Safety bullet? does anyone have a use for this?

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May 3, 2003
Got kids and a gun? Now you can have a safety device that works when your gun is loaded. If your kid finds your gun and pulls the trigger it is instantly disabled. But, if you need your gun simply cycle the action and its ready. What could be simplier?

From their web site. Sounds to me like an excuse not to teach the 4 rules of gun safety. Lets dumb down people and not teach.

In a revolver the Safety Bullet will instantly disable your firearm by locking itself in the firing chamber and the locking part of the Safety Bullet, the Ram, moves far enough forward so that its outboard end moves into the barrel. Now the cylinder can not revolve until the Safety Bullet is removed. Your gun is safe.

NOT a good idea to use in a revolver.

Check out their web site. Personally I see no need to a product like this if one teaches the saftey rules to children. It seems it does not solve the problem of children playing with guns. Only responsible parents that teach safety will do that.

Thoughts anyone?
Can't give you a URL but ... we picked this over a few months ago ... the general concensus was ..... it was (searches for polite words) ...... garbage!

Seems like as you say ... to heck with the safety rules ..... but add to that ..... a gun which is NOT ''at the ready'' ..... so ''in extremis'' it is disadvantaged, badly.

Nope .... sorry ... this is not the wonder cure for firearms accidents .. far from it .... nice try but ........ :rolleyes:
this is not the wonder cure for firearms accidents .

I agree, and can honestly say i was not wanting to try this product, just wondering what people thought about it. It is a waste of time and money in my opinion. I use the rules my father laid out to me, and teach my child, and nephew the same way i was instructed.
I most certainly dont have a use for one, besides rendering a Raven or Jennings useless and saving someone else from suffering the shortcomings of the pistol or the safety bullet.

Especially after the way he exchanged "ideas" by emailing me and instead harassing me. I will not post the exchange after some counseling by a Mod, but check out my blog. It will be there for all to see.

Give me until Midnight so I can get some food though. I'm starved.
Seems to me to be not only a bad idea, but actually increases danger to the owner and to other family members.

1. Encourages the owner to leave a loaded gun lying around where it is accessable to children because it is "safe." What happens when the kid spins the cylinder a couple of times, then shoots?

2. Pros know to keep their weapons secure, and how to handle them in an emergency situation. They don't need a "safety bullet."

3. The general armed homeowner who might use this device would be quite likely to forget about it in an emergency situation, thus disabling their weapon at the very time it was needed most.

Far better to have a quick-access lock box for your ready weapon.

I posted an answer, (twice, in fact) but then I seemed to lose it. Anyway I tend to agree with you. gun education works with kids. Don't make it forbidden fruit, make it something they are familiar with and know they can't touch until they go to the range with you.

Also I'm not aware of any law requiring me to keep a safety lock on my handgun especially when I'm carrying it. I keep a full mag and one in the pipe so it's ready to go in a hurry.
Extreme, it showed up. Twice. ;)

Well, he emailed me again. Him and his "associates" cant believe I am not drooling over this product. Ugh.

I will post it in the blog too, as well as my response. Then I will block his sorry ass from emailing me again. BTW, the blog is the link below entitled "Betsey's Loyal Minion."
Sounds extremely dangerous. The best way to ensure your child will one day fire a live round into someone as he will have learned that guns aren't dangerous...
Insteand of banning so-called "assault-weapons", your governement should ban that sort of dangerous rubbish...
Gee and I just suspected this guy was a flake back in January when he first posted. Mopar's e'mails from him just confirm it.

At the risk or repeating myself I just say now what I said then;
At the risk or repeating myself I just say now what I said then;
sorry I just couldn't resist

If you need to load EVERY chamber in a revolver to make it safe...

Wouldn't just leaving it unloaded be just as safe and cheaper?

Now before you say, "What if the child finds the ammunition and loads it?"
If a child is able to load live ammo then that same child is also smart enough to UNLOAD the toy ammo.

No offense intended intended here, but even with the atrocious spelling in the web site I can't see why it took FOUR YEARS to develop the safety bullet or am I the only one who see it as just a primer fired wall anchor?
I wonder how many people will shoot themselves or another after they think they chambered the sfety round but actually chamber a live round.
So let me get this right: You have this thing in your chamber. If a kid pulls the trigger, it lodges itself in the barrel and the kid can't move the action to chamber a new round. Right? So then as Mopar Mike said, if you then need to use the thing later and don't know it's been activated, YOU can't chamber a new round because it "locks the action" and you're SOL. Right?

If you have it in there and nobody messes with it, you STILL have to rack the slide (if on a semi auto) to eject the gizmo and chamber a new round.

I agree, what's the point then? You're better off if there's no round in the chamber. Duh.

God forbid anyone TEACH a kid anything but fear and hatred towards a gun. :rolleyes:
What is that invention award where inventors compete to devise the most complicated devices to do very simple things?

I read your blog entry Mike - his spelling hurts my eyes. Why doesn't somebody invent a spellchecking device:scrutiny:
It won't be long before California mandates the purchase of this thing along with the sale of any handgun, like they do with triggerlocks now.

Stand_Watie: Do a search on "Rube Goldberg".

That's it Art, the 'Rube Goldberg Machine contest' is what this character is trying to do with gun safety

An open letter to Mike Worley

Hopefully Mike Worley aka safetybullet will drop by a lurk a bit.
Hopefully he will finally figure out that his primer powered wall anchor is not the cure-all, end-all he has envisioned.

Am I the only one who has noticed that Mike is bold enough to register here and present a feeble sales pitch but then turns tail and hides when his brainchild is shot down by logic. He then turns to e'mail harassment of one of our members instead of face to face forum discussion. Michael, if you are truely a concerned person you should rise above that type of cowardly behavour.

Mike Worley, and his misguided followers, needs to understand that you simply can't make your guns childproof, because children will be children.
As a responsible parent, you MUST Gunproof your Children.
You must teach them to deal with the reality of weapons and violence in our world.
Sooner or later everyones child WILL come in contact with a firearm. Perhaps in your own home but more than likely not. A child is much more likely to encounter a gun at someone elses home or even in the park where some drug dealer on the run from the police threw it in the bushes. This past Easter there were a group of children who found several guns outside their school during the Easter Egg Hunt! One of the ADULTS summoned by the children neglegently fired one of the guns.

Mike, if YOUR child encounters a gun will he/she know what to do? Will they know what NOT to do?

Mike, the idea of your product being of any use in a revolver is downright STUPID if not suicidal.
IF one of your magic beans, er, um, bullets were loaded in the first chamber, because in normal use the cylinder in a modern revolver only turns in one direction, and IF a person was to have the presence of mind under stress, to rotate past it, they would then still have a dangerous, unsafety device in their gun.

It is not uncommon for the average person, in a self defense situation, to fire the gun until it is empty. In this case YOUR unsafety device is still there lurking in the cylinder to lock up the gun preventing reloading. If your advice were followed and TWO magic bullets were used then a six shot revolver would only have three usable shots and a five shot revolver would only have TWO! Your advice to load two of your placebo bullets is an obvious attemmpt to stimulate extra sales of your usless product. The fact is the only modern revolver I know of that readily turns in either direction is a Ruger single action that has been modified after it leaves the factory with a free-spin pawl. If a child were to open the loading gate and spin the cylinder in any direction the only way your product would be of any value is if ALL chambers were loaded with them.

Now, Mike, we all know that you have a lot of money invested in that single stage press and for all of those loading dies. Plus the expense of brass and those primers. And Heaven knows Home Depot wants a fortune for a box of wall anchors. But face the facts, you'll be lucky to recoup the cost of your website and all of those plastic baggies you're using to package your Wonder Bullets.
If you really care about the safety of America's children then give up on this pie in the sky enterprise. Cut bait, quit while you're behind before you get further behind.
READ THIS BOOK, MICHAEL! and then start crusading for a REAL, WORKABLE solution that honestly IS for the children and not for your wallet. Something that evryone can use without resorting to gimmics or misguided trust.

Besides Mike, you could make so much more money by travelling around the country preaching the gospel of Gunproofed Children. Besides when you speak, no one can tell that you don't know how to spell.
From the website

What is your piece of mind worth.

Anybody else think that particular misspelling is kind of ironic considering the potential consequence of poor afety habits regarding firearms? Was it Terry Kath who killed himself because he was relying on a magazine trigger disconnect device while pointing the gun at his head and pulling the trigger?
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