SMG In Family Trunk

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I think ScottsGT has got it, more or less... they'd be "returning" it. I'm not the smoothest lawyer or the most knowledgeable gun afficianado on the board, but it dosen't sound right that you could ever bring back your issue weapon as a "war trophy". The relatives would be discovering that they are inadvertently in posession of USMC property, and in returning it, probably neatly sidestep the Feds. If the family gets on the horn to the USMC museum and signs some paper quickly, there's just no reason for a squabble. DOJ dosen't pay it's attorneys to fight Marine and Navy JAG's over museum donations. What would congress say about those legal bills?
Reising Gun

One of our Tennessee congress critters had a
war trophy Reising hanging on his office wall that was
a WWII bring back by his father. Apparently it was papered
as a war trophy at the time of bring back. This
is one obscure area of gun law.

BTW the Reising in US police service and for
Southern Railway bridge guards did function well
when keep clean and used with fresh ammo in good
magazines (reising collectors tell you that finding
good magazines is a pain.)

American Rifleman had a comment from a WWII Army
commando who said the Reising was a good weapon if
keep "barracks inspection clean" and was a good
choice for hit-and-run operations.
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