we ARE different, despite all the nonsense people try to sell us about how we need to be like everyone else overseas. No we don't. We can do this OUR way, and it will work better.

It's like Morgan has a Freudian fear of weapons, and an inferiority complex. Those of us who decide to try to take a little bit of responsibility for our lives, and to protect ourselves and those around us, drive him crazy. I know we're not all some type of "ninja" bada$$es, but by the very fact that we are here discussing this, we have already acknowledged a certain amount of personal responsibility in our lives along those lines. I believe Morgan is unable to take that type of responsibility, and is scared / jealous of those that do.

He has a mouthpiece in the form of his TV show, and he uses it. Josh Boston was calm, collected, and correct. Morgan had no real defense against what he said, so at the very end of the interview, he played on the emotions of the children being killed, putting that up as a "children vs. Josh's rights" issue, to try to make Josh look "selfish" somehow. Lame. That's the talk show host equivalent of crossing your arms and pouting in a corner. Josh won't be back on that show, because Piers couldn't get him to play along (bravo Marine!, well done).

Larry Pratt will be back on the show again tomorrow. Should be interesting. I wonder if Piers will call him stupid again. Pratt also is able to make the 2A argument well. He just needs to keep his cool.
I am not sure how Piers Morgan got a job on CNN. Not even the British like the guy and his lousy journalism and questionable ethics. He is linked with phone hacking allegations tying with Rupert Murdoch and there are numerous allegations of him hacking into private emails and phone calls. If you look at the Wikipedia page about him, it's basically a summary of all the jerk things he has done. Jeremy Clarkson (the Top Gear host) even punched him. Three times.

This guy made fun of George Bush, calling him an idiot for falling off a Segway scooter. Piers Morgan fell off a Segway too several years later, breaking three ribs, drawing the ridicule of Simon Cowell. This is a guy who was the editor of the tabloid Daily Mirror and ran FAKE photographs of Iraqi prisoners being abused by British soldiers, then apologized by claiming he was a victim of hoax photographs. The Mirror is up there with The Sun and National Enquirer.

How me made the leap from second-rate tabloid papers to taking Larry King's spot on CNN...he must have some juicy voicemails and dirt on execs.
That Piers Morgan would consider Alex Jones a serious interviewee is BS. Alex Jones is a prefab strawman for the left wanting to dismiss any non-left position.
There is nothing more grating too me than to have some non citizen foreigner on our own shores no less, preaching to me how we need to run our house and the guy is even getting paid to do it!!
If I ever went to Europe or any other nation I would keep my mouth shut out of respect for their own ways however misguided that might be.
How me made the leap from second-rate tabloid papers to taking Larry King's spot on CNN...he must have some juicy voicemails and dirt on execs
He embodies everything that CNN and much of the MSM values - 'progressive' ideals expressed with verbal aggressiveness and covered with a Continental veneer so that it sounds erudite. Considering how much EuroFawning that CNN pushes on a daily basis, it's not hard to see how Piers would come to be their poster child.

His flavor of 'progressives' don't care about ethics any more than any other group that values being in charge more than anything else.
Controversy equals ratings which = $$$.

He was close to being bounced for really poor ratings. Now what do you think will happen? Just another person exploiting the emotion of the situation for $$$.
You do realize that it is entertainment and not news (like most "news").

The show is the slicker newsy version of Springer and they will bring on the people that get the most interest from the public to boost ratings. That means a sprinkling of amateurs to point at as legitimizing picking professional cranks for Mr. Morgan to bat about.
My friends from the UK recently argued with me online about gun control, and their viewpoint is very telling. They both stated disarming the public one piece at a time until no guns were left was "reasonable" so long as concessions were made for "sporting purposes" with those guns locked up at the gun club or similar. They think the 2A is "outdated rubbish" and ultimately they feel that American culture is too paranoid about tyranny, etc. Our Bill of Rights is _literally_ a foreign concept to them. They actually put the word "rights" in lower case and quotes to demean it in context. We went back & forth a good bit before agreeing to disagree, but it's interesting to see over 200 years later the Brits still trying to tell us what is best for us and getting so frustrated by our insistence on having our own view of the matter. The arrogance they displayed as they talked about the "obvious" problems with American culture was almost comical except the subject is no laughing matter. There was no changing their minds, and I am sure their views are pretty common over there.
Friend the British Empire was always known for it's colonial arrogance.
Just ask anyone that lives anywhere they set up camp for years on end.
The Europeans, including the British, have no clue about independence. They are raised in an Orwellian society from birth. It's all they know. Combine that with arrogance, and this is what you get. They truly cannot understand the way we think, because they are raised as subjects, either to a figurehead monarch, or the state. We're an alien concept to them, as we are to most of the world.
Our American patriots of 1774 resisted against the British Lords with guns. Guns has been the equalizing force between good and evil, oppressor and oppressed... Thats why i love my AK 47, the symbol of resistance to tyranny. Now dont misconstrued me as commie. LOL
Dual UK/US citizenship holder here. The only reason I maintain my UK citizenship (born in Brighton, Sussex) is because my work often takes me to continental European countries and sometimes Australia. It makes working in those places MUCH easier. Visas are almost a non-issue. Brits think I sound neutral American, Americans think I sound neutral English to Ottowa Toronto Canadian depending on what part of the country I'm in. Either way, living in Texas for 20 years (and loving it) has made me feel American, I've totally embraced the culture and I call the United States home.

gp911, you're right. The majority of UK citizens, especially the younger generation (who are getting to the age where they weren't old enough to remember before the final hand gun ban when it happened), agree with Piers Morgan. There are those who support the possession of firearms over there, but they get drowned out by the masses.

The weapon of choice of violent criminals over in the UK. The knife... the kitchen knife. Knife crime in certain parts of the UK has gone up almost in the 1000 percent range. Stabbings are common, happen frequently in muggings, and overall the country is a more dangerous place over the last 15 years. Non-assimilation by huge immigrant populations, generally stagnant economics and other variables need to be taken into account, but I think the lack of a credible threat by law abiding citizens is what is making the violent crime shoot through the roof over there. For Christ's sake, the UK has more violent crime than South Africa, and Joburg is one of the most dangerous cities on the planet. The banning of hand guns (for most intents and purposes defensive weapons) has caused this in my opinion.

What's interesting is my business partner's wife is a surgeon and has dealt with knife attacks. She basically says a slash looks bad but isn't typically lethal, however it may cut nerves and tendons, and that stabbings are what cause the fatalities and can often times be much much worse than gun shots.

So now in the UK tip-less and rounded kitchen cutlery is being proposed as a way to curb the knife violence because it really is getting out of control. So what's next? I foresee a license to own a cricket bat or any other potentially "bludgeoning instrument". Even grannies won't be able to carry their canes and little picker-upper claws without paperwork.

People mock the slippery slope reply about infringing on a constitutional guarantee, but it really IS a slippery slope.

kwguy, The Swiss Confederacy is one of the few. Funny that most people just call it Switzerland but officially it's "Conferderation Helvetica" hence their currency is abbreviated "CH". The Helvetii were the ancient German-Celt tribe that lived in the Alps. I think few American's realize that their country is a Confederation and works rather well. They understand independence and have fiercely protected it, either through economic/political manipulation or outright war.
And to add to the mix.
That's right jealousy.
This morning when I left home at 5:30 a.m. I stopped at the store to get my coffee,LCP in my right front pocket,and we friends have that sort of freedom and like spoiled children,they want to deprive you of something that deep down inside they would love to do.
Take someone from abroad to a gun range and see them really shine after shooting for a while.

I wouldn't say jealousy. I would say a mix of ignorance, fear, wonder, and excitement at merely seeing a firearm makes some of them appear jealous. That's my opinion though. I've taken many of my UK friends to the range here in the US. Once I run them through safety and they start to get the feel for it, YOU"RE RIGHT! they really start to take a shine to it. Most of them have a wonderful time and every single time they're back in the states either on vacation or business they ask me to take them to the range with some of my collection. The same goes for "anti's" too. My business partner and best friend used to be an dyed in the wool anti until he went to the range with me. Not any more. He's got a modest collection started too.

The funniest thing I've seen from a first timer, and this has happened several times, is how cautious they are to reload a magazine, sometimes asking me to do it. It looks like they are afraid a round is going to go off when their thumb is pushing a fresh one into a mag. I explain that if a soldier can trundle around a 130F battlefield all day and not have a single round go off accidentally then pushing one into a magazine will probably be ok. After an hour their fear of the bullet is gone, too.
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