Reminder to Bay Area/Nor-Cal Gun-Owners!!!

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Saturday and Sunday! We fought hard to keep this small token of a gun show, so lets blow the roof off and show up in droves! "But there will be nothing there!" Of course not if nobody shows up! Take a day trip and make retailers want to sell things! Make them look forward to discounting their goods to sell more! The more that show up this weekend, the more retailers will show up at the next show and so on. Do your duty to your hobby and your freedom!

I'll be there bright and early!

No amount of beef jerky and stupid glass paperweights could keep me from attending this, the local Democrats' most hated of events :D

Anyone taking bets on the number of protestors?
Cow Palace Gun Show

Looked to me like much larger show than last time. All the tables were rented. My take was that the parking lot had at least double the number of cars in it from when I was there last time.

Everybody relaxed and having a nice time.
No Protesting going on of any kind.
My wife's 27th today. So it wasn't going to fly. Will try tomorrow.. but by Sunday much of the powder etc. is sold. Worth showing support.
Much better than the last one in May. Tables were all rented, and no garage sale types. Lots of parts, knives, swords, ammo, GUNS (**** the children!), and cool people. Good time.
Attended Sunday.. Rather poor attendance. A friend of mine was saying that his business at the Cow Palace has really tanked.

Anyway, my seven week old daughter attended her first gunshow. She obeyed all BATF and CA DOJ rules and regulations. She didn't even try to transfer anything illegally. Left with a smile and a clean diaper. Better than I can claim after listening to the hourly mainstream news.
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