Re: Rudy Giuliani announces lawsuit against gun companies

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If it's Giuliani and any Democrat other than Richardson, I'll just sit this election out. I don't like Paul any more than I like Giuliani or Clinton.

I second that notion.
I said I didn't like Paul any more than I like Giuliani or Clinton. What's obscure about that?
It's just unusual to make such a comparison without intending some further analogy. If I said, "I don't like baseball any more than I like Chaucer," you'd immediately wonder in what way baseball were connected with Chaucer.

That's all.

no way do I want Hilary

But as we see from the current admin with the immigration fiasco, RINO's
can do more damage, and get away with it, in certain areas then Dems.
Just like Bill went around executing folks, both during his campaign and during his admin.

Liberals act tough on crime to prove they are not soft, and like Rudy and Bill, attack welfare in ways that conservatives can only dream.

RINO's spend and spend, lax on illegal immigration, and support gun control and ways that liberals can only dream of.

I hate Hilary, but Rudy will be worse then her for gun owners and conservatives.

I hate Hilary, but Rudy will be worse then her for gun owners and conservatives.
They will BOTH be disasterous for AMERICA.

The choice between a bumbling police state and a ruthlessly efficient police state is no choice at all.

I absolutely refuse to vote for either.
Rudy is "America's Mayor"? Just remember how he sees his "America"...


I haven't made up my mind yet. What I have decided is that America doesn't need Rudy. He's a bit too scary for me.

/no offense to my fellow NYC THR's :D
If it's Giuliani and any Democrat other than Richardson, I'll just sit this election out.
don't just sit it out, that's worse than voting for a bad candidate. If you write someone in, then you're telling htem that they don't have your vote, and they'll try and figure out how to get it, which would mean a return to better ideals.

Either that, or the system is rigged and we're past the akward stage.
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