Police Brutality or Junk Lawsuit or Darwin Award Candidate?

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Jeff White

Staff member
Dec 24, 2002
Alma Illinois
This one was interesting.....

Inmate says officers assaulted him after he had surgery

When convicted felon Lance A. Cole was taken to St. Louis police headquarters in June 2002, he quickly became the butt of jokes, a department employee testified Monday.

Cole had stuck a pistol in his pants and accidentally shot himself in the genitals two days earlier, and he was arrested for a parole violation after being taken to Barnes-Jewish Hospital for surgery.

"It was like the joke of the evening," said Iris Marks, a 16-year civilian employee who was at the second-floor watch desk in the headquarters on Clark Street.

But things turned serious, when Cole, who was suffering from pain and clad in a hospital gown and cloth "footies," had a confrontation with police while he was being placed in a cell.

Cole threw Sgt. Michael Hurt onto a desk, and Hurt and Cole fell to the ground, Marks testified. Then, at a point when Cole was already subdued, Officer Joshua Miklovic kicked Cole in the upper torso at least twice, she testified. She warned him not to kick Cole again, she said.

Marks testified in the trial of Cole's case in U.S. District Court, in which he claims that the police officers kicked him in his sore groin, an act of excessive force that violated his civil rights. The city and the officers named in the case claim Cole was struggling with them and they did not use force beyond what was needed to bring him under control.

After the incident, Miklovic "apologized to me for me having to see that, and he did say that he didn't mean for that to happen," Marks testified.

In his testimony, Miklovic said Cole had instigated the fight by swinging at the officers. He fell on Cole's legs but did not kick him, Miklovic said.

Asked by Cole's attorney, Michael George, whether Marks asked him to stop kicking Cole, he said, "I don't recall."

In his testimony, Cole claimed that he was in so much pain that he passed out once and fell to the ground two other times and that he did not instigate the fight. "Miklovic started kicking me in the groin area and the side and the stomach," Cole testified. "It's pain that you can't even imagine."

He said the gunshot wound began bleeding again.

Cole said he was shot June 16 when a friend asked him to hold some marijuana and a pistol. He stuck the pistol in his pants and it discharged, he said.

He was taken to Barnes-Jewish, where surgeons reconnected parts of his genitals. On June 18, after a doctor indicated Cole was fit for confinement, officers arrested him and took him to headquarters for a probation violation.

One of the arresting officers, Daniel Schulte, testified that Cole had given his pain medication to a friend. Cole then learned that the doctor had given him a prescription not for pain drugs, but stool softener, Schulte testified.

"Once he found out he wasn't getting any more pain medication, his mood changed to irate," he testified.

Helen Knox-Goodwin, a nurse who works at headquarters, testified that Cole had threatened the staff and officers in the medical unit and had refused to cooperate with her efforts to assess his condition.

Cole, 24, has convictions in St. Louis County Circuit Court for auto theft, property damage and misdemeanor assault of an officer.

Reporter Peter Shinkle E-mail: [email protected]
One of the arresting officers, Daniel Schulte, testified that Cole had given his pain medication to a friend. Cole then learned that the doctor had given him a prescription not for pain drugs, but stool softener, Schulte testified.
Talk about coming down off a "high"!!!

First he violates his parole, then he attacks a cop, and he's complaining? Any lawyer who takes this case should be disbarred IMO.
His lawyer will probably shake down the city who will roll over and cut a big check. What a racket.
So much stupidty, where to begin?

Fer openers, mega stoopidity under any circumstance to start a fight just after you've had [delicate?] surgery?

Only slightly less stupid is starting said fight in the capacity of violated parolee being escorted to cell by not one, but two, constables.

Situation further aggravated by thug's general scumbag propensities.

I certainlly don't think he deserved a busted head or getting his teeth kicked in, but if it took an extra smack or two to punctuate the point that he needs to "simmer down, now!!", well, I have no problem with his treatment.
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Legal luminary

"First he violates his parole, then he attacks a cop, and he's complaining? Any lawyer who takes this case should be disbarred IMO."

So defendants should not get adequate counsel and a fair trial?

So what makes YOU any different from all the gun-grabbing "a la carte constitutionalists" that presume to tell us what rights we "need" ? :barf:
So defendants should not get adequate counsel and a fair trial?
Of course, for his criminal defense. I'm talking about the civil action against the police for his "injury". Pay attention.

"He was taken to Barnes-Jewish, where surgeons reconnected parts of his genitals."

why'd they have to go and do that for :rolleyes:

heh. The title of the thread says "junk lawsuit". haha. He lost his junk before he got arrested, so I don't think he has a leg to stand on.
Hopefully the reconstructive surgery won't be entirely successful, thus rendering this idiot incapable of doing his part to shallow up the gene pool :evil:
Follow up...

Well he was awarded $2500.00 in damages, but the celebration was rather short lived.....

Suspect wins one case then is arrested on a warrant
By Peter Shinkle
Of the Post-Dispatch

Lance A. Cole got mixed results in the federal courthouse Tuesday.

He won $2,500 in damages on a claim that a St. Louis police officer kicked him in the groin just two days after Cole accidentally shot himself in the genitals. But he got arrested as he left the courtroom.

A jury in U.S. District Court in St. Louis found that a police officer had used excessive force against Cole after an arrest in June 2002 and awarded the $2,500.

"It's a vindication for Lance Cole. And it's a victory for civil rights: they apply to prisoners in the St. Louis central lockup," said Cole's attorney, Michael George.

The case stemmed from an incident in June 2002 when Cole, 24, stashed a pistol in his pants and it went off. After Cole got surgery at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, he was arrested on a parole violation. In his suit, he claimed that two days after the shooting, an officer kicked him in the groin during a scuffle at police headquarters.

In the trial, the officer, Joshua Miklovic, denied kicking Cole and claimed that Cole started the incident by attacking another officer, Sgt. Michael Hurt. A civilian Police Department employee, however, testified she saw Miklovic kick Cole at least twice after he was subdued and on the floor. The jury dismissed Cole's claim against Hurt but found in his favor against Miklovic.

Before Cole had a chance to celebrate Tuesday, deputy U.S. marshals arrested him in the courtroom, placed him in handcuffs and led him away. One deputy told Cole's mother, Barbara Cole, that he was taken to Ferguson on a warrant, but he did not know the specifics.

Major Richard Henke of the Ferguson police said Cole was arrested as a suspect in a felony crime but has not been charged. "It occurred back in 2003, so he's been wanted for quite some time," the officer explained.

Henke said he could not discuss the specifics of the crime, as Cole was only a suspect. He added that Cole was wanted by other police departments also, in regard to unspecified cases.

In addition, Cole faces trial on a charge of forcible sodomy in St. Louis.

Barbara Cole said she believed police targeted her son ever since she made a complaint to the FBI over an incident in which she claimed police abused him in the Bridgeton jail in 1998. Nothing came of her complaint, she said, but from then on, "Every time a car was stolen, they picked him up."

Cole pleaded guilty in St. Louis County Circuit Court in 1999 of auto theft, property damage and misdemeanor assault of an officer. He also pleaded guilty in 1993 in St. Clair County of possession of a stolen vehicle.
Is this that famous economic "Trickle Down Theory"

we hear so much about?

Or just another example of "What Goes Down Comes 'Round" ? :D
In addition, Cole faces trial on a charge of forcible sodomy in St. Louis.
Guess the surgery was successful. Sigh.

El T -- for a $2500 judgement, how much do you figure his lawyer got? And who paid?
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