Riflemaker donates to Obama?

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That tears it, Ill never buy a Cooper gun and I will make sure everyone I know hears about this. I am a Montanan and this betrayal deeply offends me.

<political commentary redacted>

The letter I sent.... May not be perfect, but I was ticked off...

Good Morning,

I read with Consternation this morning that someone in the firearms business has actually endorsed Obama. I was saddened to find a gun business endorsing possibly the most rabid anti gunner in the history of the country. I was even more deeply saddened to find out it was a Montanan who did this. I am a Montanan, and an avid hunter, shooter and collector. I have looked at Cooper Arms for a while and have contemplated getting one for some elk hunting, but after this revelation that you would be so good as to sell us down the river, I will make sure NEVER to buy one of your products. I have also made sure that an email chain has been started to send to every hunter, shooter and collector I know to make sure they never buy one of your guns again.

I will make it my mission to Zumbo your organization and get the word out that your organization is run by a Fudd who does not care about anyone else's right to keep and bear arms as long as the gun grabbers dont go after his elitist product.

This is being discussed and disseminated amongst many gun forums including www.thehighroad.org and .us, ar15.com and many others.

Perhaps you need to stop being startstruck by a flowery speech from Obama. Hitler was a great orator also. Obama lies to get elected. If you doubt it, look at his idol, Saul Alinsky and his book, "Rules for Radicals". You will see Obama's career in there. every decision he makes is designed to get him elected. He will lie about his past and tell you anything you want to hear as long as you bow down and join his socialist agenda.

Either stand with us, or we stand against you
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Wow, guys - I didn't realize this would spiral out of control. I apologize, but I honestly just wanted people to see that there are some pretty odd-ball things going on in this election, and that it sometimes feels like we are in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Who would ever guess that a gun manufacturer would support a gun-control Nazi like Obama-Biden? I think that is one fact we can all agree on, correct?

Regardless of the other politics, issues, ideology, etc. - I think most people with our hobby would find this very strange.

Though, it does beg a question: It mentions that Cooper made and presented a special rifle for President Bush (41). I wonder if he'll make one for Obama, and if so what would it be like, what features, caliber, etc?

This could be a fun "what if" exercise.
Cooper is simply making a business decision sorta like Bill Ruger when he supported magazine limits and the original AWB. My guess is it will probably turn out about the same way for Mr. Cooper.
Who would ever guess that a gun manufacturer would support a gun-control Nazi like Obama-Biden?

This question presupposed two things:
  1. A gun manufacturer will not support a "gun control Nazi".
  2. Obama is a "gun control Nazi".

One of them is not true. Assuming that Mr. Cooper has built a successful business, and does not want to destroy that business, which of the two is most likely untrue?

<political commentary redacted>

Now on to Cooper. Nice guns, but why make such a public display? Let's say there was something driving him to this, okay, fine, it happens. We all have personal issues that resonate, you'd think his business would be a strong one, but others might have outweighed it. Still, he should have known he'd be used as a wedge against the industry by being so public about this. Zumbo is a good example, a better one is S&W when they were Brit owned and cut that deal with HUD under Clinton.

What Cooper has done is definitely within his rights, personally I disagree, strongly, but still his call. My annoyance with this is his publicizing of it. This is a two fold annoyance. First, it will be used to hurt the whole industry, and he should have known that when he made this public. If it came out on its own, thats one thing, but there are ways to make sure that is unlikely, even so, you don't need to recount a "conversion". Second, does Cooper deserve to lose his business over this? Maybe, thats for all of us to decide with our wallets, and if it was him, his bridgeport and a bench, that would be his gamble to make. My problem here is, its not just he and his bench, its his employees and their families that really get hurt in this. A responsible employer, especially in small business, or manager in any business, should make all decisions given all considerations. Doing what he did is doubly irresponsible because of this. That is where I have a BIG problem with Mr. Cooper.
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This question presupposed two things:

  1. A gun manufacturer will not support a "gun control Nazi".
  2. Obama is a "gun control Nazi".

One of them is not true. Assuming that Mr. Cooper has built a successful business, and does not want to destroy that business, which of the two is most likely untrue?

Take a look at Obama's record and his words. He clearly is a "gun control Nazi."
I sent him an e-mail.

Wonder if I will get a response?

How many others sent him messages expressing their displeasure at his stand?
Trying to get rid of some of his semi-automatic military styled competition?
Dead right ON!

Reasonable people can support Obama, even gun owners, but for this guy to give a boat load of federal reserve notes to the Obama campaign, is incredible. I understand that some people are so partisan that they will write big checks to a gigantic party apparatus that will just waste it, but to see a small gun maker do it is incredible.
Cooper is simply making a business decision sorta like Bill Ruger when he supported magazine limits and the original AWB.
Yep. Doncha just love cowards who put personal profits ahead of the liberties of an entire nation :fire:

There have been a lot of comparisons to Zumbo here, but I think this Cooper guy is WAAAAY to much of a partisan to do the right thing like Zumbo did. I predict that cooper will continue to help the enemy for as long as his business lasts. I further predict that he may have to shut down and reappear under a different name.

This is the kind of stuff that makes me really REALLY hate the "sporting purpose" crowd.
As long as this is true ill never buy from them again (not like I could afford to before anyways).
<political commentary [reference] redacted>

I guess the case for several of us is that the 2nd Amendment and guns are more then a hobby or even a habit, but something seen as so critical to our national identity and core to our rights that if removed or restricted to practical inability to own, would be enough to move into direct and violent action against the government that imposed such a restriction.....as detailed in the 2nd Amendment itself and earlier stated by Locke as our right and duty.
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Cooper is from Montana.

McCain isn't doing so well in Montana, because he isn't keen on sugar beet and other agricultural handouts. I'm sure that plenty of Cooper's local customers have more extra money to spend on rifles, when they get it for free, from you and me.

Yeah, I'm a cynic. But if you want to be right about politics more often than not, the cynical perspective will serve you well.
Just getting in on the ground floor for the next "Crime Bill", after all nobody needs a magazine that holds more than 5 rounds. :(:fire::cuss::mad::(

How dare he endorse a candidate based on something more than gun control! lol, typical political thread on a gun forum.
Things you ignore to make that statement:

1. There is more to this issue than a man looking at the bigger picture when deciding who to vote for.

2. This is a sporting purpose only gun maker we are talking about here, who would BENEFIT FINANCIALLY from a reinstatement of a gun ban.

3. You make it sound like some issues trump gun control in this election, and that COULD be a reasonable position were it not for the fact that this is a gun maker who would financially benefit from a reinstatement of the "evil black guns" ban.

4. This gun maker is one of these types who worships complicated, pretty etching and engraving on firearms as if it's the most important thing and/or most interesting thing in the entire world of guns. Based on his product line AND his willingness to give money to a gun banner, we must conclude that he would not mind banning many of our firearms.

As a side note, I find it interesting that the writer of the story goes out of his way to include that "Dan Cooper, a proud member of the National Rifle Association." You don't see guys like Cooper as members of Gun owners of America. Jus sayin.

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I don't care if he is a Democrat or a Republican. He's supporting someone who has a long, documented history of being anti-2A, and extremely gun control. Doesn't work for me. And he should have been smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

It always amazes me that people are allowed to offend me, but then I'm supposed to ignore it because of their 1A rights. My only way to respond is to vote with my wallet.
His rifles look quite nice. Shame he's committed career suicide.
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I haven't read the whole thread; I couldn't hold back from posting for longer than 3/4 of the first page.

Because of the Democratic party's acknowledged and avowed hatred of firearms, it stands that on a firearms centric board posts endorsing the elimination of firearms ownership shall be deleted. Is it that hard to get?
2. This is a sporting purpose only gun maker we are talking about here, who would BENEFIT FINANCIALLY from a reinstatement of a gun ban.

3. You make it sound like some issues trump gun control in this election, and that COULD be a reasonable position were it not for the fact that this is a gun maker who would financially benefit from a reinstatement of the "evil black guns" ban.
Largely, Cooper is selling to a different demographic than assault weapon manufacturers. Chances are, a plurality of his customers don't want (and probably would not even consider) buying a military type weapon. While Obama (who I don't support), and most of the Democrats in congress, are antis; I think we need to realize that the chances of too radical gun legislationare unlikely. Clinton acknowledged the political capital it cost him and the part in 1994- and many of the recetnly elected Democrats realize the same.
Well, I was looking to purchase a new custom rifle as a gift to "yours truly" for an upcoming hunt. It won't be from Cooper though. Thank Heavens, this came out prior to my doing any business with them.

Here is my letter to them:

Mr. Cooper,

Dan, the rifles you produce are simply gorgeous. Simply incredible. They are "art" sculpted from wood and steel.

It is unfortunate that being in the market as I am for just such a rifle that I will be unable to consider the purchase of one of your beautiful rifles since you have chosen to contribute to a candidate who, besides being a Socialist, has never missed an opportunity to vote against the Second Amendment Rights of every American. By so doing, you have just severed the relationship with any potential or future customers because we are those people whom you rely upon for your livelihood. No sales, no income. It is not just about hunting either. If we fail to stand together, we will most certainly fall together.

Your $3,300 contribution to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama has just cost you one customer and perhaps nearly as much if not more in revenue. When my friends come to me to ask me where to look for such a rifle, I will not be referring them to you.

I am the NRA and I Vote and sometimes it is with my hard-earned Dollars.
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